You and I

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Kid Matias Ongpauco's POV

"Kid, who were you looking at?" Athena said that I absentmindedly turned to her.

She turned to where my eyes left and then she grinned. "So you are interested in that newbie." She playfully said.


"You are. Do not deny it. I caught you always looking at her."

She started walking and I followed her.

"What's her name again?" Her forehead knotted. "Ah, I heard Chino calling her Chareena."

"I am so not interested with her." I sat in one of the school's benches.

"She's pretty and she seems nice."

"Will you stop it, Athena?" I said as she sat next to me. She chuckled.

"Come on. Man up, boy."

Athena is like a sister to me. I met her when she was so depressed and scared for her life. Quatro is always hunting her. Athena could not live a life with him, anymore. From then on, I'd come where she goes. I know I needed to protect her.

I am not blind by the people who thought we are together, I just don't give a damn about it. They don't make sense.

My eyes found Chareena Donato again.

She is ordinary. I don't care about her really. Chino seems to be fond of her because he talks about her a lot.

One day I watched her looking so frustrated on a vending machine. I approached her. She seemed surprise to see me.

"Ugh. Are you gonna use this vending machine, too? But I think it's not working."

I was taken a back because I became preoccupied hearing her voice this close. I don't know about me.

I recovered and helped her with it. She was smiling from ear to ear when it worked. I shook my head.

"Thank you." She said while I nod.

Athena befriended Cha and she continued teasing me on days. I'd laugh about it.

Chareena on the other hand, always caught my attention. She wears knee-length dresses on Wednesdays. How she always loves to eat crackers on her break. She always has milk after every lunch which is weird because milk is suppose to have for breakfast... or bed time. She gently slides her hand to her ear when she's nervous. She laughs so loud but not loud enough to disturb others. She is creative. Her works are always on display when we'll have exhibits.

I tilted my head. I think I need to accept the fact that I like her.

Until that dreadful night happened.

"Quatro is just too much!" Athena groaned. "She might kill Chareena."

She is so worried while I'm left there dumbfounded. I know what Quatro can do and the thought that he could possibly harm Chareena scares me.

We have to do something.

"T-the easiest way to save her is when I show up." Athena cracked her voice.

"No!" I exclaimed.

We sure can figure out other solution than that.

She shooked her head. "This has been long overdue. I was rightfully his. Chareena and no one should pay for me."

I saw Chareena losing consciousness and I immediately attended her.

"You need to bring her to the hospital." Athena frantically said.

"What about you?"

"The police are coming, don't worry about me." A lie I shouldn't have believed.

Seeing Athena lifeless broke me. Her being brutally killed ripped me. It was a slap that I did not  and could not protect her.

I could not talk to anyone for days. Quatro was captured and I strangled him so much that I think I could kill.
He was crying.

"Would you like to go visit Chareena at the hospital?" Darius once asked.

The things on my table flew away by my sudden bang. Hearing her name reminded me of how worthless I am. She ruined everything. I should've not saved her. Clearly, Athena was far more important to me than her.

But when she came to me on the library one day, I realized that I could not blame her. She is a victim too.

"I liked Chareena." I admitted to Chino and Darius. "But I could not like her now."

Chino drank the glass of JD and poured another for me.

"Athena likes her for you." Darius said.


My mind was a mess and so I avoided them.

But Chino and Darius came with her one day in my place.

"I know you badly wanted to see her. Give yourself a chance, Kid."

I shrugged it off. I am too broken for it.

"I want to know why you hate me so much." she came to me one rainy afternoon.

I saw how much she was bothered by it. Why would she be bothered by it?

I told her about what I feel. That I am still hurting. And I somehow blame her for it.

She was crying. And seeing her this way caused panic in me.

"How can I take your pain away?" Like me, she was in pain too.

Oh baby, Can I take yours, instead?

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