Chapter 21

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(Runaway - AURORA)

Chapter 21

I sat on the cliff outside of Thranduil's tent, my knees pulled up my chin as I stared out toward the mountain, not even willing to put aide my pride to escape the cold. Did he hate me that much? Was he really so disgusted by me, that that he couldn't bear to be in my presence?

Why am I even caring?

Before I got to this world, I thought I was stronger than letting a few cruel words and cold shoulders hurt me. That I even let it affect me made me feel weak, and I hated it.

You are my problem. Your mere presence infuriates me...

My fists turned white as I dug my nails into my palm, and a choked noise escaped me as I held back my tears. I was sick of crying, I really was.

I heard footsteps behind me, but I didn't bother turning around. " I'm not in the mood for one of your pep talks, Aria." I snapped.

" I'm not sure who this " Aria" is, but I thought you might be cold." A voice said, and I craned my head around to find the young man I had bumped into. " Oh, thank you." I said accepting the blanket as he passed it to me.

" I'm Bain." He said with a smile, and I offered a smile in return. " Alicia, or Alice, if you prefer."

" I'm sorry for getting you in trouble earlier." He said sitting beside me.

" Trust me, that had nothing to do with you." I assured.

" Are you sure? Lord Thranduil looked pretty angry."

" I think that's just his face." I muttered under my breath." At least when it comes to me."

" Bain." A voice called out, and we turned to find the dark-haired man who had been talking to Gandalf, and Thranduil.

" It was nice to meet, you, Alice." Bain said and I nodded in response as he got to his feet, before rushing off. I pulled the blanket tighter around me, before looking up at the sky with a frown, my eyes searching the stars, hoping to find something familiar, but even the stars were different in Middle Earth. I closed my as I leaned my head back, trying to remember back to when I was younger, and my dad had taken me up into the mountains during summer trips before he died.

" Do you know the largest constellation in the sky?" The memory of my dad's voice asked

" Cygnus." My child self would respond. " The swan."

" And the brightest star?"

" Sirius. The Dog Star."

" What about that one?"

" That one's easy. Polaris." A younger me laughed.

" Polaris always points north. So long as young can find Polaris, you can your way home, Alice."

I opened my eyes with a sigh. " But what if Polaris doesn't exist?" I whispered.

When I finally came back into the tent, Bilbo had arrived, and had brought with him the Arkenstone, the key to getting Thorin to listen. " Now, Thorin values this stone above all else. In exchange for its return, I believe He will give you what you are owed. There will be no need for war." I heard Bilbo say, and the three men in the tent exchanged a look.

" I think it's worth a shot." I called out, and they looked over at me.

" Miss Alice." Bilbo greeted.

" Mr. Baggins." I said returning the greeting, avoiding looking at Thranduil as I stepped further into the tent. " When I said returning to their mountain would be payment enough for helping, this was not my desired outcome." I told him, and he released a breath, opening his mouth like he was going to say something then thinking better of it. I turned to walk back outside, when Thranduil stopped me. " Alicia, you should return to Mirkwood. It's to dangerous for you to remain here."

" You lost the right to tell me what to do the moment you insulted me." I told him without turning around. " Besides, if I die tomorrow then you'll never have to look at me again."

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