~Requests Page~

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Please put down your requests here.
I would appreciate that.

This won't continue until some dares /questions are asked.

• Ships aloud
• No asking personal questions
• OC's aloud
• No doodles 🙁🙁
• And please don't be mad at me if I answer them not the way you wanted.

How to set it out:
• OC's :
OC Name / App / Gender (or they/them) / Who they are related to (If they are) / Friends / Age / Who they like (I'd they do) / enemies
• Ships:
App x App / question or dare
• Asks:
Ask / Which app it's too
• Dares
Dare / which app it's too

Also I will mention your username if I answer you ask/dare!!

(If you don't get a rule then ask me about what I mean)

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