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Honeybee by The Head And The Heart


" Alice....Alice........ Alicia Stevens! " I jumped as my Physics teacher, Mr. Lipin, dropped a very large book on the edge of my desk. " Yes, Sir?" I questioned, as several people around me snickered under their breath.

" Would you mind enlightening us all-" He was cut off as the bell rang, and I quickly grabbed my backpack off the floor before making a dash for the door, ignoring him as he called out to me. " Hey, Alicia-" Someone tried to say as I dashed passed toward my locker.

" Sorry, can't talk." I called out, throwing everything inside, before slamming it closed, but as I turned, I ran smack into someone else who also happened to be in a hurry. Several people looked down at us, or stepped around and over us, but no one stopped in their hurry to escape from the prison we called school.

" S... Sorry." The guy now standing over me said, helping me up and I glared at him in annoyance. " Peter Parker." I scolded but let him help me up as we gathered our things off the floor. Peter Parker was my best friend and had been since we were kids. " I really am sorry, Alice. " He told me.

" Yeah, yeah." I waved him off, as we exited the school building. It was raining, forcing us to put our hoods up as we half-walked half-ran toward where the bikes were chained up in front of the building. " I have extra money if you want to take the subway." He offered, but I shook my head as I clipped on my helmet. " It's not that far." I assured. He wasn't convinced but let me go anyway knowing that there was no point in arguing with me. I lived 20 blocks from the school, but refused to take the subway when I had a perfectly good bike that I could use.

" See you tomorrow." I told him, before pedaling off.

Instead of getting better, the rain started to get worse the farther down the street I went, making me wonder if the rain had something against me today.

A car coming in the opposite direction lost control, and swerved toward me, causing me to yank my bike to the right. My front tire hit the edge of the sidewalk, and I flew forward off my bike, rolling across the wet concrete as I landed. I groaned in pain as I lie there, thankful that I had worn my helmet.

I slipped it off as I sat up, before glancing toward the car that had almost hit me; It had hit a streetlight, and horn was now blaring. Inside the car, a young women sat unconscious, her head on the wheel and blood oozing from the large wound on her temple. I pulled myself to my feet and quickly ran over to help her out of the car. Her door gave me some trouble, but after a few tugs it came open, and I pulled the women from the car to the safety of the sidewalk.

We had just reached the edge of the pavement when lightning lit the sky, and a bolt of lightning struck the light pole above us which exploded in a shower of sparks before it tumbled sideways. Time slowed as I watched it fall toward us, before I threw my arm up as if to shield us from being crushed.

When nothing happened, I next became aware that the rain had stopped.

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