Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Meriel had just finished with my hair when a knock made us both glance over.

" I guess that's all I can manage. Remember what I told you, only speak if spoken or asked to. " She reminded and I swallowed.

Meriel had explained to me how I was supposed to act tonight, that is if I didn't want to end up back in a cell five minutes after entering the room. I had also taken the opportunity to ask about where exactly I was, her response had just proved what I had already concluded.

I was no longer in New York. In fact, I wasn't even in my world anymore. Somehow, I had ended up in a world based on fiction. In this world Dwarves, Elves, and Wizards existed alongside humans, as well as something called a Hobbit or halfling, but Meriel hadn't really gone into much detail. 

Slowly, I stood and followed Meriel to the door, where an armored guard stood waiting to escort me. I kept my eyes to the floor as I walked, not really feeling like looking at anything else. I only raised my head when we reached the dining hall. It was empty, but the table had been filled with more food than two people could ever eat. " The king will be along shortly." The guard said before shutting the door behind me, and I frowned turning my attention back to the table.

I sat down at the end of the table, deciding to draw the line immediately. My stomach made a noise of impatience, as I waited for the king, and I glanced toward the door, only to drop my gaze when it opened. " I hope I did not keep you waiting long." He said walking passed me to the chair on the opposite end of the table, where he sat down, his cold grey blue eyes once again boring into mine.

A servant immediately rushed forward to fill his glass, but as they turned to do the same with mine, I politely put my hand over it. " No thank you. I don't drink." I said, quietly, and confusion flickered in the king's eyes for a moment before he nodded, and the servant left to return soon after with something else for me.

We ate in silence for several minutes before he spoke. " I hope your week of solitude, did you some good."

" Actually, yes." I responded, stabbing at the meat on plate with more aggression then needed. " And again, I will say, if you could just point me back to New York I would gladly never bother you again."

" And who's to say that once I let you go, you would not return with an army?" He retorted in question, and I frowned at my plate as I shrugged. " What makes you think that I'm even that powerful. " I said, playing it off like I knew what had happened, which I obviously didn't. " Besides, where I come from its very different." I admitted.

" You speak as if you're from a different world." he said, and I glanced down at my now empty plate. When I didn't respond, he set his silverware down beside his own plate, with a scoff. " Do you take me for a fool, Alicia Stevens?"

" No, your majesty." I said, meeting his gaze across the table. We stared each other down for several moments, before a smirk crossed his face. I had hardly noticed him pick up his knife, not until it was flying toward me and had impaled itself in my chair, inches from my head. My heart pounded in my ears as all the color drained from my face, my fear only increased when he began to twist a second knife between his fingers. " Now, Alicia Stevens, I'm going to ask you a few questions. If I sense that you are being untruthful..." He trailed off, and I gulped as his smirk turned cruel.

" Shall we begin?" He asked.

This was so not stated anywhere in the conversation with Meriel on proper etiquette! 


" Why did he do this? I thought your king was honorable." I questioned, as Meriel stitched up the newly made hole in the arm of the dress, while I sat curled in a ball on the bed, my knees pulled up my chin, struggling to hold in my tears. There was a new bandage wrapped around my arm where the blade of the king's knife had cut into me when I had just barely moved out of the way and fled from the dining room in fear. I had half expected guards to chase me down, but so far none other than the ones at the door had appeared.

" You trespassed, Alicia. Until proven otherwise, you are a danger to his kingdom, to his people. If harming you gets him answers, he will do so without regret."

" You believe me, don't you? I wasn't lying, I swear." I told her, and she lowered her needle with a sigh. " Whether I believe you, or not, does not matter. I don't know you, Alicia Stevens, therefore I can't answer your question. To me, you are a strange human girl from a distant land, that I've never heard of, and might not even exist."

I laid down on bed as she made her exit, and a tear rolled down my cheek.

I just wanted to go home.

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