Chapter 23

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Lindsey Stirling - Wild Rift

Chapter 23

If you had told me two months ago where I would be right now, I would have asked you to please check into the nearest medical ward, or something, but here I was fighting for my life.

I let out a cry as I fell out of thin air, the blade of my sword pointed downward as I shoved it through the neck of a troll who had been about to attack Bain and, who I'm guessing were his sisters. I wrapped my legs around its neck, and held on for dear life, while the troll grabbed at me several times, I ducked out of reach, gritting my teeth. " Alice. Children. Get down." I heard Bard call out and I looked to find him riding a wagon toward the troll. Pulling my sword free, I stood up on the creature's shoulders, and catapulted myself through the air, managing to flip once between landing on my feet.

I stumbled slightly and Bain ran over to steady me as I got my bearings." You saw that right? Because I will not be doing it again." I stated, and he laughed, before turning to face his father who began to lead them to safety. " Thank you." Bard said, and I nodded before running off down the street, cutting down any orcs that I saw, or came at me. I only had what Legolas and Thranduil had taught me, which hadn't been much since I spent most of my time on my butt, or in a river, but I think I did pretty well despite that.

After a while I sat down to rest for a moment when I saw Thranduil leading a company toward the end of town, only to be stopped by Tauriel. " You will go no further." She told him. " You will not turn away, not this time."

" Get out of my way." He said.

" The dwarves will be slaughtered."

" Yes, they will die." He responded, coldly and I frowned moving closer, but staying out of sight. " Today. Tomorrow. One year hence. A hundred years from now. What does it matter? They are mortal."

Tauriel's eyes narrowed before pulled her bow, aiming an arrow at his face." You think your life is worth more than theirs? Well, there is no love in it. There is no love in you." She hissed, and something flickered in his eyes before he sliced her bow in half and pointed the sword at her throat. " What do you know of love? Nothing. What you feel for that dwarf is not real. You think it is love? Are you ready to die for it?"

I started to move forward, when Lego appeared, knocking his sword away from her. " If you harm will have to kill me."  Legolas told him, and Thranduil looked away, as his son turned his back on him. " I will go with you." He told Tauriel, before leaving with her.

" Those gems were not all your wife left you." Gandalf called out appeared from the stairs." She left you a son. Tell me, which would she have you value more?" He questioned, and Thranduil stared at him stunned.

His wife? Gems?

I left before I could be noticed, deciding to help with this second army, but as I landed, I overestimated my landing, rolling nearly off a cliff as I lost my footing. I let out a sigh as I looked out over the view, getting my bearings for the moment but as I stared out toward the valley, I had a moment of Deja vu, thinking about everything that had brought me here. I could feel my heart racing, pumping the blood and adrenaline quicker through my veins. Everyone in the valley below was losing either their lives, someone they had grown up with, or someone they loved. Everyone was losing something just to keep to their home.

And for what?

Gold? Gems?

The greed of one man had brought this upon them, sealed the fates of hundreds, and ended the lives of dozens more. I thought back to the events that had brought me here, wondering how things had gone so wrong, to the point that war had become the outcome.

" Alicia."  I heard someone call, and I turned to face the orcs charging toward me. For a second, I saw my own reflection staring back at me. I could have fought back, but instead I let the sword slip from my fingers, letting it clatter to frozen ground at my feet. " Alice." I heard someone cry out desperately, echoing across the cliffs and to the very center of my very being. I closed my eyes as the creature drew closer, and then as it brought it's weapon down, I ducked out of the way, rolling across the snowy ground as a sword swung toward the creature's throat, removing his head in one quick movement.

I released a breath as Thranduil sheathed his sword, before moving toward me with a look of worry. " Alice, are you alright?" He asked, helping me up, and I nodded, my heart still pounding in my ears. Then realization fell over me and I looked at him in shock. " What did you just call me?"

" Alice. It's what you prefer, correct?" He questioned, and slowly a smile spread across my face, but before I could respond, more orcs rushed toward us. " Don't think that your forgiven." I stated, picking up my sword, and he chuckled. " I knew it wouldn't be that easy."

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