Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

I stood on the balcony of my room staring down at the courtyard, thinking over my encounter with Aria a week ago, when Meriel entered with an armful of different colored fabric. " What's that for?" I questioned, as she laid it all on the table where she usually did most of her work, and she turned to me with a smile, moving so quickly that the hem of her dress lifted off the floor slightly. " A new dress, of course."

" What for?" I asked, moving to look at the fabrics out of curiosity, my fingers brushing over a dark blue fabric.

" The summer ball." She responded, and upon seeing my look of confusion, she let out a sigh and pulled me toward the mirrored platform to begin the measurements for a new dress. " The first days of summer are upon us, Alicia, and it is a long-time tradition to hold a ball on the first day of the new season. " She explained.

" I didn't realize that I had been here that long." I said, counting in my head. It was June. Had I really been here two months already?

" I understand that you still have much to learn about our world, but might I ask that you hold off on your questions until I'm finished." She asked, giving me a look, and I nodded. " Good. I have 20 days to not only make this dress, but also turn you into a proper dancer."

" Dancer?" I cried, and in response, she poked me in the hip with a needle." Ow." I cried, and she grinned up at me sheepishly, before moving to the table of fabric.

For the next three hours, I stood in silence while Meriel tried out different colored fabrics, turning me this way and that, poking me every so often with a needle when I either asked a question, or gave my opinion without her asking for it, pretty much turning me into a pin cushion by the time she allowed me to move. Meriel and I then journeyed from the room, and down several hallways I was not familiar with, before leading me into a large room from which hung a large chandelier. It reminded me of the ballroom from The Beauty and the Beast, minus the painted ceiling and more tree-like esthetic. 

Waiting for us was Thranduil, and the fair-haired Princeling.

Great another bunch of lessons where I end up on my butt, while he scowls at me. 

" Lady Alicia." Legolas greeted politely, and I frowned at him, nodding my head in return

What was he planning?

I glanced over when I caught movement to find a bunch of elves with several different instruments, none of which looked familiar. I turned back to the conversation as Meriel cleared her throat before she and Thranduil moved across the room, leaving me with Legolas.

Thranduil motioned to the musicians, who after a moment began to play. The two elves faced each other, as the music filled the room, Meriel dropped into a curtsey while Thranduil bowed his head slightly before they each raised their hand, not touching, and began to rotate in a small circle. After three turns, they switched hands and turned in the opposite direction. After another three more turns, they came together, their hands drifted down to wrap around each other's waist. They began to rotate slowly around the room, and I stood mesmerized.

How in the world was I supposed to learn this in 20 days? And in heels and a dress like the one Meriel was making.

As the song came to a close, Thranduil and Meriel returned to where we stood. " I will take my leave now." Thranduil said, before bidding us farewell and departing through the large doors on the other side of the room. " May I have this dance?" Legolas asked, my gaze lingering after Thranduil as I nodded in response turning to look at the prince, who was also looking after his father.

Several minutes, and several crushed toes later, Meriel was applauding me as we spun around the room. " I told you there was no need to worry, you're a natural, Alice." She grinned, and I rolled my eyes before looking up at Legolas he muttered." She's not wrong, I was expecting to have bruised feet by the time we were done. You have potential, for a human."

In response, I purposely made a misstep and stomped on his foot, earning a glare from the blonde.

" Oops." I said, innocently, not hiding my smile and he rolled his eyes. " There's a reason I agreed to help with this. I was cruel to you, and for that I apologize. I treated you unfairly, and there was no call for it."

" I've given you no reason to trust me. There's no need to apologize." I said, and he shook his head. " My father trusts you, and that should have been enough, but..." He trailed off before releasing a breath. " There's so much you dont know about our world, about us. If your presence here leads to what I believe it will, then there are things you must know. Things about-" He was cut off as Tauriel rushed into the room, and he moved away from me to hear what she had to say. They spoke quietly for a moment before quickly leaving without a word.

What? What had he been about to say?

" It's been a long day, why don't we go sit down and have some tea." Meriel said, pulling me from my confused thoughts, and I nodded in agreement before following after her.

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