Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

When the sun rose the next morning, Thranduil moved his army toward the mountain. Because I had sent Caleb back, I was forced to ride with either Bard, or Thranduil; I ended up riding with Thranduil, because he didn't me give any other choice, saying that if refused to leave, he wanted to make sure I was at least safe.

Not that he cared.

As we made it to the front, an arrow hit the ground in front of us, and a voice called out from above." We'll put the next between your eyes." Followed by the cheers of several of voices, which which silent as I felt Thranduil shift slightly behind me. Bard glanced behind us, but as I went to turn, Thranduil's grip on my waist tightened.

" We've come to tell you that payment of your debt has been offered and accepted. " Thranduil called out.

" What payment?" Thorin demanded, his bow still aimed at us. " I gave you nothing. You have nothing."

Thranduil looked at Bard, who reached into his coat and pulled out the Arkenstone. " We have this." He said holding it up for Thorin to see, but the dwarven king refused to see the truth. " The Arknstone is in this mountain. It is a trick." He screamed, before a voice spoke up.

" It's no trick. The stone is real. I gave it to them."

" Bilbo." I muttered, and again Thranduil tightened his grip on me.

" I took it as my 14th share."

" You would steal from me?"

" Steal from you? No, no, I may be a burgler, but I'd like to think an honest one. I'm willing to let it stand against my claim."

" Against your claim?" Thorin said stunned before he smirked. " Your claim. You've no claim over me, you little rat." Thorin threw his bow down, before advancing on Bilbo.

" I was going to give it to you. Many times, I wanted to, but-"

" But what?"

" You are changed, Thorin. The dwarf I met in Bag End would never have gone back on his word. Would never have doubt the loyalty of his kin."

" Do not speak of me, of loyalty." Thorin said, before motioning toward Bilbo. " Throw him from the rampart." When no one moved, Thorin made to do it himself, but was stopped as Gandalf appeared from behind us, pleading with Thorin to let him go, distracting the crazed Dwarf long enough for Bilbo to climb down.

" Why should I buy back, that which is rightfully mine."

" Keep the stone." Thranduil told Bard, and I looked up at him with a frown. " Sell it. Gondor will give you a good price for it."

" Thranduil." I warned, but he ignored me.

" I will kill you." Thorin screamed." By my oath, I will kill you all."

" Your oath means nothing. I've heard enough." Thranduil said before turning his mount around, and his army took aim once more toward the mountain. " Thranduil." I pleaded, but he barely glanced at me.

" Give us your answer, will you have peace, or war?" Bard questioned, and I looked toward the dwarven king, just as a raven landed on the wall in front of him. He turned toward the hill in the distance, we all followed his gaze as an army of dwarves appeared over the edge. I slid off Thranduil's elk, moving toward Gandalf and Bilbo as Thranduil ordered his army to face the advancing dwarven army. I trailed after the two of them, sticking close to Bilbo as Gandalf moved closer to the front. " Good morning." The dwarf greeted. " How are we all. I have a wee proposition, if you wouldn't mind giving me a few moments of your time."

" Lord Dain." Gandalf said stepping into view.

" Gandalf the Grey. Tell this rabble to leave, or I'll water the ground with their blood."

I shared a look with Bilbo, before looking back toward Gandalf as he moved closer. " There is no need for war between dwarves, men, and elves. Each invokes march on the mountain. Stand your army down."

" I will not stand down before any elf, not least this faithless woodland sprite. He wishes nothing but ill upon my people, if he chooses to stand between me and my kin, I'll split his pretty head open. See if he's still smirking then." The dwarf said, before turning his pig mount around and riding back up the hill.

" Dain, wait." Gandalf pleaded

" Let them advance, lets see how far they get." Thranduil taunted and Dain called back with an insult of 'pointy eared princess'. Had we been in my world, I would have asked if Thranduil needed some ice, before realizing that his cold heart was enough.

Dain sent in a bunch of a dwarves on goats, while Thranduil ordered his men to fire upon them; their arrows were quickly knocked aside by large spinning spears, which crushed and knocked aside several units of Thranduil's forces. As the dwarves on goats grew closer, the front line switched with the one behind it to intercept them with shields raised, driving them directly into awaiting spears behind them. I cringed as several elves were crushed beneath the hooves of goats that slipped through the shield wall. The fight, however, was short as the entire cliffside exploded and large worm like creatures erupted from the ground.

A horn blast sounded in the distance, and from the holes the worm creates, an army of orcs emerged. The dwarves went to face them, abandoning their fight with the elves and creating a wall from their shields, their spears raised to intercept them. It was clear that they were outmatched, but just when it seemed like they were going to be crushed beneath the horde, elves leapt from their ranks to take on the advancing orc army.

The true battle had begun.

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