Chapter 11

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Lucas met brooke at her house.
"So do you know about Haley?" Lucas asked Brooke
"Did she tell you?" She asked suspiciously and he nodded.
"Yeah. I was the first she told. Since I was with her and everything. We went to the police station last night and we went back this morning but since than she hasn't answered any of my texts and I've tried calling her but she won't answer. I am really worried about her, Lucas." She expressed
He went to hug her and he could smell her sweet perfume. He loved her scent.
"I know, me too." He comforted.
"She won't even tell Nathan. I mean he came to see her that morning and he was all worried about her. I felt so bad when I lied to him and I could see the disappointment in his face. I mean I can't imagine what she's going through right now but what is worse is that she doesn't have the person she loves the most in the world comforting her." She said
"Yeah, it must be really hard. I would never want you or anyone to go through something like she did. But it also may be hard for her to find the words to tell him. I mean she wanted to wait but now her first time was with someone she never met and on top of that she felt violated. And it she may not be ready for awhile because of the traumatic event that she went through. She just doesn't want him to be hurting the way she is hurting. Because once Nathan finds out he'll be heartbroken too. Maybe not as much but he will. Especially since he knows that there would be no way for him to take her pain." Lucas stated.
"I want to help her. But I don't know how , Luke." Brooke bewailed
"Just be there for her. Even if she wants space. Just so she knows that she has people that love her. And maybe convince her to press charges since then she might get some closure with this whole thing.
"Hey Peyton." Nathan said walking into her room.
"Hey." She said
"So do you know what's happening with Haley." He asked
"Um, no. All I know is that she was pretty upset at the party and she asked to leave and we did and Brooke dropped me off and told me that she was staying with Haley."
"So, it was at the party? Well could have happened at a party." He though.
"Do you think she kissed a guy or someone kissed her?" He asked
"No way, Haley would never do that." Peyton said and he left but he couldn't shake this thought away.
Haley didn't show up for school. Everyone tried knocking at her door but she wouldn't answer. She didn't even leave her room. The only thing she'd do is stare at different areas of her room and try to sleep.
A few days have gone by.
Nathan tried calling Haley but no answer. He even tried their home phone but no answer either.
At the lunch table everyone was quiet.
"So has anyone heard from Haley?" Brooke asked and Lucas glared at her and kicked her feet under the table. Brooke looked at him confused at what she did wrong. But everyone shook their head.
"I am sure she is fine and just really sick." Brooke insisted. Even if she knew it was a lie.
After school Nathan had practice but he couldn't concentrate on the game. In fact it was the worse game he'd ever played. After practice Nathan went over to haleys but still no answer. It's been a long time and he was not only getting very worried but upset that she could just shut him out like that. He got back into his car and drove away.
Lucas came into Haley's bedroom and was shocked to find her in that state. It looked like she was dead. She had no reaction to him coming in. He wasn't sure if she noticed that he was there.
"Come on hales. You need to get back to school. Your parents are coming home tomorrow. They would not want to see you like this."
"I don't care." She said and turned around having her back face Lucas.
"Hales, you need help. Maybe you should go see someone." He said worryingly.
"I don't want to talk to anyone about this I am fine." She insisted
"You are far from fine, hales. And if you don't tell your parents or at least your mom then I will. You have to tell someone Haley." He said upsettingly
"Fine I'll tell them tomorrow." She agreed reluctantly.
"You know Nathan is very worried." He told her
"I know. He comes here every morning , lunch and dinner. He knocks on the door and I look out the window. But I just can't bring myself to open the door. He tells me to open it. But once I tell him. His world goes down too. And I know he'll want to kiss me and hold me but I don't think I'm ready for that yet. I just don't him to see me like this." She confessed with tears forming in her eyes.
"Like what? You need to face him eventually. I mean it's been five days. Don't you miss you him."
"Of course I miss him. Everyday. But I don't want him to think of the weak girl that I actually am." She sobbed.
"Weak? Haley James you are far from weak. You are the strongest person I know. And I know Nathan wants to be by your side and he has the right to know what's going on in your life."
"Just please go so I can be alone." She cried.
"You have a bunch of people who are worried about you and what you are doing to them is selfish. You are shutting everyone out. And I get that what you are going through is hard but you have people that love you and they are supposed to make it easier for you. But we can't do that if you don't let people in. Just think about that Haley." He said and shut the door and left. He knew he was being harsh but he thought she needed some tough love.
The next day Haleys parents came back around mid day. And found Haley lying on her side.
"Haley-Bob? What are you doing home. Shouldn't you be in school?" Her mother asked. Haley was always close with her mother. I mean her parents were sort of hippies. They acted like teenagers or young adults a lot of the time. So that's why she was the mature one in the family.
"I'm not feeling well." Haley stated and still had her back towards her mom.
"Haley, please look at me." Her mom begged. Haley turned around and her hair was a mess, her eyes were puffy and she had been in the same clothes for the last three days.
"What happened?" She asked and sat up.
"Some guy at a party. He... he drugged me and..." Haley wept.
"And he what??" Her mom asked
"He... he raped me! I'm soo sorry mommy." She cried. She layed on her moms lap while her mom played with her hair to calm her down.
"I don't know how to do this mom. I can't do it." Haley confessed.
"Can't do what." Her mom asked.
"Be strong." Haley cried
"You take all the time you need to heal. And it's not your fault baby." Her mom whispered
"Everything's going to be fine. Have you talked to Nathan about this?" She asked Haley shook her head.
"I think he has the right to know. Have you talked to anyone at all?" She asked
"The only people who know are you,Luke and Brooke. I will tell him. I just want to wait until I have enough power to face him." She responded
"Did you go to the police?" She asked and Haley nodded
"And? What did he say they could do?" She continued
"They said that if I wanted to I could press charges." Haley answered
"And did you." And Haley shook her head
"Do you think I should?" Haley asked
"Yeah. It might give you some closure. Why don't we go today." Her mom said.
Just as Haley was about to answer someone knocked on the door and Haley's mom, Lydia went to answer it.
Nathan was surprised that someone opened the door.
"Nathan what can I do for you?" Lydia asked in delight.
"Hi Mrs James, I was wondering if I could speak to Haley?" He asked
"Of course come on in." She said gesturing him to come in.
"MOMM, when are we going to the ..." she asked coming down the stairs and sees Nathan there. Nathan's stares at her but she refuses to make eye contact in awkward silence.
"Mom, What is he doing here?" She asked in annoyment.
"Well he knocked on the door and I thought you guys could have a chat. Your dad went to pick up   Jane from school since she wasn't feeling well. And I will be upstairs to unpack. After your chat maybe take a shower and get ready." Her mom stated and Haley glared at her.
Nathan stared at her in more awkward silence. Haley looked a mess. Her hair was all tangled. She had stains on her shirt and the puffy eyes from crying and not sleeping and chipped nail polish. She was embarrassed for him to see her like this.
Nathan looked at her, she looked like she hadn't been sleeping and crying a lot.
"I can't do this right now Nathan." She insisted
"Why not. You have been ignoring me for days. You won't tell me what's going and it hurts me haley. It hurts that you are not letting me in."
"Maybe because what I'm going to tell will change us."
"You kissed someone at that party. That's what happened right? I mean Peyton said that you were upset and wanted to leave." He said
"Believe what you want nathan. But if you really think I did that to you. Then maybe you are the one with trust issues." Haley responded. She could see the hurt in his eyes. She didn't know how to tell him.
"Trust issues? You didn't even answer my question Haley." He yelled
" I can't change what you believe." She said. She knew what she was doing was bitchy.
But she didn't have time to deal with him. She needed to get to the police station.
"See I don't want to believe that Haley. But you won't fill in the blanks. So I have to fill them in for myself." He confessed
"Well the answer I'm going to give you. Won't be too nice either." She exclaimed and she could tell Nathan didn't look happy with her.
"I want you to know that I am here for you and I love you. But I can't help you be better if I don't know what made you so upset in the first place." Nathan comforted.
"I know you want me to tell you that everything will be ok but it's not ok and once you know that Nathan, there is no going back." She sobbed. "So you want to know the truth. I am not ok. I am trying to deal with this, the best I can. But I can't Nathan. You want the truth I can't do it. And I don't want you to know what happened because if you're heart breaks even the littlest bit. I will never be able to forgive myself. Right now I can't be this strong girl who woke up and remembered life is worth living because right now I feel dead inside and the only thing keeping me together is knowing that Nathan Scott loves me and will never give up on me even though I have been the crappiest girlfriend." She sobbed.
"Haley, i never want you to feel like this but please just open up to me." He begged. She looked at him.
"I am not a virgin anymore." She said. She wasn't ready to use the word rape in front of him.
"So you slept with someone. I knew it Haley. Just don't talk to me." He said and walked out.
Lydia came down and haley bawled her eyes out. She knew she should've gone after him but she couldn't.
They went to the police station and Haley told an officer that she wanted to press charges. He told her that she would need to meet with a lawyer and may have to speak against him as a witness and she agreed whatever she had to do. All she knew is that she wanted him locked up. And that she was going to be strong and go back to school.
Another long chapter. Anyway I hope you guys are enjoying the story!!! I promise she'll tell him soon!!

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