Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The council was silent after my response, but the silence was quickly broken as Thranduil's voice rose. " You can't honestly believe this?" 

I rolled my eyes before leaning back in my chair, my arms crossed, only to look up when the elven women moved around the table. " Impossible, yes. Impossible, and yet very familiar. Lord Elrond, do you recall the strange women who arrived on your own borders. I believe her name was Melody-"

" Melody Rowins." I said finishing her sentence, and they looked over at me as I turned my glare on the table.

" You know of her?" Elrond questioned.

" She was my mother." I muttered, my voice cold, and the elven women smiled. " I believe we have our answer then."

" Indeed." Elrond agreed.

" Well?" Thranduil pressed, impatiently.

" When Melody arrived here, she at first seemed to have no memory of anything, over time it became clear that she was not of this world, but another, much like Alicia. She began to disappear, and return over the decades, older each time, but never the age that she should have been." 

" No, you must be mistaken." I denied, sitting forward. " If it were my mother, my father would have noticed her disappearances, they knew each other for years. "

" Unless he knew." The elven women said, and I shook my head, refusing to believe it. " No, he would have..." I trailed off, tears threatening to fall at the thought of my dad keeping it from me. " You said that she would disappear and reappear over the decades, which means there can be some control to this. Do you have any idea how?" I questioned, trying to change the subject before my emotions got the best of me. Elrond shook his head in response, and I rubbed at my forehead in frustration.

" Perhaps recreating the situation that caused your abilities to awaken, could work." Thraduil suggested, and I looked at him like he was insane. " I nearly died before." I complained.

" Do you have better any ideas?" He retorted, and I crossed my arms, pouting like the child I was. " Even if I wanted to, it's kind of hard to recreate what happened." I muttered.

" Explain." The one in grey said, and I bit my lip. " Um..." I furrowed my brow as I tried to come up with a way to explain it that wouldn't confuse them. " It was raining. I had been thrown off my bike-"

" Bike?" Elrond questioned, and I sighed. " Like a metal horse, but with wheels." I offered before continuing. " I was thrown off because I was nearly run over by car-"

" Car?" The one in white questioned, and I wanted to smack my forehead on the table. If I had to keep explaining things, we were never going to get anywhere. " Can I have a piece of paper, please." I requested. A few minutes later, using my very lacking artistic capabilities, I drew out each object, managing to finish my explanation without them questioning anything else.

" Yes, I can see why it would be difficult." Elrond agreed. " Even then, you might have been brought here for a reason, just as Melody was."

" What reason?" I asked, doodling on the corner of the paper with a frown.

" Well, Melody fought beside us in the war against Sauron. " Elrond said, and I paused in my doodling. Say what now?

" It was actually her input that helped lead us to victory." He added, I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and continued my doodling. " We are currently in a time of peace, however, so it does not appear that you will be fighting in any battles. " The one in white stated.

" Yay me." I muttered my breath, before setting the quill down with a sigh. " Even with there obviously being no reason for me being here, I still have to find a way home." I said, and they exchanged a look.

" Perhaps, in time the answer will become clear." The elven women said, and I glanced toward her as she moved around the table. " Until then, perhaps you could learn our ways. " She suggested. I made a face but relented with a sigh. " It's not like I have anything better to do." I muttered.

" Excellent, we will begin now." Thranduil said.

" Wait, what?"

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