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thomas young's modulus stands corrected: everything does have its fracture point.

"and he came to me and said, 'haha bitch, you broke the rules of fair campaign by influencing one of my minions to vote for one hit wonder pal."

minhee strikes a glare at him, offended. "one hit wonder??"

"anyway, he's getting on my nerves." dongpyo says, frowning. "cha junho had always been so annoying because he keeps talking back at me especially when i'm clowning eunsang, but this junho's much worse! he's becoming more confident with his words because he knows that a lot of people have his back, like he's got nothing to be scared of anymore. i hate it. i want him to turn back."

it was the transition in between classes, and dongpyo was fairly glad that he had the luxury to encounter minhee who was on his way to the toilet along the process, as he dragged the tall boy with him just so he could rant about all the things that happened earlier that day.

"too bad for you sunshine, you can't just get what you want all the time." minhee sighs. "being you must definitely be so hard. you keep complaining about junho and eunsang's presence, but now when they're gone you're now complaining about them not being here? what is this hypocrisy?"

"think ahead, genius. sure, the starcrossed lovers are now gone, but for what cost? what's the point when in return i have to cope with a much more annoying ai version of one of them? it's not worth it!"

minhee tilts his head. "ai? as in artificial intelligence?"

"the hyungs made a recurring theory that this might be the work of the chip that was planted in junho the last time, and to me that's probably very much likely." dongpyo grunts. "this must be ai! no human is capable of being such an impeccable asshole, not even cha junho."

minhee sneers. "son dongpyo's the only human able to go against those odds."

dongpyo's mouth falls open. "what did you just say?"

"you singlehandedly forced me to become a student council candidate. you know how much of a burden that had caused me?"

oh right, i almost forgot about that. dongpyo had been so caught up by junho's shenanigans that he himself failed to realize that he had caused a huge impact in kang minhee's dull life in just a matter of seconds. dongpyo shrugs carelessly. "so what? i'm helping you so you can be productive."

"most people think that i might be having an identity crisis!" minhee shoots at him. "you know how much backlash i received after this fiasco? people joke around on how horrid the school would be if i was the student council. some kids call me disputably indecisive, jumping into such an out of character action. even the bae joonyoung-saem laughed when she heard the news! she NEVER laughs!"

"it's good that people are responding like that, that means you'll get fueled by the needs to do better." dongpyo replies to him calmly. "i promise you that you'll win this."

minhee arches an eyebrow. "you promise..?"

dongpyo nods. "nothing's able to stop me if something had struck my nerves. i'll do whatever it takes to make you win the election, anything if it means my life depends on it, so you don't have to worry too much—"

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