Chapter 33

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The first thing Nathan did was drive to the hospital. He didn't get much sleep last night. He needed to see Haley. He stood at the entryway. Even when she was in an induced coma she looked gorgeous. He took a seat next to her.
"Hey hales. The doctor said it was good to talk to you. I brought your favorite flowers. You know those purple ones that you like so much. Anyway. I skipped basketball practice. I needed to see you." Nathan said and paused for a second to see if she would respond but nothing.
"I want to say that I am really sorry for being a real dick yesterday and I know I can't change the past but it's the last time I'll listen to my dad. I trust you more than anyone I know. I was just being really stubborn." He continued but still no movement from her. She laid there in a hospital gown and had stitches on the side of her forehead. He felt his heart break a little. Knowing that he was the main reason she was like this. He kissed her forehead and stared at her for a bit longer.
"Just move one of your beautiful fingers if you can hear me. Or even better open your eyes so I can see your sparkly brown eyes that I love so much. This can't be the last time we kiss or I get to tell you how much I love you. I want to hear you laugh again and see your beautiful smile. I want you to crinkle your nose and see your wrinkles when you get annoyed at me. This can't be the last time I see those. People need you. I need you. I'm not sure how I can go on without you." He frowned and tears fell swiftly as she stood still.
Brooke and Peyton came in a short while after watching Nathan hold Haleys hand. They felt bad for him and were distraught to see that Haley hadn't waken up.
"She still hasn't waken up?" Brooke asked and Nathan nodded.
"I've been with her all morning. The doctors say to give it time. But I need her." He confessed.
Peyton and Brooke stayed with Nathan and finally Lucas joined later.
"Whitey was pissed that you missed practice. But I told him that you needed to be here." Luke comforted.
"What if she never forgives me. I mean it's my fault she's here." He frowned.
"Nathan you didn't drive into her. There was a huge storm she was just at the wrong place at the wrong time." Lucas said.
"Yeah and Haley is one of the most forgiving people I've ever met. She'll understand. You need to fight for her Nathan. So she'll know you'll be there for her." Peyton added and he nodded.
"But I could have prevented her from leaving. If I wasn't so stubborn, she would be here with us and not in that condition." He cried.
"Maybe. But you can't change the past just focus on the present and future on how to improve things with Haley." Brooke said and he nodded
"Do you guys want anything from the cafeteria." Lucas asked and everyone shook their head.
"I'll go with you. To keep you company" Brooke said and followed him out.
They returned to find Haley in the exact same position as they left.
Visiting hours were now over and they all had to leave. Nathan had spent the whole day by Haleys side and was reluctant to leave but followed orders as he didn't want to be banned from seeing her.
It's been almost a week and Nathan skipped a lot of school but their parents came back from their trip and forced him to go to school and said they'd call if anything changed with Haley.
"So is Haley any better?" Mouth asked
"No I mean the doctors said she's fine but she's not waking up. They keep saying that when she's ready she'll wake up but it's been a frickin week." Nathan started to rage but Peyton put her hand on top of his to calm him down.
"Sorry, I'm just worried about Haley." Nathan apologized after he calmed down.
"We all are." Brooke responded. Nathan was taking Haleys coma situation the hardest as he felt that he was to blame. But everyone else was still affected especially since she hasn't woken up yet. He would go there before and after school until he had to leave. He would bring her flowers everyday and read her favorite book to her. He hated reading but he knew that she would love it.
"You know what I can't go to class and pretend everything is ok. I'm going to go check up on her." Nathan said and got up from the table and left to go to his car.
Haley slowly opened her eyes. Her vision started off as blurry but she scanned the room and realized she was in the hospital.
A doctor came in.
"Hi I am Dr. West and I'm going to ask you a few questions." He said and Haley nodded.
"What is your full name?" He asked
"Haley Bob James." She replied and he nodded.
"What is the last thing you remember?" He asked
"I was at Nathan's and then I was driving home and I blacked out. What happened?"She replied. he realized her memory seemed to be fine.
"You were in a car accident and you were in a coma until now. I'll keep checking up on you."
"How long have I been out?" Haley asked the doctor.
"Six days." He replied.
"Six days." She repeated in shock.
He asked her a couple more questions and exited the room.
Nathan entered the door to see Haley awake.
"You're awake." He cried as he smiled and gave her a hug. Haley was still upset with him but needed a hug. She breathed in the familiar scent.
"Yeah. I woke up like ten minutes ago." She stated and laughed.
"These are for you." He stated handing her flowers. She smiled.
"Thank you. That's really sweet of you, Nathan." She smiled once again taking his hands. He could feel that her hands were cold but he didn't mind.
"Are you cold?" He asked and she nodded. He put his jacket on her.
"Thank you." She said.
"So I know I was a dick last time we talked. I want to apologize and that I know you would never to do that. I let Dan get into my head which I shouldn't have, I know. But I feel really bad and I want to make it up to you." Nathan expressed.
"Thank you Nathan. I just need time. I mean I got hit by a car and my parents probably don't even know that I am awake." Haley said and Nathan nodded. He understood that this was a lot considering the last moments with eyes open were intense.
"I'll call them for you. Can I call Brooke, Peyton and Lucas too?" He asked and she nodded.
An hour later everyone was sitting by her side.
Peyton was drawing on her cast. Her mom and dad stopped in but said they needed to go home and tell the girls and cook dinner and work. Haley understood.
"So does it hurt, tutorgirl?" Brooke asked pointing to the cast.
"A little but I think my head hurts more." Haley said touching the stitches on the side of her forehead. Haley's stomach then rumbled. Everyone looked at her.
"Sorry, I'm just hungry." Haley stated and laughed.
"I'll get you something to eat." Lucas said and Haley nodded.
"Can you get something for me too." Brooke asked
"Me three." Peyton added
"I'm also hungry but I'll come with you. I'll see you soon." Nathan said as he kissed her forehead and followed him out.
"So have you forgiven Nate yet?" Brooke asked
"I just need time. I mean the last thing I remember is him practically accusing me and interrogating me. It wasn't fun." Haley stated
"Yeah and he feels really bad about it. He didn't mean anything he said. He let Dan get inside his head." Peyton stated and Haley felt bad and wanted to forgive him but she wasn't exactly ready.
"Nathan took your accident the hardest. He blamed himself and had a lot of guilt. He came here every chance he had. Look I know how he acted was bad like really bad. Like him being his old jackass self but he was scared." Brooke added.
"He was here everyday?" Haley asked.
"Everyday and for the first day he wouldn't even leave your side. He even read your favorite book. Look he wants to make it up to you. He loves you so much. He hated seeing you there and thought he was the one that deserved to be in your position." Peyton confessed and Haley cheeks flushed red and grinned. Not that she wanted Nathan in a coma but that he felt bad and was there by her side at every step.
"Yeah, ok fine. I get it he feels bad. But I'm still going to make him have to earn it." She said.
"Oh hell yes." Brooke agreed.
"Of course. Don't let him off easy." Peyton added and they all laughed.
"What's so funny?" Lucas asked.
"Oh, Haley is going to make Nathan work for her forgiveness." Brooke revealed and both Peyton and Haley glared at her.
"Good luck man. You're going to need it." Lucas said and Haley threw one of her pillows at him.
"Ouch. Why'd you do that? I didn't do anything other than get you chicken noodle soup." He said.
"With extra noddles." Haley and Nathan both said in unison.
"Wow lucas you've known me longer and everytime you forget the extra noodles." Haley teased.
"Don't worry I remembered." Nathan stated and Haley smiled at him.
"That's it I give up trying to win. Maybe you can do better." He said looking at Nathan, and handed her the food.
"Thank you." She said and smiled at him.
"Yeah that smile only works on Nathan." He teased.
"Hey! How could you say no to that." Nathan replied and they all laughed.
"Lucas lets go." Brooke said dragging Peyton out on one arm and Lucas with the other.
"Give your girl a kiss. She needs it." Brooke whispered to Nathan on the way out of the room.
"So we're alone again." Nathan stated.
"Yeah my head was getting worse from all of the yapping that Brooke was doing." Haley teased.
"I heard that!" Brooke yelled from outside the hall and they both laughed.
"Hey so I'm sorry for being weird before. It was just a lot. I just want you to know that I don't blame you. I know you were there for me and I really appreciate it." Haley said.
"Hey,don't worry about it. You don't have to apologize if anyone does it's me. I would've done anything so I could see you smile and your beautiful eyes again."
He complimented. She couldn't help but blush.
"How come even when I'm in a hospital and just got out from a coma, you can still make me feel so beautiful and lucky." She asked. She didn't know how but even on the worst days he could always make her blush.
"Because of my charm that no one especially you can resist." He teased.
"Just shut up and kiss me." She said and he nodded and leaned in to kiss her. He would've given anything just to kiss her one last time. He couldn't help but smile at the fact that this wasn't the last they would share. She breathed in his scent. Oh how she missed his scent and everything about him. They snuggled up together and she looked into those baby blue eyes that she loved so much
"You know everytime I look into your eyes. I know everything is going to be okay." She stated
"I love you for that. For Believing in us." He said and she snuggled into his chest thinking about them but quickly fell asleep in his arms. He watched her sleep. She was breathing heavily and she crinkled her nose which made him smile even more. He was so in love with her that he didn't even know it was possible to feel this way about someone. Especially at his age.
Long chapter but anyway hope everyone is enjoying the plot so far!

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