Chapter 9

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Chapter 10

" You just called me a frog, try again." Lord Elrond said, and I made a face. I was currently trying to learn Elvish; Elrond was easier to learn from because he didn't smack me for every mistake, but his expressions were hard to read.

" What was my mother like?" I asked, struggling with the words, both emotionally and psychically.

He stared at me a moment before he stood, motioning for me to follow. I nearly had to run to keep up with Thranduil and Elrond, even when they walked at a normal speed, which was a risk in itself with the dresses they wore in this world.

" Truthfully, she was much like you, Alicia." He said, coming to a stop, his eyes on a large tapestry, and I frowned before turning to find my own face staring back at me. I was shocked at the similarities, the only difference being her eyes which were a deep green several shades darker then my own.

I had never seen my mother's face before, after she left, my dad had thrown out almost everything that reminded him of her. I was starting to wonder if he had just done it to protect me, rather than erase her. " You see, you are connected to this land just as she was, not just through her actions but by blood as well." He said moving to the next tapestry, which showed a third version of myself but with brown eyes this time; she was staring up at a man with dark hair and a kind smile.

" Your grandmother was Edith, and your grandfather was a son of Aranarth, a chieftain of the Dunedain from long ago. Edith, she too came from another world, she was the first as far as our records show though much has been lost since then."

" So, what happened to her?"

" She disappeared not long after giving birth to your mother." He responded and I frowned at the tapestry." There seems to be a history of that." I muttered, before turning away. " I should go finish packing. Thank you for the lesson, Lord Elrond." I muttered, before hurrying off down the hall, tears threatening to fall.

The longer I spent in this world, the more I hated the half of myself I shared with my mother. 

When Thranduil came to get me later that day, I was standing on the balcony, lost in my own world.

" Alicia." He called out, and I jumped not expecting him to suddenly appear. I quickly wiped my face and turned to face him.

" Yes?" I asked, trying to keep my voice clear, and he frowned but didn't ask any questions as he continued. " It's time" He said and I nodded before moving to grab my backpack off the bed where I had left it. Once it was secure across my shoulder, I hurried after Thranduil who was already halfway down the hallway.

We made our way down to the stables where his elk had been readied for our departure, along with something else. A cream colored, dark haired, mare stood waiting beside the large elk, my fear spiked at the meaning of the horse, fears which were soon proven as Elrond appeared beside us with Lady Galadriel, the elven women from the white council meeting.

"She is Are Caleb. " He said. " She is young, but quick. She will serve you well, Alicia Stevens."

Recognizing her name, the mare wondered over and lightly bounced her head on my shoulder. " Um... Nice horse." I muttered, not sure how to react, earning a snort to the face that made me flinch before an unsure smile crossed my face.

Oh dear


After watching me struggle for half an hour, Thranduil seized the reins from me, and pulled Caleb closer. " So, your mother was a great warrior. What of your father?" He asked playing it off like he was just trying to get my attention.

" My dad was a was a healer. He died two years ago in an accident." I said and surprise crossed the Elven king's face. " Then, you live alone in your world?"

" Yep. Just me." I responded, with a sigh, looking away.

" Do you miss him, your father?"

" He was all I had after mom disappeared. It hurts to know he's gone, but I'm not sad, not anymore. Dad taught me that death is a part of life, it's okay to be sad but no one is really gone, not completely, they live on in our memory, and our hearts." I said, before looking toward Thranduil who had a faraway look in his eye.

Several hours later, we stopped to rest, at least that what I had thought we were doing, before Thranduil tossed sheathed blade in my direction. " It's not customary for human females to be trained with a blade, but I will not allow you to go a moment longer without knowing how to defend yourself in our world."

" Really?" I asked, surprised.

" Elrond informed me that you are descended from the Dunedain, which means the skillset is your blood. You will need all the help you can get. Now, are you left or right handed?"

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