Chapter 3- Bye Bye Chocolate Lover

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When they entered Mahek showed them all the places where millions of chocolates were made with the help of hundreds of huge machines. Mahek said, “Now I’ve showed you the whole factory…” But Hitanshi interrupted, “Mahek, when we came here we saw a huge continent and we saw that the factory was as big as the whole continent. But then how come the factory end so soon.” Mahek replied, “Please let me complete and then ask questions. And the factory is not at all over. This factory is divided in two portions. You all have just now completed the first portion of the factory which is at the entrance. You all have seen just 10% of my factory. Now it’s time to see the remaining 90% of it. The second portion includes the chocolate world which is meant for enjoying. Now let’s not waste our time because we have a lot to do today. So less talking, more walking. Follow me girls!” Then Mahek led them to a big brown gate. Ananya asked, “Mahek, is this door made of chocolate?” Mahek replied, “Yes, it is! Inside the 2nd part of the factory most of the things are made of chocolate. Some are edible while some are not. And this is not edible.” Archita asked, “What kind of chocolate is this? Why isn’t it edible?” Mahek said, “Because it’s too thick and hard. It’s very strong. {Here I mean strong like something we can’t swallow because it can cause great harm to our health. For example, if we use too much of coffee powder in a coffee its caffeine is increased and it’s not good for us. In the same way here the chocolate used for making the door contains excessive amount of cocoa and it’s dangerous for us and therefore it is not edible, that is, it’s not eatable and we can’t eat it.}” Anushka asked, “Why have you built this door from such chocolate?” Mahek said, “Good question!!! I don’t want anyone to enter here without my permission because there are some dangerous zones too. And I also warn you all to be careful and don’t do anything which may land you in trouble. This door will only open on my command. Any more doubts? If not then let’s move on.” Mahek commanded the door to open. As soon as they entered, all they could see was chocolate. It was just like a chocolate land. There were flowers, trees, grass and everything but all were made up of chocolate. Then suddenly they saw a huge and mouth-watering CHOCOLATE SEA! All were happy to see it (leaving Anushka). Mahek told, “My dears, have some patience. We’ll fetch some warm melted cocoa {hot chocolate} from the sea.” Then suddenly a disaster happened. As we all know how our dear Ananya is. She wasn’t able to control herself and jumped in the sea. Mahek screamed, “Come out my friend! Come out before it’s too late.” Ananya said, “Mahek, I’m a good swimmer and you know how well I swim. I can take care of myself. Now all of you, stop worrying and come here too.” Mahek yelled at the top of her lungs, “Come out! Come out before it’s too late. This isn’t like other seas. It’s too thick and sticky. You’re destroying both my chocolate & your life. You’ll drown here more easily than water. We can’t fetch you from here. Come out!!!” But she just kept swimming. Her hands were getting sticky and she started drowning. She was too far from the shore and it was too late to save her. To this Mahek started to sing-
“Ananya Sinha went down the sea, she drowned in the sticky chocolate sea. She went deep, deep and deep; and now it’s no use to wail and weep. I told her a lot to show good behaviour, and that she didn’t no one can be her saviour.” {Don’t start predicting anything about the story and continue}

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