Black and White

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Growing up, I had problem with my eyesight and you had it when they say, "people with poor eyesight can be more sensitive on darkness." Or it helped that I am the only person closest to the kitchen that when Kid whispered Athena's name I knew I had to do something.

When I came, I heard Athena blubbering. It was as if she was so scared. Does she have nyctophobia?

But before I could even step to where she is, someone stronger grabbed me and then I felt a cold steel from behind. It happened so fast that the last thing I could remember was Athena's shout.

I woke up feeling so weak in a place so unfamiliar to me. It was like a scene from an abduction movie. All I could see is a light from a lamp far from my left.

I coughed so hard and I don't why I feel like I'd be out of breath.

And then I felt a torment pain on my back. I touched it and saw blood gushed all over my hand. Right, I was shot.

What happened? Where is Athena?

And as if on cue, three men entered into the room. One of them coming near to me trying to touch my hair. I tried to moved my hands but it's too late that I realized, I was handcuffed. My feet was tied too.

"Move away from me! You jerk!"

The three just chuckled. When another man tried to do the same, I used all my might to shrug him off.

"Athena, is it?" One of the men asked.

My brows furrowed.

"Quatro said you're a cry baby. You don't seem like one."

Clearly, they've mistaken me for Athena.

Telling them I am not the one they're after won't help. The best thing to do now is find a way to escape. I tried to scan the place and all I could see was four walls.

Come on, there must be a way. Or should I negotiate?

"You can't get away with us now." One man held my chin.

"Quatro is coming in five minutes." One man announced.

"Who's Quatro?" I asked boldly.

I am trying to get information. Maybe it would help me on negotiating.

"Quatro will be heartbroken. Her favorite girl doesn't remember her."

They looked at me in disbelief.

"You forgotten him like he wasn't the one you loved almost half of your life."

"She traded him for someone she just met. Quatro is fuming mad." The third man then looked at me. "You will pay."

Is the man Athena supposed to just met was Kid? Is Quatro her past lover?

I am still so confused. It doesn't help that I am losing too much blood and I am actually feeling dizzy.

I wasn't raise a quitter. This is not how I die. Thinking I might die in a scene like this, sounds just so horrible like a clichè melodrama I used to watch.

"You are right. Quatro loved me so much that if he found out that one of you shot me, he would kill you."

I saw how their expression changed at my declaration.

"You think so?" One asked unsure. He shooked his head. "You are just trying to fool us around, you bitch!"

He was about to slap me when someone stopped him. A man in an all black suit entered the room and the three men automatically stood straight like life depended on him.

Maybe this is Quatro. If he found out I am not Athena, I'd be dead.

The man stared at me and I saw how his eyes widened when he recognized I was a different person.

"Bastards!" He shouted. "She is not Athena! Where is my Athena?!"

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