Chapter 12

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On Monday she got ready for school. She'd had called Brooke to tell her that she was going to school and apologized for shutting her out. Brooke offered to give her a ride to school.
"So how are you doing?" Brooke asked
"Better. I just needed a couple days to process it and once I asked to press charges I felt like I could breath a bit better." She relied
There was a minute of silence.
"I talked to Nathan." She said
"And... did he want to punch the guy?" Brooke asked
"It was more like he wanted to punch me."
"Wait. What. Why would he want to punch you?"
"He thinks I cheated on him and slept with someone else."
"Nathan would never think that. I mean he knows how much sex means to you."
"Well I kind of told him I slept with someone and he walked away and told me not to talk to him."
"Do you want me to talk to him?" Brooke asked and Haley shook her head.
They arrived at school. Haley apologized to Peyton and told her that she wasn't feeling well. But she had already talked to Nathan so she believed that Haley cheated on him. It turned out Nathan ditched school.
"Welcome back hales." Lucas said as he leaned in to hug her but she backed away as it was still triggering to her.
"Thanks." She said and the bell rang. Nathan wasn't at school. She really wished he was here to protect her. But Lucas stayed with her and walked with her to all her classes which made her feel safer.
"Peyton I need to talk to you." Haley said
"Well I don't talk to cheating whores." Peyton insulted. Haley knew she deserved that so she didn't take it too hard.
"Ok you have no idea what happened. Nathan didn't let me explain all of it cause he walked off. Please just hear me out." Haley continued
"Ok fine. Tell me what is it that's so important." She said sarcastically
"Not here." She said and they went somewhere more private.
"Ok go on." Peyton snapped
"Ok fine. The truth is yes I lost my virginity but it wasn't the plan. I love Nathan and I wanted my first time to be with him. But someone drugged me and I couldn't move. I didn't even have the energy to speak. So a guy took advantage of that and raped me. I would never hurt Nathan. I am so in love with him. It's just I was so depressed and I have a therapist now that I am seeing today."
"Oh my god Haley. I am soo sorry you had to go through that. I had no idea you were going through that alone. You know Nathan and I are always here for you."
"I know but I didn't want to talk to anyone, and also I don't want to keep reliving the event. I constantly have nightmares and the only person who would come into my house is Lucas because he had a key."
"Why haven't you told Nathan?" She asked
"I'm scared to. I don't know how he'll react firstly and second of all I didn't want him to see me in the state I was in, even though he did. And I couldn't find the words to tell him. I mean if I was a guy and my girl was raped. I wouldn't be able to deal with it. I would be heartbroken that I couldn't be there to protect her. And now it's too late because he won't talk to me."
"You should tell him. He needs to know and yeah he'll be heartbroken to know that it happened to  the girl he loves but he'll be even more upset that you had to go through alone and he didn't help you through it and that he shouldn't have given up.
"Thanks Peyton." She said and they hugged and the bell rang just in time.
After school Haley had work and then later her therapist.
"So how was the first day of school?" She asked
"It was ok. I guess. It was kind nerve wrecking walking in the hallways with big crowds. Considering I've been in my room until today." Haley chuckled. She was still unease about everything.
"And did you talk to Nathan about it."
"No he didn't show up at school. I mean I don't blame him. But I wish he could let me explain. I talked to Peyton today. I told her."
"That's a start. But you should explain what happened to Nathan. He deserves the truth."
"I know he does. But He is the person I love most in this world and thought of losing makes me want to die. I can't lose him."
"If he loves you as much as you say he does. He'll understand. You've gone through something very traumatic and having a love and support system helps a lot more than you'd think." She said

The session continued for an hour. Haley decided to drive to Nathan's house to talk to him.
She hesitated to get out of the car but finally did and knocked on the door.
Mrs Scott opened the door.
"Haley, what a pleasant surprise."
"Hi Mrs. Scott. I was wondering if Nathan was home?" Haley asked
"Yeah, He is in his room. He hasn't left the house all day."
"Do you mind if I come in so I can talk to him?" Haley asked
"Of course come on in." Mrs Scott responded gesturing her to come in.
Haley went up to his room and knocked on his door.
"No, mom I told you I am not hungry." He said and Haley opened the door.
"Oh, it's you!" He said sitting on his desk chair.
"Your mom let me in." Haley added
"Well She shouldn't have." He snapped
"Nathan, please let me explain. I didn't tell you the whole story." She cried
"Ok then tell me. Let me guess. You guys flirted and then kissed and then he ripped your clothes off and then it happened and you were drunk and then you realized what you had done and went home and didn't want to face me."
"Nathan you have no idea what has been happening to me." Haley sobbed she started crying.
"You're right because you didn't tell me. Or talk to me. Instead you let me knock on your door everyday and didn't bother to open the freaking door." He fumed.
"I'm sorry. But I wasn't ready to talk but now I am." She said as she sat down on his bed.
"Ok fine go on." He sighed he knew Haley always gave him a chance to explain so he kind of owed it to her to explain herself.
"Ok, well Brooke invited me to go to this party since Jake broke up with Peyton and thought they needed a girls night out. Brooke and Peyton were doing things I wasn't sure. Anyway I went to get a drink. And I may have put it down for a second or something and things started to become blurry and I was loosing energy. This guy lead me to an empty bedroom. I asked where he was taking me and he said somewhere quiet. He locked the door and layed me on the bed." She sobbed even more.
"He took my clothes clothes off... and... he... raped me" she wept and tears began falling swiftly. He felt his heart break as soon as she said that. How could he have been such an idiot. He blamed her for cheating but in reality she had been through something a lot worse. He couldn't find the words to explain how he felt. It was mixed emotions. Anger and frustration, also relief that she didn't cheat but sadness because she had gone through something dramatic.
"I begged for help but I was to weak to scream." She started crying uncontrollably. Nathan stood up and went to sit next to her.
"Shhh. Everything's ok now." He comforted. He made sure her head was on just chest and he could feel her tears wetting his T-shirt.
"I am soo sorry. I never meant for this to happen. I am sorry that I shut you out. It's all my fault. I just didn't want you to see how weak  I really am. I'm so sorry, Nathan. Please forgive me. I didn't want to hurt you. " She sobbed.
"Don't you ever say that again. You are not weak Haley James. You are one of the strongest person I know. I am going to find the guy that did this to you and I am going to make sure he never hurts anyone again." He threatened. He was furious that someone did this to Haley. He wanted to make sure that no one touched her again. Haley continued to sob. He wanted to make the pain go away but he knew he couldn't so all he could do was sit there and watch the girl he loves bawl her eyes out.
"I'm so sorry for doubting you. I shouldn't have. I know that you wouldn't cheat on me. I just got mad when you shut me out. To be honest though. I'd rather you have cheated on me than you having to go through this. You don't deserve this Haley. You are best and most beautiful person I know and this shouldn't have happened. If I could trade places with you. I would Haley. I just want you to know that. God why didn't I go with you. I should have been there to protect you." He apologized.
"I know and I love you for it. Also I don't blame you. But just so you know I would never ever be unfaithful to you. And it's not your fault the last thing I want is for you to blame yourself. I love you Nathan scott." She stated he leaned in to kiss her but she pulled back.
"I'm sorry i didn't mean to." She said realizing what she had done. This was the first time he'd lean in to kiss her since it had happened.
"I get it you need time." He said and she nodded.
"The guy, he's been arrested. The trial is in a couple weeks." Haley stated.
"There's going to be a trial?" He asked
"Yeah, i may have to testify against him." She added
"Just know I am here for you. Always and forever. You are the girl that I love Haley James and I'll protect you in anyway I can" He expressed
"And I love knowing that. " She replied.
They cuddled in silence. She soon fell asleep for the first time in days knowing that she was going to be safe.
So this will be the major plot for a couple more chapters!!! This a huge problem and it's sad that women and men have to deal with this.

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