Late night, your eyes fell to the floor

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I stood up and grab a pillow deciding to just sleep the couch since Kid had invaded the bed.

I lied down in the couch for awhile but sleep hasn't visited me yet. I'm trying to process what has happened to me. I remembered Darius and Chino being so nice. And Kid.. We'll hes always a jerk but I can't believe he signed up for this. I can't believe they did this to me!

I put all my thoughts to sleep.

When I woke up I am already in the bed. Did Kid carried me there?

Of course! He's the only one you were with in the room.

I stretched my body and checked my face before I stood up. The first thing I saw was the door in the room is finally open! I hurriedly went out only to find a living room and a kitchen. The main door to the outside is locked. I was disappointed.

I noticed that this was not his ancestral house. The place is actually very modern, opposite to the once he had.

I smelled coffee and and a hitch of butter from the kitchen and my stomach automatically roared and so I walked through there.

Kid sat in one of his high chair sipping his coffee. I think he's waiting for the toaster to bell behind him.

He doesn't have any tshirt on and his hair was disheveled. He's hotter in the morning!

"You don't look like a kidnapper!" I muttered taking one chair end.

"Well, I'm not." His morning voice was husky.

"You are! You kidnapped me here." I got irritated remembering ny situation.

"I did not kidnap you."

What does he call my situation, then? I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah right."

"I am not asking for ransom so technically this is not a kidnap. You're not even rich, you're last name doesn't ring a bell." He expelled.

The bread toast was ready and he served that to me. He made me a coffee too.

"What do you want from me, then?" I asked as he went back to his chair.

He grinned looking at his coffee and took a sip from it.

I, so want to punch him in the face.

"You'll stay here to accompany me."

What? What?!

"You asked me how can you take the pain away, right? This is how you do it." He said it with finality before he walked away from me.

I left my hang open. Did I say that? When did I say that?

I finished my coffee and toast before I followed him to the bedroom. But he was not there. I heard a shower on from the right side of the room and I found a door in there. So there's the shower. Maybe he's inside.

I pouted when I realize that I can't take a shower too. I do not have clothes in here.

I waited for him outside the shower that he was so surprised to see me when he got out.

He's wearing a white tshirt now and a yellow boxers. Yellow boxers? How gay.

"I want to take a shower, too. But I don't have clothes to change."

He dragged me inside and I found a huge bathtub and a big shower space and a door to closet. He opened that door.

"Pick a shirt from here, after you take a shower." I nodded. But I remembered my underwear.

He was about to go but I stopped him.

"But my underwear!" I felt my whole face blushed when I said that.

"Don't put any." He smirked. "You won't need that anyway." The last words were whisper.


That's it and he left me. So I helped myself clean and fresh. I looked around the marbled bath room. This is actually bigger than his kitchen.

I spent two hours enjoying the hot tub before I decided to finish my bath.

I picked a dead pink tshirt that looked like a dress on me. I wore that without underwears. I sighed.

I went out and I found Kid in the living room watching something on TV. There were delivery foods in the sofa table. Maybe he ordered while I was in the shower.

I sat beside him and scanned the food.  Fried chicken, pizza and pasta was there.

"Is this what we'll have for lunch?" I asked. He just nodded.

I raised my right eyebrow. "You don't know how to cook. Do you?"

"Just be thankful."

I chuckled and then we started eating while watching TV.  It was a cartoon character movie I do not understand. But Kid seems to be enjoying it. I shrugged.

We spent our whole afternoon like that and it was past 5pm when I decided to go to the kitchen and scanned his refrigerator. I saw pork and some spices from there.

I think I'm gonna cook pork steak for our dinner. I turned to the rice cooker first to prepare rice.

And then I put an apron on readied to cook.

"What are you doing?" Kid asked as he went in.

"I'm cooking our dinner. I know how to cook."

He looked pissed when I faced him.

"Why? What?"

"Cook me dinner, then." I nodded.  "But I want you to do that, naked."

My eyes grew bigger, did I hear him right?

"I am serious." He is indeed very serious when I looked at him.

He is out of his mind!

He came near me slowly. He took off my apron and held the tip of my shirt and took that off from me.

I was in awe.

"Better." He whispered in my ear.

I don't know how I managed to finished my pork steak as he enjoyed himself watching me cooking, barely naked.

I was so red when we were eating, I can't even look at him. I still don't have any clothes on!

"Hey." He said in between eating. "Hey look at me." He held my chin to meet his eyes.

There was a smug look on his face. I feel like crying. I never felt this so humiliated!

I finished my food and cried inside the bedroom the whole night.

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