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yo before we get to this chap i just wanna ask uhh if i (hypothetically) continue take me to church would u guys still read it? bc idk there's a lil tingle that supposedly is pulling me into continuing that book LOL ok without further ado, here's chap 21~


a lot of forgiving, a lot of catching up.

(anticlimactic yet important filler chapter!!)

_EUNSANG.XMK: ure kidding. you know seungyoun-hyung????? you recognized him??? WTFFF why didn't u tell me?!!?!

"yo, i've been searching for him for ages!" his sister sits eagerly in front the laptop, for the first in forever she's happy to be in touch with her brother again. "you literally forgot everything since you were still a baby back then. mom told me never to speak of him again, so that's why i got stripped off. surely i was left alone with the memories! some days i don't even believe he was even real since it certainly felt like a fever dream to be friends with such important chaebol."

after the short euphoria of reuniting with eunsang and discussing about what they all knew and did not know about mimicry junho, the formal meeting came into an end when daniel had to excuse himself as he had an important errand to do regarding to his company. slowly the crowd began to broke apart, with the boys splitting up as they discussed about the different topics. eunhee stays close to her brother as she is accompanied by seungwoo and wooseok, seungyoun's best friends who are awfully curious of their friend's background story.

"so eunsang had met seungyoun even before this whole thing happened? i knew it!" seungwoo excitedly moves to the beat. "tell me more! what do you know?"

"yeah, how was seungyoun back then?" wooseok asks with a sly grin. "i'm asking not because i'm searching new content for me to clown him about, of course, i'm just genuinely asking. hehe."

_EUNSANG.XMK: yea i wanna know too!!!

"oppa~" eunhee turns to the latter who's currently hovering the kitchen. "you want to me to tell them or would you like to tell them yourself?"

seungyoun stirs the chamomile tea he has made for himself, gesturing at her. "i'm not much of a talented storyteller. you tell them."

"okay!" eunhee turns back to the older boys and seungyoun's laptop. "so, i think you guys have already known that seungyoun-oppa was once involved in a car crash..."

and so they listen to her story intently, not wanting to miss a single thing. seungyoun, not interested of listening to his life story all over again, decided that it's best for him to hang around with his dongsaengs.

at the other end of the room, hangyul, dohyon, dongpyo and minhee are off to sending jaemin away, for he had involved himself in other plans. "you sure you can't stay here longer? we haven't catch up with each other!" hangyul says with a frown.

"no can do, sister, i have an important meeting with some sponsors this evening. sorry, busy man." he says the last sentence in english, an effort to dramatization. "i got meetings all scheduled til next week, god i'm glad my duties will soon come to an end."

dongpyo whispers to minhee, "see? that's what a productive and not jobless person looks like. you better take notes."

"ah! speaking about the student council— dear me, i'm really bad at remembering things. minhee-ssi!" minhee straightens his posture the moment he hears his name being called. "don't forget that there'll be a briefing for the presidential debate tomorrow after school. don't be late! oh, and don't forget to bring your campaign team that consists of five people!"

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