Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

There was an awkward silence as the three of us ate, I glanced up from my plate every once in a while, catching the cold gaze of the prince, before quickly looking away and shoving another bite of potatoes in my mouth.

" I didn't get a chance to thank you before." I said, deciding to break the silence, and Legolas nodded, before responding. " You're welcome."

Another moment of silence crossed between us before he continued. " My father tells me that I'm to teach you how to wield a sword. You should know that I won't be going easy on you." He told me, a hint of intimidation in his voice. I would not be bullied.

" I don't expect you to." I replied, curtly, my voice flat, and he nodded before looking to his father. " Perhaps I could also teach her to wield a bow, as well?" He suggested, eyeing me, and I frowned. Why did I not like the look he was giving me?

" If that is what you think is best, and Alicia is in agreement." He said nodding, taking a sip of wine.

" I have nothing better to do." I replied, hesitantly.

" Excellent." Legolas said, a weird gleam in his eye, and I gulped.

I really didn't like that look.

As I reached for my water goblet, a sharp shot up my arm from my shoulder blade, like someone had just shoved a hot needle directly into the muscle. I flinched back, grabbing my shoulder and Thranduil frowned at me. " Something wrong?" He questioned.

" Muscle spasm." I lied, wincing as another rush of pain shot through me, before disappearing completely.

What was that?

A guard in golden armor entered the room and came to a halt beside Legolas, whispering to him in a voice to low for me to hear. Legolas nodded and the guard hurried away as Legolas stood, " Forgive me, but it seems I must step away. " He told his father, who nodded in response before waving him away. Legolas gave one last nod, before disappearing after the guard.

" Legolas does not take to outsiders very well." Thranduil said, and I looked at him with a frown. " My fault, of course, but he is young compared to many elves." He muttered. 

" If you don't mind me asking, what happened to-" I started to ask, but cut myself off when he laid his goblet down with a sad look in his eye. " I'm sorry." I apologized, but he waved off my words.

" You don't know much about our world. You have a right to be curious." He released a breath, seeming to age years before my eyes. " It is late, perhaps another time."


Later that night, I awoke to the same sharp pain in my shoulder, but after several minutes it once again faded like it had never been there. Meriel assured me the next morning that it was nothing when she inspected where the pain was, but shortly after she left with my breakfast tray, the pain returned, feeling more like someone had carved into my skin then shoved a needle into it. The pain was so intense, that I nearly cried out at how quick it came and went.

The pain continued on and off for the next two days, but it was not until the morning of my first lesson with Legolas that I got my answer to the pain. It came in the form of a wave of pain that lasted longer than any of the other times, so strongly that I saw spots in my vision and collapsed as it spread to the rest of my body.

When the pain faded at last, a dark marking was left behind in the shape of a dragon across my shoulder blade.

" We should tell the king." Meriel said, panicked upon finding the mark, but I shook my head. " It's probably nothing. " I told her, but I couldn't help but wonder.

Had Aria done this?

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