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sometimes even your emotions could get into the way.

[a/n: some of you will love this chapter, some of you will not, and i, as the author, hope that this doesn't disappoint anyone that much bc hshshs keep in mind that this isn't the main focus of the story. ]

seungyoun gazes at his friend with a light smirk. "you know, avoiding me wouldn't keep you from thinking about me, right?"

wooseok was making himself busy in the kitchen when suddenly seungyoun had to come around, ruining his peaceful morning. unlike the previous days, seungyoun has started to open up again, and for the first time in forever, he has no upcoming meetings with daniel. this is one of the rare mornings wooseok has gotten to see him, especially in a rather, playful way.

wooseok avoids his gaze as he proceeds to grab some eggs from the refrigerator. "why are you here?"

"dude, this is my house."

"i thought you're going out with daniel again."

"daniel has a few errands he must do, for he is quite a busy guy." seungyoun leans on the kitchen counter, distracting wooseok from making his breakfast. "he cares more about his responsibilities than i do."

"then why can't you do the same?" wooseok shoots back as an effort to bring him back to work. "aren't you supposed to be busy like him, heir to the cho corporations?"

seungyoun laughs. "you sound like you're shooing me away."

"i am. the house is way better without you around."

"kim wooseok, you do remember that i'm able to read your mind, right?" he pouts. "all those ignorant remarks you pull off yet your mind says otherwise. stop trying too hard to prove yourself, snowflake."

wooseok's breath hitches. he feels as if the everlasting ice in his body has been completely obliterated by the single word. his cheeks flush.

seungyoun's eyes widen. "man, out of all the nicknames i've given you — elsa, frostie, aquaman — none of them have resulted such emotions. you like to be called snowflake." he grins. "the exact nickname that daniel gave you, wow."

"no, i hate it!" wooseok yells as he breaks the eggs into a pan. "i hated it when he called me that, i wanted to break all the bones in his body until there's nothing left!"

seungyoun raises his eyebrow. "yet you like me."

wooseok flutters his eyes in surprise, the pan freezes in reflex, alongside with the eggs. he looks down, staring at what he has done.

"... calling you that." seungyoun glances down with him, concerned about the eggs. "uh, what just happened?"

"uh.. uh i did this in purpose!" wooseok grabs a fork from the counter and scratches the surface of the icy pan. "frozen eggs, just as delicious as frozen pizzas. pretty sure it's trending on twitter."

seungyoun grins in delight. "wow, you're so cute when you're flustered, snowflake."

"don't call me that!"

"what? cute or snowflake?"


"okay, cute snowflake."

"for god's sake, it's too early for you guys to be flirting." seungwoo appears from his room as he goes to wash his hands. he looks down at wooseok's pan of frozen eggs. "that's a dreadful pair of eggs you got there, you sure you're okay?"

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