Chapter 28

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Three weeks after school started. They all had meetings with university counselor, Miss Lee.
Lucas had his during first period.
"Do you have any ideas of where you would like to go?" She asked while looking down at his file
"I know I want to stay close to Tree Hill but not too close. I mean I can't afford to go out of state anyway. Unless I get a scholarship or something. I was thinking UNC or Duke if I got in." He told the college counselor, Miss Lee.
"Do you know what you would want to study?" She asked.
"I was thinking literature. I love writing and reading and just English in general." He stated.
"You have very strong grades in English. You have 3.8 gpa which is excellent. Your SAT score is great especially the English section. And you are on the varsity basketball team."
"I work in my dads garage and help my mom in her caffe when I have the time." Lucas added
"Well I don't see why you wouldn't be able to get in but getting scholarships is harder so you may have to work a bit harder for scouts to notice. You'll need good recommendation letters but I know you'll be just fine." She stated
"Thank you for your time." He said and left the office.
Brooke was the next one to have the meeting.
"I mean I love fashion. I started my own clothing line last year. Clothes over bro's. Anyway are there any good fashion colleges that also have good basketball team. Because my boyfriend is the shooting guard and we need to go to the same university." She stated.
"What are your extracurricular activities Brooke?" She asked ignoring the previous question.
"Well like I said owner of clothes over bro's, captain of the Ravens cheer squad and student body president as well as being very good with people." Brooke said.
"Well, you're grades are average some slightly below and other slightly above but your SAT score is fantastic. You scored very high on that. If you write a killer essay. You could get into good schools. Are there any schools that interest you?" She asked
"I'm not sure. I mean Duke or UNC. I would love to go to New York, or LA! That would be so cool."
"So tell me Peyton. Have you thought about college?" Miss Lee asked.
"Um, no. Not really. I mean I have no idea what I want to do." She revealed. Peyton wasn't even sure if college was the right choice for her. What would she do there.
"Well, you have the grades and I know you have a column in the school newspaper to draw and your in the cheer squad. So a fair amount of activities. What do you enjoy Peyton?" Miss lee asked
"I love music. I mean that's a lot of my inspiration and how I get through the day and art is a big part of my life. I love kids too" she said.
"Well, you could go to art school or maybe go study business and then later run a record label. Or something that is very common is double majoring. You could do both." Miss Lee advised.
"I'm not sure." Peyton finally said after a minute of silence.
"Of course. You don't have to decide now. But I advise that you think about it and apply to a couple schools that interest you. You may think that you need to map it all now and follow one path. But do what you to believe in. If it's to travel and see the world then go for it. A lot of people go to college undecided and don't decide till later. SCAD would be a great fit for you or maybe something closer to home like UNC. Or if you want to be near the big city. UCLA or USC. Pepperdine is a great school. Research about those schools and get back to me or you can decide on your own." Miss laid said.
"Thank you." Peyton said
"It's what I'm here for." Miss Lee smiles and Peyton left.
Haley walked in.
"So I see your ranked number 1 and working in the tutoring center as an honorary student and now on the ravens cheer team. And you work after school and went on tour during the summer. You are an impressive young lady." Miss Lee complimented.
"Thank you." Haley said as her cheeks flushed red.
"So any ideas where you want to go?" She asked
"Yeah, Stanford. It's been my dream since I was in like the seventh grade."
"Really? What made you want to go there?" She asked.
"Well, we were in San Francisco for the holidays and we were touring colleges for my sister even it was early for her too. She was a freshman but she wanted to take a look and when I stepped on to that campus. I fell in love. I knew that's where I wanted to go."
"Such a heartwarming story. I am certain that you'll fit right in at Stanford. Do you know what you want to study?" Miss Lee asked
"Yeah, I was thinking about teaching. I mean I love tutoring and seeing the look on the students faces when they understand something it's just an amazing feeling." Haley replied
"Stanford has an amazing teaching program. I know you'll be successful and a great teacher, Haley." Miss Lee said and Haley nodded and left.
Finally it was Nathan's turn.
"So Mr. Scott. How was your day?" She asked as it was last period.
"Well it just got better since you pulled me out of math." He joked. But she didn't laugh.
"So I can see in your file that your grades are below average and that your SAT score is borderline acceptable to any school."
"I know school isn't my strongest but I am doing a lot better thanks to my tutor."
"Do you want to go to college?" She asked.
"What kind of question is that. Of course. Duke has always been the dream. I hope that a basketball scholarship will get me in."
"Right! You're the star athlete at this school. MVP and captain of the ravens basketball team. Impressive. I'm sure the scouts will notice you. As for your grades. All I can recommend is to keep working and if you consider taking the SATs again in December and maybe prepare for them this time. Other than that. I wish you luck." She stated
"Thank you." He said and nodded and went back to his locker for basketball practice.
He smiled at the fact Haley was already dancing and thought about how hot she looked in the uniform.
"Scott! You're late. Run five laps around the gym. Now!" Whitey snapped him out of his thoughts and Haley smiled back at Nathan and he gave her the nod and began to run his laps and started practice.
"So how was your meeting with Miss Lee?" Nathan asked Haley. They were outside in the schools courtyard.
"It was great. She said I had a great chance at getting in to Stanford." Haley stated but he looked at her in confusion. They hadn't talked about college yet. I guess it was discussion they were avoiding from eachother.
"Stanford? But that means well be 3000 miles away from each other? I mean I always thought I'd go to Duke." He stated. They both looked down in disappointment as Haley put her hand on top of his.
"I want you to go to Duke Nathan. But I've always dreamed of going to Stanford." She finally said after a long moment of silence. But neither of them knew what to say. They sat in utter silence until the bell rang. They both nodded and headed to their next class.

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