Chapter 15- The Ember Of The Sea Island

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Shweta, Kratika & Archita reached the Ember of the Sea Island. On that continent there was not only one but hundreds and thousands of islands. They started searching the island for some food. They found some fruits there. After having a feast on the fruits, they decided to think of a plan to escape from that island and get back to their friends. Archita wondered, “What about our parents? They must be worried for us. The must be searching worriedly for us right now. They must be depressed.” Shweta said, “If I don’t get back home soon my mom will never forgive me. She’ll scold me a lot. After all, my parents love me. They may be so tensed right now.” Kratika said, “My parents must be crying right now. Searching for me far and wide. I can feel their pain. Oh my!!! How I wish I could assure them of my whereabouts. They can’t find me in the whole world. After all, we’re not even in the universe. We are in another dimension which is far more different than our old world and universe.” Archita said, “Maybe we should have waited in London. After all, it was our real world. We could’ve phoned our parents from there.” Shweta said looking frightened, “Oh My God!!! I had the worse thought right now. Remember the song we were singing in London.” Kratika beamed, “Oh yes!!! They must be proud of us. But I don’t understand what is to worry so much in that.” Shweta said, “Oh just can’t you think about it in a more realistic manner? What if our parents thought that we ran away from them to make our own careers? OMG!!! They must’ve reached in London.” Archita said, “Oh goodness!!! You make sense. Actually, it shows a lot of sense. Now I regret coming to this factory. This is my worst birthday ever!!!” Kratika said, “No use of wailing and weeping now. Just calm down and think of a plan to reach Mahek. The faster we reach her, the faster we may escape from this factory and reach our parents.” They all agreed on this and started thinking. Then Archita came with a plan, “Guys!!! I’ve a brilliant idea. I’ve read in a book once that when we are trapped on an island we should search for food and shelter so we could live. We searched for food but we don’t have to live here. We have to reach home quick so let’s just skip the shelter part. Then to escape from an island we should make a boat. And to make a boat we have to chop a few trees down. And for that we need a sharp object. So let’s search the island for one sharp object.” Kratika said, “Superb idea!!! But we don’t need any sharp object. We can just bite it off.” Shweta beamed, “Bravo!!! Both of you!!! Excellent!!! Good job!!! Fabtastic!!! {Fabtastic means fabulous and fantastic.} But what if the boat melts?” Archita said, “Don’t worry!!! I don’t think it will.” Kratika assured her by saying, “It won’t!!! Because just how the trees are standing in the sun without melting; in the same way it won’t.” They rushed to the trees. Shweta said, “These trees look hard just like the door to the chocolate world. I don’t think it’s edible. Remember what Mahek said- it can be harmful to our health.” Kratika said, “You have a point. But we can just try it out once.” Archita said, “I agree with her. And Mahek was giving that information about the door, not the tree. So girls! Let’s give it a try.” They took a single bite. The tree was a little hard but it was within the limit that their teeth can bite off. And it didn’t seemed to have excessive amount of cocoa but then too it was dark chocolate which is very dark brown in colour {which actually looks similar to black} and is bitter-sweet. They were assured that the trees were edible and so without wasting time they bit 1 of the tallest of them. Then they bit of the tree-trunk and made it hallow. It was looking like a perfect boat. Then the needed the oars to row the boat. {An oar is a pole with a flat blade used to row or steer the boat through the water.} So the chopped down 2 more trees and made 3 pairs of oars {6 oars} out of them. They also made 6 huge baskets tying the leaves and twigs together and they carried as many fruits as they can with them in case they won’t be able to find food for days. They also filled their bags with the fruits and filled their bottles with the coconut water. And then they were ready to depart.

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