Leaving Twilight Town

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Sora, Donald, Goofy, Rue, Violet


When the trio was done telling their part of the story, Sora looked down at his good-luck charm sadly.

"Kairi..." he whimpered.

"Do you know what happened to her after she ran?" Rue asked.

Hayner shook his head. "No, we couldn't find her. Or the other coated people. They were just gone."

Goofy leaned toward Donald and the twins. "Ya think it mighta been Axel?" he asked quietly. Donald and the twins nodded solemnly.

"Sorry..." Hayner apologized.

Sora smiled lightly. "Hey, it's not your fault. C'mon, cheer up!" His smile fled from his face. "Like I can even say that..."

"Sora..." Violet whispered, putting a hand on Sora's shoulder. Even Chester rubbed up against Sora's leg.

"I gotta help Kairi!" Sora suddenly exclaimed.

Everyone flinched at his outburst. Goofy dropped the large trophy that the boy had given to them earlier. The four crystal balls rolled away from the trophy. Hayner, Pence, and Olette picked up three of them. Sora grabbed the other, the blue one.

"That was close," Pence sighed. The group stared at the balls for a while before holding them up to face the sunset.

Rue pulled the small pink bag out of her back pocket and pulled out the blue crystal identical to the one Sora held. She also held it up toward the sun. As they held it up, Sora felt something deep in his heart.

"Sora?!" Donald exclaimed. Sora snapped out of his trance.

"Sora, are you okay?" Violet asked, poking his arm.

"Huh...what?" Sora muttered. He turned toward the rest of the group. As he did, the ball in his hand started to glow and sparkle. Sora summoned his Keyblade and unlocked the keyhole.

"W-what was that?" Pence stammered.

"A new road is open," Sora explained. "And Kairi and Riku are somewhere along it."

"And Lelie too," Rue muttered.

"You better hurry, then," Olette sighed.

"You comin' back?" Hayner asked.

Donald nodded. "Promise!" The rest of the group agreed. Chester started yipping. Rue bent down toward him.

"What's wrong, Chester?" she asked. Chester ran towards a large tree. It started digging.

"What is it doing?" Olette asked. Chester yelped and ran back toward the group, a dirty paper was carefully held in it's jaws. Rue took it from him and patted his head. She read the note. She grinned.

"It's from Lelie!" she said happily. "She said she wasn't able to come now, but she's planning on meeting us in the future, and that we should look out for her."

"Then let's go!" Sora shouted. The rest of the group cheered.




In the large white room with thirteen thrones, Saix appeared.

"I passed the message as you so desired," he informed the hooded man in the tallest throne. Xemnas. "I told the young Sora to keep defeating the Heartless. Lelie is also preparing for her mission as we speak. It seems that our goal with her understanding of her memories had been met."

"Good," Xemnas said, his face hidden by his hood. "Not only have you the power to inflict pain, you have the power to plant seeds of doubt in one's receptive heart. Sora will soon begin to doubt himself. It will cause him to hesitate, and that hesitation will turn to anger. That anger will fuel him to get rid of his apprehension and move forward. He will pave the way to the future we desire. And with Lelie's help, that path will be paved quickly."

Saix looked up at Xemnas. "There's something I've meant to ask. About Axel"

"The poor fool. How long will he keep chasing the illusion of friendship, when he himself lacks emotion? Trying so hard to retrieve what he has lost, when it may have never existed in the first place. He deserves nothing more than our pity." Saix remained silent. A few long moments later, a Dark Corridor opened up beneath them. Lelie stepped out, hood up. 

"Why aren't you on your mission?" Saix asked.

Lelie gave a shrug. "Those annoying Twilight Town kids were with them. I didn't want to risk having them recognize my voice and blow my cover. So, I decided I'm just gonna meet up with the brats at Hollow Bastion instead."

"Will that give you enough time?" Xemnas asked.

Lelie sniffed. "Plenty."

Beneath the hood, Xemnas smirked. "I wish you luck then." 

Lelie returned his smug smile, darkness flaring against her skin. "Don't need it. I'll sweep the floor with him."

====Time Skip====

Lelie sat atop a large cliff at Hallow Bastion, waiting for the Sora and the group to show up. 

"Where is the brat?"  She thought angrily. "He dares to keep me waiting?"  She finally spotted the Gummi Ship flying down in the distance. She grinned slowly. Raising a single hand, several shadow-forms of Sora, Rue, and Violet appeared from out of the ground behind her.

"Let's have some fun..."

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