Chapter 1

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Game of Survival - Ruelle

Chapter 1

After mentally freaking out for several minutes on how I had ended up in the middle of the woods, I turned my attention to the injured women before me, who was slowly starting to come to. She groaned out in pain, but I stopped her when she started to move. " You hit your head; you shouldn't move too much." I warned, and she went still. I pulled my backpack off to help support her head; My dad was a nurse, so I knew at least that much about car crash victims. " Where are we?" She asked glancing up toward canopy above us.

" I don't know." I responded, removing my jacket, and tying it around my waist. I checked my pockets for my phone, frowning when I saw that I had no signal. " Wherever we are, there isn't any cell service." I said. " How's your head? Any other injuries?"

" I don't think so." The women replied. " What's your name?"

" Alicia Stevens, some people call me Alice."

" I'm-" She started to say, but was cut off when we heard movement and I spun around, finding nothing but a rattled bush. " You heard that right?" She asked, and I nodded. " We aren't alone out here." I concluded, before turning back to her. " Do you think you can stand?"

Her condition could be a lot worse, but we can't stick around here for whatever is out there to attack us.

" Yeah, yeah, I think so." She responded, before slowly getting to her feet, stumbling slightly toward me as I supported her. Once she was steady on her feet, I let go of her momentarily and pulled my backpack on. Our pace was slow as we walked in silence for several minutes, before stopping again so that the women could rest. " Do you know how we ended up here?" She asked, and I shook my head.

" We were on the street. It was raining, then a light fell on us."

" A light?"

" The pole thing. It got hit by lightning." I said, waving my hand at her. I talked with my hands when I was agitated. 

" Alice.... Are we dead?" She asked, her voice quiet, and I looked over at her with a sigh, shaking my head. " I honestly don't know." I responded. Tears filled her eyes, and she buried her head in her hands. " Hey, hey." I said grabbing her hands, making her look at me. " We cannot break down right now. We are in the middle of nowhere, with who knows what. You have to be strong, okay? Do you have any family? Kids? A husband?"

" A little brother." She responded, her voice shaking. " Fletcher, he's 9."

" Then think of him." I said. " You have to get through this, for him." I told her, and she nodded, before she looked up at me. " What about you? Do you have anyone?"

" No." I responded, turning away, my expression hard.

My dad died 2 years ago in a helicopter crash; my mom, however, was a different story. I had no one but Peter and his Aunt May, but they thought I lived with my uncle, so they never asked about me. I heard a thud behind me and spun around to find a tall figure holding a knife to the women's throat. He said something in a language I couldn't understand, and several other figures dropped from the trees around us. 

The one holding the knife pushed my companion toward me, and she stumbled to my side, her eyes wide with fear. " Who are you?" The one with the knife questioned, this time in English, his blue eyes narrowed. Neither of us answered, she because of fear, and me because I had no idea what would happen if I spoke. We both jumped as the knife struck the ground inches from where we stood.

One of the tall men around us said something, and the knife thrower responded, without taking his eyes off of us. After a moment he said something else, before turning away as two of them lowered their bows and moved toward us. I noticed my companion glance toward the knife, and before I could stop her, she went for it.

Something wheezed passed me, and she crumbled to the ground, an arrow in her back. My eyes widened in horror as I stared at her lifeless form.

I hadn't even learned her name.

I was grabbed from behind, but I was too stunned to resist as I was stripped of my backpack, and forced to the ground, my hands bound behind me.

Hey, guys. Hope you're enjoying the story so far. Alice's journey has officially begun.

Want a heads up on when the next update will be? I'm on discord now, and can be reached at Fanfica99#8075.

Message me and I'll send you an invite to my discussion server.

Tell next time

- ElizabethUnderwood7

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