I Figured It Out

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I scanned through this unfamiliar place where the public ride had brought me.

Where the hell is Kid's house?

I tapped my phone and thank God, Sabina had replied to my messages. Before I could even type to reply back, she called.

"I am so sorry I wasn't attentive to my phone. Where are you?"

"I---I don't know. I could only see blocks and gateways. I'm so bad at places, Sabina."

She laughed a bit before she gave me instructions. She said she'd meet me half way there. Fair enough, she was true to her words. I rolled my eyes at her as she waved at me.

"If only you'd agreed to wait for me before coming here, my life could've been easier."

"Come on, Cha! You're alive, you're fine!"

Sabina and I entered a blue-colored wide gate that to my guess is finally Kid's house.

The place was green and clean. There's plenty of plants and trees, chirping birds and a narrow road leading you to the actual house that's quite ancestral in design and features. I wonder how old this house is.

Inside the house were antique marbled furnitures and carpetted floor justifying its old and authentic look. Athena greeted me alongside Chino, Darius and Kid. They were warching some kind of a documentary about a known crime in the city.

Me and my friends whom I happened to just met few weeks ago, (except Sabina) decided to meet for a project we'll work at school.

Athena, Chino, Darius and Kid were already friends before we came to the picture. They seem harmless and they're nice to us.

"Did you have a hard time finding your way here?" Athena asked as I sit next to her. Athena is Half-Spanish, Half-Thai and so her beauty is a mix of both. She's very pretty like the goddess named similar to hers.

"Yeah, sort of."

"Same goes for us when we first met Kid." Darius joined. Darius was the most playful one out of them. He likes to joke around.

Chino smiled at me and I smiled back. Out of all, he was the nicest to me. He has this pinkish skin, Japanese look that probably everyone sworns about.

Apparently, the guy named Kid, was always distant. On normal days, I don't seem to mind, maybe that's just his personality. But for today, we are at his place. It makes me think he doesn't like me and Sab around. Or maybe that's just me.

After watching the two-hour documentary, we gathered at the dining table and spread pictures of evidences we needed for the project.

"I can't believe the court denied this evidence, this doesn't seem edited." Darius said as he pointed out one picture from the table.

"And that was 1987. I don't think photoshops are highly tehnical that time." Sab said.

"Exactly." Chino agreed. "This is the most concrete evidence, don't you think? I believe that the court today will be convinced that someone paid the court before to deny this."

"I guess we are done then." Darius excitedly say.

I scanned through that photo and I feel like we're missing a piece of something.

"What do you think, Kid?" Athena asked.

I subcontiously turned to Kid and I can't help but notice the good features he has as he furrowed his brows.

"I think we're missing out an important information."

I was surpised that we thought the same about it but I am more surprised that he's actually attentive when he looked careless the whole time we watched the video.

We agreed to look for details that probably we've skipped.

It's 7 pm and I heard my stomach roaring like a lion, hungry for zebra.

I think everyone felt the same as Athena stood up and presented to prepare us dinner. She maneuvered the kitchen like she's been living here for a long time.

We continued what we're doing, when suddenly, everything went black. The lights had burn out.

Sab squeak and I held her hands for comfort.

"Athena." I heard someone say.

Athena. She's alone in the kitchen.

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