Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I flinched as the sunlight poured through the window of the room, before rolling away with a grunt, burying my head between the large pillows. " You truly are a joy so early in the morning." A voice said, and I stiffened, before peeking out wide-eyed. The king stood on the balcony, his back to me as he stared out over his kingdom. Hesitantly, I pulled myself upright, fully prepared to run if he tried to throw another knife at me.

He turned to face me, and I immediately replaced my shocked look with a glare.

" And to what do I owe the honor of your wonderful presence, your highness?" I questioned.

He smirked, before stepping toward me, and in an attempt to keep my distance I slid sideways, putting the large bed between us. Having anticipated my actions, he walked around the foot of the bed, blocking me in. I continued to back away as he moved toward me, only to find myself cornered when he put a hand on the wall next to me, cutting off any other escape route I might have had.

" I will only inform you once, girl, you walk free within my hall, and feast at my table, only because I allow it. " He hissed leaning toward me. " The first sign that you wish to cause harm to me, or my kin, I will put you right back in that cell. Do we understand each other?" He asked, and I nodded. His eyes searched my face, before he turned away as he made to leave.

" I have instructed Meriel to pack a bag for you, and to have you ready to travel before mid-day."

" Travel? Where am I going?"

" We are going to pay a visit to someone who might know how to help me rid myself of you, if your claims are true." He told me, bluntly, and I scowled at him as he disappeared out the door, just as a very stunned looking Meriel entered with breakfast.

True to his word, Meriel had me ready to leave before Mid-day, it involved rushing through breakfast and nearly being drowned in a large tub, but I hardly cared because it meant I might finally get some answers to why I had ended up here; I just hoped I didn't end up in an even worse situation then I already was.

Meriel had given me a green cloak to wear over a green tunic, a white long-sleeved shirt, and dark colored pants. I had also been given a pair of brown riding boots, because Meriel had explained that the shoes I had worn before weren't fit for it. My hair had been braided down my back. 

I was escorted down to the stables, where the king was already waiting, he too was dressed for travel. He barely glanced over at me while he was talking quietly with his son, in what I was starting to believe was their native tongue. I stood awkwardly, not really knowing what do while I waited for them to finish their conversation, but I found my attention pulled away from them when a large elk was led toward them. They ended their conversation, and I glanced away as he passed, his eyes narrowed in my direction, if looks could kill, I'd be dead.

" Well, you nearly resemble a human now." The king said walking over to me with the large elk in tow, I scowled at his words and crossed my arms. " What's that supposed to mean?" I questioned, and he smirked, before walking away without a response. " You will be riding with me." He called out, and I had to resist to urge to joyfully jump up and down.

 I'm from Queens, I did not know how to ride a horse, but riding with him I knew was going to be torture.

I followed him from the stables but stopped when someone approached with my backpack. It was heavier than it had originally been. " I thought you might prefer your own. Your possessions, as well extra clothing have been placed within " The king said.

" Thank you." I said, before looping the single strap over my shoulder. When I joined the king outside the stables, he pulled my hood up over my head, confusing me. " It will be near nightfall by the time we reach the edge of the forest, the cover of night will hide us from anyone wishing to attack along the way."

" Attack?" I asked, more worried then afraid, but he waved me off. " It's less than likely, but there is still the danger of Orcs looking for a fresh kill. Our traveling party will shrink once we reach the forest's edge, allowing us to move quicker."

" Where exactly are we going?"

" I have asked for the assistance of the White Counsel in Rivendell. The advice of wizards isn't usually the kind I seek, but this does not seem like a normal situation." He said, helping me onto the back of the large Elk, before climbing on in front of me. " I will warn you, Alicia Stevens, should you attempt to flee at any time, you will regret it once caught." He said, the dark tone in his voice sending a chill down my spine.

Somehow, the only thought that went through my head was: Can he not go one day without threatening me?

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