See things in a different light

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A tear suddenly escaped as I process everything that was happening.

I told the police everything I knew, heard and saw from that scene.

I could not talk when they exit. I was left for no words.

I asked Sabina for what really happened. There's no point in resting. I cannot sleep without being answered.

"The kidnappers tried to trade you for Athena. Athena agreed to do so. Even when she came with the police, the guy you named Quatro was so wise. He managed to run Athena away. He was obsessed with her."

My mouth parted.

Sab told me what she found out when she went to the police office last time.

That Quatro was a leader of a syndicate. That he homed Athena and they had relationship. But Athena left him.

"I'm sure you heard rumors about Athena and Kid at school. They were a thing." She shrugged. "Athena fell in love with another man."

"What happened to Athena, then?"

There was a long pause before she continued.

"Kid found her body dead the day after you were traded. He was so angry. The autopsy shows that Athena was raped and died in a head gunshot."

I cried. My body ached a lot but my whole being was numbed hearing these things. It's like one after another.

My father comforted me.

"Athena died because of me." I finally uttered.

Sabina looked at me, belittling her eyes.

"That's not true. You are here, lying in a hospital bed because of Athena."

Although, she sounds right, I could not agree on that. I feel guilty that life was just taken away in exchange of mine.

"Enough of that discussion. Sab, you can go home and rest now. Thank you for taking care of my daughter but you need to rest to. I'll tuck her to bed now."

Sabina faced my dad and nodded. She turned to me and told me she'll be back tomorrow.

Two days and I was out from the hospital. My father would not want me to continue studying in Manila. He wants me back in Kalibo.

"I won't dad. I'll have my remaining second semester in fourth year here in Manila. It's a waste to go back."

My old man can only sigh.

"Promise me to come back and take a break after you finish your second semester."

I showed him my assuring smile.

My father is a farmer in Kalibo. He's the only family I have. My mom died when she gave birth to me and since then, dad never get married again. I felt sad when I had to leave him to accept my scholarhip in Manila. But I know  I had to chase ny dreams.

"I'll take comfort believing that there was no really harm after you. What happened was just mistaken identity. But please stay away from danger, honey. You know I can't lose you."

I nodded and I hugged him tight.

The investigation went on but there was no lead for Quatro but weeks later, he was captured and his whole gang syndicate.

When I went back to school, everyone is still talking about it. I shrugged.

Kid Ongpauco walked into the room and the whole class was silent.

I don't know why I had an urge to approach him. Maybe the guilt in me wants to apologize.

I tried to talk him in all the chances I could but he would always avoid me. It is as if he is annoyed by me and by everyone.

I sighed. I feel bad for him. He had to see the love of his life lying down dead, raped and shot. That is just inhumane.

And now he's shutting all the doors because he's angry and sad.

One day, I followed him and sat in a table he occupied in the library.

I don't really know what to say.

He looked at me so coldly and then looked at the books he collected, completely ignoring me.

"Ugh." is what I could only say.

I let out a controlled sigh.

"I came to say sorry. I feel so guilty to what happened to Athe---"

"Don't even go there." he interrupted almost with no expression.

"You have no rights to talk about her."

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