Chapter 10- Two Minds Set Together

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They both sat on a huge rock they found under the sea and started thinking. They both had many ideas and suggestions but nothing was decided. They didn’t knew what the next step to do is. In the end, they both agreed that it will be better to start swimming in the above direction and discuss what to do while swimming rather than sitting on that rock and wasting their time. They were swimming for hours but it seemed like the sea was never ending. After hours and hours of swimming, they at last reached above the ocean. That is, they could see the sky. But unfortunately, it was night time and they were not able to see anything in the darkness. They were exhausted and sleepy. But they were too worried to sleep- What if they drowned when they were asleep? What if a big sea creature attacked them? They were so scared that they weren’t able to think anymore. They were too afraid to face the future. Then Ananya cried, “Anushka! What should we do now? We are so tired and sleepy that we won’t be able to stay awake the whole night.” To this Anushka replied, “Ananya! It is really dangerous to sleep now because if we sleep, there will be a 10% chance of survival, 45% chance of drowning and a 45% chance of getting attacked by aquatic creatures. It won’t be appropriate for us to sleep in this situation.” Ananya said, “Anushka, do you think we’ll be able to stay awake for the whole night? NO WAY!!! We’ll definitely fall asleep in some time because of the tiredness. After all we swam for hours. Don’t think about the possibilities of survival. Use your logic focus on thinking a plan. A MASTER PLAN!!!! A plan which is perfect. In which we can sleep as well as survive.” Anushka said, “You are right! Let’s think!!” Ananya suddenly beamed, “I have a plan! A MASTER PLAN!!! What if we sleep turn by turn? Since both of us are exhausted, you will sleep for half an hour while I will stay awake and watch over. Then after half an hour, I will wake you up and go to sleep while you watch over. Then after half an hour we’ll again change our turns and we’ll keep on changing turns until its morning and everything is clearly visible to us and most importantly till both of us are energetic enough to be awake through the whole day. And since it is my plan, I am willing to stay awake first.” To this Anushka replied, “Wonderful plan!!! I accept I am tired but I don’t feel sleepy. At least not as sleepy as you. And if I sleep first even you will sleep and we both will be sleeping. It’s not that I don’t trust you but all I want to say is let me be awake first.” But then Anushka noticed that Ananya was already sound asleep. She was so relieved that she didn’t allow Ananya to sleep first. Then after half an hour they exchanged their shifts. Soon it was morning and both of them were safe and energetic. Anushka said, “I’m really glad that we both met or else I must have felt alone. Thanks you for your plan. We were able to sleep and we are safe too. Thanks a million.” Ananya replied, “Your welcome. Even I’m glad we met. Before you came I was so lonely and scared. If have not met you, I would have still been stuck there under this sea.” Anushka said, “But now the main problem is how we can get back. Any ideas?” To this Ananya replied, “Yes!!! You go towards the East and I’ll go towards the West…” But suddenly Anushka interrupted her, “It won’t work. We may get lost. And what if the shore is on the North or South side? It is very risky!!! The time is very less and in this situation we can’t take any risk.” Ananya sighed and gave her an okay. Then there was pin drop silence. So much silence that one could easily here even the slightest movement. Then suddenly Ananya sighed and said, “I wish we were in our normal world. At least we can be saved from a ship passing by. In this sea there is no one except some fishes. To this Anushka beamed, “What an idea!!!!!!! Awesome!!!!!! Fantastic!!!!! Amazing!!!! Superb!!! Ananya looked confused, “What do you mean? There’s no human except us and our friends. And I can’t see any chocs here. All I can see is fishes and how can we talk to fishes. What happened?” Anushka replied, “FISHES!!!!!!! FISHES Ananya!!!!! Fishes!!! Fishes will help us!” Ananya said in a confused manner, “What do you mean? Are you okay? How can we talk to them? We don’t know their language.” Anushka said, “Haven’t you seen their cities? We don’t know their language but the know ours. Remember! They are fishes but they behaved like us. This is Mahek’s factory! As she always used to say, ANYTHING & EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE HERE!!!” So they swam in search a group of fishes so that they can ask them the way to the shore. But they didn’t knew there was still a surprise for them.

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