Chapter 24

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Haley was nearly finished with her tour she had a couple more weeks left. She was in her dressing room in New York City when someone knocked on her door. She opened it to find Lucas with the security guard on the other side.
"This man claims he knows you." The security guard said and she nodded.
"Lucas! What are you doing here?" She asked with a huge grin on her face and hugged him tightly.
"I came to see your show. Since it was getting kind of lonely in Tree Hill." He replied.
"I'm so happy you're here." She proclaimed. And her manager came in through the door.
"You're on in five." She stated. Haley nodded and she left the room.
"Ok, great. Why don't we have dinner. Here is a vip pass and meet me back here when the show ends." She tells Lucas. And walks towards the door.
"Yeah, ok. Hales?"
"Yeah." She replied as she turned back around to face Lucas.
"You look amazing." He stated and smiled.
"Thank you." She answered and walked out to start the show.
After the show Haley came back into the dressing room to find Lucas sitting on one of the couches.
"You were amazing on stage." He said as he walked over to hug her.
"Aww, thanks." She said flipping her hair back. She changed into something more comfortable and they went to an Italian restaurant.
"So how's the tour?" He asked.
"It's amazing. I love the feeling of being up on stage and the crowd. There is nothing like it."
"That's great. You are so talented. You deserve this." He complimented and she smiled.
"So have you talked to Brooke?" Haley asked curiously.
"Yeah, I went down there for a week. But I've been helping out at the cafe a lot since someone got the summer off. How about you? Have you talked to Brooke or Peyton?" He replied.
"Not that much. I've been so busy. I'm so tired after a show, normally i fall asleep. But I want to see my best friend so I'll sleep in the bus." She replied.
"So I guess you've been too busy to call Nathan." He said throwing shade at her.
"That's not fair Luke. We both have intense schedules. He wakes up early and spends long hours at practice while I am still sleeping. Also the time difference make it even harder especially since he is in California right now. We also have completely different timetables and not a lot of free time. Have you talked to him?" She asked
"Yeah, I've called him a couple times. I mean he said you guys text but it's only for a little while until one of you has to do something."
"I want to call him, but we haven't spoken in over a month." Haley revealed.
"He loves you. He would love to hear your voice. Call him hales." Lucas insisted.
They got back to the Hotel and Lucas was asleep in her bedroom.
She hesitated to call Nathan but after half an hour of pacing in her hotel room she finally did.
But it went straight to voicemail.
"Hey, sorry we haven't called as much as I'd hoped we would. But I just wanted to say I miss you and I hope everything is going good and that the scouts are impressed. I mean why wouldn't they be. I love y-" she was about to say but the voice machine cut her off. She got out the one thing that she hadn't taken out of her suitcase the whole trip as it would make her feel so homesick. She got out the shirt Nathan had given her the day he left. She held it close to her face and breathed in his scent. Tears started falling. She missed him so much. She hated being away from him and the familiar scent made it feel as she was back in his arms.
Nathan just got out of the shower and saw he had one missed call from Haley. He listened to the voicemail and grinned. He decided to call her back but she didn't answer. He looked at the time and realized it was late where she was. And that she was probably asleep. He didn't want to disturb her. He sent her a text though.
Nathan: Got your voicemail. Miss you too. Can't wait to see you.
Nathan: Goodnight beautiful.
Nathan didn't expect her to reply so he went to sleep dreaming about Haley.
Haley woke up and found Lucas gone. He was probably out for a run or something and Haley showered quickly and checked her phone and found that Nathan had called her and texted her.
Haley: Good morning handsome, have a great day.
Haley: I'll be thinking of you.
Nathan woke up to the sound of notifications. He got to sleep in today as practice was later today. He saw Haley replied to his texts last night.
Nathan: Good morning beautiful. Couldn't stop dreaming of you last night.
Haley's stomach were full of butterflies and she decided to call him.
"Hey beautiful." He said groggily
"Hi." She replied they were silent for a minute just listening to each other's presence.
"I miss you." Haley broke the silence.
"Me too can't wait to see you."
"So what are you wearing?" Nathan asked and Haley giggled.
"Stop it." She said
"Seriously though."
"I just got out of the shower." She replied
"Are you trying to turn me on? Because it's working." Nathan teased
"Ok. Hanging up now." She joked
"Ok fine, how's life." He asked
They talked for 20 minutes until he had to go to practice. Haley then got dressed and went down to breakfast and started her day.
I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas! I know I did.
I know this chapter isn't that exciting but I thought it was kind of cute idk. And I wanted to write more Haley and Lucas scenes as I love their friendship in the show.

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