Chapter 8- Are All Safe?

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Archita finally said, “Isn’t it enough. I’m bored.” Mahek replied, “Please trust me and chill. After all, it is your birthday. Enjoy Archita! Enjoy!!” Archita, “Mahek! I have controlled myself till now but now this is high above my limits. Just save our friends and get us back home. Please!!” Mahek said, “Okay!!! Follow me!! Let’s get everyone out of here!” She whistled and 5 chocs came along with a tool box. They went to a corner with a lot of pipes and they started to do something. Mahek said, “It will take a few hours to get them all back so till that will you play a round of badminton with me? And also have some chocolate ice-cream?” Archita questioned, “But are you sure they’re safe?” Mahek replied, “Yes! Trust me! Here is your ice-cream and some water.” They had their snack and played. After sometime they got tired. Archita asked for the friends to be back. Mahek whistled and the chocs joined the whole pipe they were mending before to a tunnel. Mahek told her to go in the tunnel and she entered. Mahek whistled and the chocs removed the tunnel attached to the pipe and closed the pipe’s upper end? Mahek sighed, “At last my work is over! Now let me have a nap till my plan is hatches. I am so excited!!!” Now what will happen with everyone lost? Will they survive? What is Mahek’s plan? Is the plan evil? Are they in danger? How will everyone survive? And most important! What should they be surviving from, the factory’s dangers or Mahek and her plan? Read further to get the answers to your questions.

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