Chapter 18

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Lucas and I were eating at Karen's cafe.
"So.. what are your plans for this weekend? You and Nathan doing anything?" Lucas asked
"Quinn is supposed to be coming home tonight. Since her spring break starts earlier than ours. She has three weeks off this year. She is supposedly bringing her new boyfriend." Haleys replied.
"That's cool. Do you know anything about him? Brooke and Peyton are dragging me to Tric to help prep for opening night. Wish me luck. Maybe Quinn can come if she's still in town. It's next Friday." He groaned.
"Well, good luck. I mean I'm sure she'll love to if she's here I'll ask. All I know is that his name is Clay and he is also a freshman. Anyway I better get going. I'll see you."
Haley drove home. As soon as she got there she saw Quinn and a guy who looked around 6"1 and had blond hair and very deep blue eyes.
"Quinn welcome home!" Haley said happily and gave her sister a big hug.
"Thanks Hales. Haley this is Clay. Clay, Haley." She introduced us.
"Nice to meet you Haley. I've heard good things about you." He said and they shook hands.
"Nice to meet you too." Haley responded.
We all sat at the table eating dinner. Haley's mom made shepherds pie.
"So how'd you guys meet?"  Haleys dad asked.
"On campus. We have a study group and we had a mutual friend that set us up." Quinn responded looking at Clay who smiled back at her. They were so cute together.
"So do you have any ideas what you want to be when you graduate or what your leaning towards, Clay." Haleys dad interrogated.
"I'm a business major but I want to be a sports agent."
"That's really cool. Haley's boyfriend is the captain of the schools varsity basketball team. Doesn't he want to be play in the NBA when he's older?" Haleys mom stated
"Yeah, he does. But he wants to go to college too mom." Haley stated
"Well, that's cool I'll have to see him play sometime. I mean I know the seasons over but I'm sure I'll get the chance to see him play."
"He's amazing. At basketball I mean. Though he used to be kind of an ass." Quinn stated. Haley kicked her under the table and she yelled in pain and glared at her sister.
"Quinn! Language please." Haleys mom yelled
"Sorry. I mean he's a great person now. I think you guys would get along." Quinn responded. Clay chuckled and Quinn got annoyed but he kissed her on the cheek and all was forgiven.
"So how long are you guys staying?" Haley asked while eating her food.
"I'm not sure why?" Quinn responded.
"Um.. well there's this opening night at this new nightclub and high school students are allowed. There will be live music. My friend Peyton and her mom are opening it. It's called Tric. It's next Friday." Haley stated.
"That's so cool. I would love to go. But we'll have to see."
"So what are you guys planning to do tomorrow?"
"Well, sleeping late is one of them. And I thought I'd show Clay around Tree Hill. You can join." Quinn said and Haley nodded.
Next day they left at around noon to have lunch at Karen's cafe.
"I haven't been here in the longest time. God I miss their fries. Order me a turkey sandwich and a side of fries and coleslaw. And to drink a water with a slice of lemon. Also a root beer float. And a side of onion rings. And they also have really good hash browns so order me a side of those. I'm going to the bathroom." Quinn stayed and left to go to the bathroom.
"Wow, I forgot how much she eats." Haley stated and both of them laughed in agreement.
"I'm pretty sure she is also wanting to get dessert." Clay added and they both laughed.
Nathan walks in to the Karen's Cafe to see Haley and some guy he didn't know, talking and laughing.
"Hey, Nathan." Haley yelled and he came towards her. Though Haley could tell he was annoyed and jealous. Haley found it hot when Nathan was jealous.
"Hey. I thought you were spending the day with Quinn?" He asked while glaring at clay. He started to get jealous.
"I am. She's in the bathroom. I want you to meet Clay. He's Quinn's new boyfriend.  Clay this is my amazing boyfriend Nathan Scott." Haley introduced both of them. Nathan was relieved to know that he wasn't single. It was weird since Nathan never really was the jealous type.
"Nice to meet you, man. I've heard good things about you." Clay took out his hand.
"Thanks. Nice to meet you too." Nathan said as they shook hands.
"Did you guys order yet? Oh hey Nathan." Quinn asked and they shook our heads.
"Um... I just came to get takeout since Peyton is very hangry right now. I'll talk to you later. Love you." He said and kissed her on the top of her head.
"Bye, Love you." She said and he walked out with the food in his hands.
"So how long have you guys been together?" Clay asked
"Since September. It's been 6 months. Oh my god! We have been together for six months."
"Wow that's a long time. I think my longest relationship was like a month." Clay said.
"We've been dating for two months?!" Quinn added and lightly slapped his chest. And Haley laughed
"Ow, I'm not counting you. Because I plan to fall completely in love with you." He said and they leaned in to kiss.
"Ok, that was very cute but eww. That's my sister. You guys can do that. Just not around me." Haley stated. Making a facial expression. And they both laughed.
So I decided to put senior year in this book as it's a lot easier than making a whole new book. But that's just means it's going to a lot of chapters!
Hope everyone is enjoying this book so far!

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