Chapter 16- Departure From Ember Of The Sea Island

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All set, our friends departed the Ember of the Sea Island. They kept their baskets, bags and all their belongings in the boat. Each of them took a pair of oars and started rowing the boat. Archita, Kratika & Shweta were fond of singing and so they started singing row row row your boat and other boating related songs. But our dear fish friend Cassandra the whale’s friend Cloe the dolphin was waiting for them on the shore of the island she was quietly following them. After a few minutes the she popped her head outside. She was in front of their boat so they stopped. She said to them, “Hello!!! I’m Cloe the dolphin and I’m here to guide you all.” They stopped singing and yelled at the same time, “A talking dolphin!!! Unbelievable!!!” Cloe said, “Anything is possible my dears. It’s Mahek’s factory and here, every creature is magical and knows to talk.” They again said the same thing, “OMG!!!” Cloe giggled and said, “Oh my!!! Don’t be surprised to see a talking whale. Here you may find more wonderful things. So now let’s talk about the important things now. How can you all think of journeying without a map? You can get even more lost then you were before. Especially never take risks at the sea. Cause there are many dangers here and the most deadly is a whirlpool. You may survive a shark’s attack but never a whirlpool.” Shweta said, “Oh Cloe!!! Will please guide us?” Cloe said, “That’s my work my dears, but I fear I can’t take you to your destination. My work is to show you the way. But you have to go there on your own.” Kratika said, “Why not? Please take us to our destinations. Please don’t leave us here in the middle of the sea.” Cloe said, “Please try to understand and see. I have somewhere else to be. I can’t come with you. All I can show you is the way, because I have to go and save the day.” Archita said, “Okay!!! Let it be Kratika and Shweta. If all the creatures can talk we can ask some else too. So let’s follow the path she shows us and if we get confused we may ask someone else. So Cloe, can you please tell us the way?” Cloe said, “Thanks for understanding sweetie. Your destination is waiting for you straight towards the right. And if you have any doubts just ask for help. Someone will definitely come for help. I have to go now tararara, bye bye, sayonara!!!” Cloe vanished deep under the sea. So the 3 rowed towards the right. Then suddenly as they were moving, they found that they were trapped. They were in the middle of the chocolate sea and were surrounded by a group of 10 huge scary crocodiles. They were trying to escape but they were scared when they saw that the crocodiles started eating their chocolate boat. Their sharp jaws were munching on the boat and soon the boat started growing smaller and smaller and all the things that they have brought with them drowned in the sea. There was a small piece of the boat and the girls caught each other and were trying to balance their selves. Then the 3 girls were scared to death. {It means that they were so scared they could easily get a heart attack. You may think it’s not that scary. So close your eyes for a moment and imagine that you too are on that boat in the middle of the sea. The sea of a place which is in another dimension. No human can come to recue you in that situation. And you are surrounded by a group of 10 huge scary crocodiles. Let’s continue on.} They were so scared that they were shivering and trembling with fear. They were crying because at that moment they were sure that they were about to meet their ends. Everything was calm and silent there. The crocodiles stopped biting the boat. {Or I’d rather say a piece of boat.} It seemed like everything have stopped. But then suddenly a crocodile bit off a bite of the piece of boat. And now Kratika lost her balance. She was drowning in the sea. But suddenly, a hand caught hold of her hand. It was Shweta’s hand. Shweta caught her both of her hands and Archita was trying to pull them up. They were trying to pull Kratika up with them but they weren’t able to do so Because of the lack of space on the piece of boat. It could barely carry 2 people on it. Then they dived in the sea. Kratika moaned, “Why did you dived in the sea? Now even you both will have to die with me!!!” Archita told, “How can you think that we would leave you?? First of all it’s next to impossible to escape from here because just how these crocodiles have bit of our boat they can easily bite this piece of boat of with just 2 bites. So it will be better to die together rather than dying separately.” Shweta yelled at her, “What do you think? We can never think about leaving you here. You are our bff and that’s what bffs are supposed to do- be with each other no matter what. They live TOGETHER and die TOGETHER.” But then they three were surprised when the when each and every crocodile started singing. Each and every crocodile was singing the same song. A song which they were familiar with. VERY familiar-
“I will be your friend in need,
When you’re in need; I’ll be your friend in deed.
I will be your friend today,
And that’s what true friends do always!”
Then suddenly they all said together, “That’s what Mahek always keeps singing!!!” The biggest crocodile smiled and. Then it said, “You all are correct!!! No need to be afraid of us.” Shweta asked, “Really” The crocodile replied, “Yes!!! And I’m sorry if we may have scared you all but it was our job. We literally don’t scare people but we had to do it this time because we were ordered. Just remember the song because it is a hint for you all to get out of this factory. I was assigned to give you all this hint by Mahek.” Kratika asked, “Really? Why didn’t she told us this before? Why did she landed us in such an adventure and scared us. What if it have turned out into a dangerous situation?” The crocodile said, “She didn’t told you all before because she wanted to give you all a surprise. Didn’t you all enjoyed the thrill and suspense? She wanted to make this an adventure you all will remember through your life. And don’t worry because she is watching on you all through her invisible cameras. There are hundreds of chocs around hiding and if there is any problem or danger she’ll order them to make it alright and save you all. And she may not even need those chocs because she can control even the smallest to biggest thing in the factory from anywhere she is. But my work isn’t over yet because I have still a thing to tell you all. You must have met Cloe the dolphin, right?” Archita said, “Yes!!! How do you know?”  Suddenly Cloe popped out of the sea and said, “Because it was a part of our plan. Now my dear crocodile friends, as planned, I’ll take up rom here. You have to go now tararara, bye bye, sayonara!!!” After the crocodiles went away, Archita asked, “Cloe, I was just curious to know. As far as I know, crocodiles live in ponds, lakes, rivers, reservoirs and streams. But how come these crocodiles live in the sea? Are there no ponds, lakes, rivers, reservoirs and streams here?” Cloe said, “Good question!!! There are ponds, lakes, rivers, reservoirs and streams here but the crocodiles of this factory stay in ponds, lakes, rivers, reservoirs and streams as well as seas. There are 7 continents here which are made into chocolate factories. The other 6 continents are just factories with boring machines. But this continent is made up of only 10% of that boring stuff and the 90% of this is made just like your world. The 7 continents, that is, the 7 factories are North Chorica, South Chorica, Euchoke, Choctralia, Chosia, Chrica and Choctarctica. That is your North America, South America, Europe, Australia, Asia, Africa and Antarctica respectively. Now if you want to go to your friends then follow me to Chosia, which is your Asia. And remember the song, that is, stay together whenever you all will land in trouble, help each other and everything will be fine. Because the true adventure haven’t begun yet. There is a lot to see ahead. ADVENTURE AWAITS!!!” The dolphin took them to Chosia. Now that all our friends are in Chosia/Asia, what is the adventure awaiting for them which our animal friends Cassandra the whale, Cloe the dolphin, the head crocodile and the serpent have warned our human friends? Will they ever survive out of the factory or do they have to stay there their whole lives?

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