Chapter 10

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It was a Saturday night and Brooke was driving Peyton and Haley to a party since Jake asked Peyton for a break. And Peyton needed to have some fun. Lucas and Nathan were out with the basketball team and so it was just the girls. They arrived 20 minutes later at someone house.
"Wow this house is big." Haley stated looking around at the interior.
"I know. Some friend of a friend of a friend is hosting this party. I am really not sure." Brooke said as she grabbed Peyton to the other room. Haley followed.
"Do you guys want anything?" Haley asked and peyton nodded Haley went to the bar to get a drink for her and Peyton since Brooke decided she wasn't drinking tonight.
A couple hours later Brooke and Peyton were looking everywhere for Haley but she was nowhere to be found.
They finally spotted her stomping towards them.
"Hey, where were you? We've been looking everywhere for you." Brooke asked
"Can we just leave. I really need to leave." Haley yelled. It looked like she had been crying. But they didn't question her and they left.
They all sat in the car in silence.
"Do you still want to sleep over?" Brooke asked. And Haley shook her silently. Her parents were out of town since they went to a business trip and both of her sisters were at a friends house too. Since her parents knew she would not be home till late. They dropped Peyton off first.
Brooke then turned her head to the back where Haley was sitting.
"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked
Haley once again shook her head.
"Just know I am here to talk if you need to Haley. I'll always be here for you." Brooke asked and went to drive Haley to her house. They were silent the whole drive to her house but Brooke kept glancing over to make Haley was alright even though she knew that Haley was far from alright. Haley looked out the window. She didn't know what to feel. In one way Haley felt numb but she also wanted to cry her eyes out. Tears fell swiftly the more she remembered as she looked out the window but quickly wiped them away.
They got to her house and Brooke asked again but she didn't answer this time.
"Ok well can I at least come in with you?" Brooke asked and Haley nodded in agreement not saying much. She couldn't talk about it not yet at least.
They got into her house and were in her living room.
"Are you sure your ok." Brooke asked
"Of course I'm not ok. None of this is ok." Haley screamed while she broke down crying. Brooke then gave her a big sincere hug.
"What happened that made you so upset?" Brooke asked again. With a worried facial expression.
"I only remember bits and pieces." She replied
"I remember being dragged into a bedroom and it was blurry I could hardly see anything and I could barely talk. And bits and pieces of him taking my clothes off and..." she sobbed but couldn't continue. It was too hard for her.
"Did someone rape you?" Brooke asked while forming drops of tears. Haley nodded!
"I was raped wasn't I?" She exclaimed and broke down even more.
She cried for a solid twenty minutes. And then finally calmed down.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to burden you." Haley stated while wiping her tears away. Brooke held her face and looked deeply in her eyes.
"Don't you ever say sorry again. We are going to find the person that this to you and make sure he never hurts anyone again." Brooke comforted. Brooke was heartbroken that someone could do this. And to one of her closest friends. She also thought about Nathan and how it would break his heart to know what happened to Haley.
Brooke suggested that Haley should go to the hospital to take a rape kit. It took a lot of convincing but Haley agreed. They drove to the hospital even though it was one in the morning. It was weird but they also wanted her clothes, luckily Brooke had an extra set of clothes in her car, and said that they called the police since she also has to give a statement before she does the test the police asked her questions but most of it was a blur. She also took a urine test to check what drugs the person had given her and she would come back in a couple days since her memory may be a bit foggy now but it is most likely she'll remember in the next couple hours or days.
But she took the test and they took samples of her dna in different places and checked for STDs and STI. Haley and Brooke went back to her place and they were silent for the whole ride back to her house. Haley went to shower since the hospital had her clothes and she was now able to shower. She was in the shower and started to get flashbacks of someone dragging her upstairs. But it ended quickly.
Brooke slept on the couch while haley slept in her bed since she wasn't comfortable with having anyone next to her at the moment. Haley couldn't sleep. Everytime she closed her eyes. She could see the blurry figure and hear a voice. She started to remember more.

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