Chapter 9- Anushka Dwivedi's and Ananya Sinha's Get Together

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So let’s see what happened with our dear friend Ananya. After she drowned, she was surprised that she could actually breathe and swim under the sea. She could see clearly. She can even talk without chocolate getting filled in her mouth. She can only drink the chocolate if she wishes to. It was indeed a magical sea. She was curious to know what was deep under the sea. She swam deeper and deeper until she found a surface. She reached THE LAND UNDER THE SEA. Even though the sea was brown in colour but it was bright, that is, there was light in the sea. {Just like other seas. Everything was easily visible there.} She started walking further and further and what she found was even more surprising. She saw a city. She went further on and saw that it was a city of fishes and other aquatic animals. The fishes were talking in the human language and were acting as humans as well. The fishes even wore clothes. Some were going to office while some fishes were jogging in a park. Children of fishes were going to school. Some were washing clothes while some were cooking. Everything was going on very smoothly just like our human world. Soon the day was coming to an end and the night was about to start. Then suddenly Ananya saw a figure which actually looked like a human figure was coming towards her. She knew that the factory is on a secret location in another dimension and the possibility of an unknown person being there was 0.01%. So she thought that it may be one of her friends who came to rescue her. She rushed towards the person. Now let’s see what happened with Anushka. She fell into a deep hole which was actually a tunnel. The tunnel seemed like it was never ending. Anushka was coming down from the down through the tunnel from more than an hour. She was actually bored. She was even getting scared by the thoughts which came to her mind. She thought, “What if this tunnel landed into lava? What if there is a pool of poison there? What if there are snakes there? And what about ghosts?” She didn’t knew what to do. The tunnel was dark. Then suddenly, she saw a very scared when she saw a huge beam of light. She was afraid that what if there was actually lava there at the end of the tunnel. But then when she reached out of the tunnel she was surprised. She have reached THE LAND UNDER THE SEA. Even though the sea was made of chocolate and was dark in colour but it was there was light in the sea. {Just like other seas, everything was easily visible there.} The only magical things which were different from all the seas were:-
1. She could actually breathe and swim under the sea.
2. She could see clearly.
3. She can even talk without chocolate getting filled in her mouth.
4. She can only drink the chocolate if she wishes to.
She too started walking further and further and she saw a city. It was the city of fishes and other aquatic animals. The fishes wore clothes and were talking in the human language and were doing the chores like  going to office,  jogging in a park, going to school, washing clothes, cooking, etc. which we humans do as well. Then suddenly she too saw a figure which actually looked like a human figure was coming towards her. She too knew that the factory is on a secret location in another dimension and the possibility of an unknown person being there was 0.01%. So she thought that it may be one of her friends who came to rescue her. She rushed towards the person. Anushka and Ananya both saw each other. Then both of them were very glad because they were actually a little bit scared of how will they get back to their friends and they were relieved to see each other. Anushka told Ananya everything that took place after Ananya drowned and before Anushka fell into the tunnel. Then they decided that both of them will together think of a plan to get back to Mahek and search their other friends. After the get together, are they both going to separate? Can both of them stay alive? Will they be alive for long enough to get to their friends and get out of the factory? Are they in danger? If not, then what is Mahek’s plan? Is it evil?

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