Chapter 13

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This is basically the trial if you don't want to read the whole thing. I'm not sure if this how a real trial goes since I am not a lawyer or in law school.

It's been a couple weeks and the trial was today. Haley had taken off school to prepare for the trial. Nathan came by her house to go to court with her.
"Just so you know I may not be next to you but I'll be there the whole time so if you get nervous just remember I love you and you'll be great." He said and she went in to hug him. Haley still couldn't kiss him or anything other than hugging him even though she wanted to, she just wasn't ready.

Haley was called up to testify and so was brooke.
They entered the court room and Haley was separated from everyone else. Her mom and Nathan were there for support and Brooke was also there to speak up.
"Did you  know the accused before the rape, and what sort of relationship you had, Miss James" the prosecutor asked
"No your honor. I never met him until the party, but even then I didn't really know him." Haley  stated
" can you tell us what happened before the event." The prosecutor asked
"I arrive at the party with my friends, Peyton Scott and Brooke Davis. I went to get them a drink and myself one and then we were talking and dancing. My friends went off somewhere. Maybe outside I'm not exactly sure. And then suddenly I began to feel weak." Haley replied
"Do you know if any drugs or alcohol were involved in the rape?" She asked
"Yeah, i had a little bit of alcohol and I am pretty sure he drugged me." She stated. She felt tears forming in her eyes. She didn't want to talk about it but she wanted him locked away. Nathan could tell she was getting uncomfortable. He wanted to be there to hold her hand but he smiled at her just so she knew that he was there for her.
"Can you describe the event itself." She asked
Haley began to cry but took deep breathes and finally calmed down.
"Yeah, I mean I didn't really know what was going on but someone was leading me upstairs and didn't have any inhibition so i didn't fight it and then took me upstairs and locked the door. He.." She sobbed and tears fell down her face.
"He ripped my clothes off..." she couldn't continue it was too hard for her.
"Please state where he touched you?" The prosecutor asked. She calmed down and continued
"Um. I don't know. I didn't even realizing what was going on. But I guess mostly my lower body. Because I was unconscious for the end and I could hardly move. He took advantage of that."
"And did you give him consent to do this to you?" She asked
"No, I told him to stop but I was too weak to push him off." Haley replied
"And this was your first time?"
"Yes, I wanted to wait till I was in love." Haley added
"Tell us what happened after the rape and what was your state of mind."
"I am not exactly sure for how long we were in the room for but I woke to find him gone and I put my clothes back on and told my friends that I needed to leave and so we left. I was confused at first because I wasn't sure if it was a dream or real life until I realized I was in a house that I've never been too."
"So this is indeed the first you've seen the accused since the event?"
"Yes, your honor."
"And when you got home? Who was the first person you told?"
"Brooke Davis. She stayed over that night and took me to the hospital and police station to give me my statement."
"Was brooke Davis the only person you told?"
"At first yes then my best friend lucas. And then my mom"
"How did you feel after the event."
"I felt scared like there was no point of living if someone is going to hurt you like that. I shut everyone out." Haley started sobbing once again.
" I didn't want to talk to anyone. I didn't want to eat and everytime I'd close my eyes new memories of that night would come back to haunt me."
"Do you still have nightmares"
"Yeah, every night. I don't feel safe anymore"
"Tell me When was the last time you felt safe?"
"After I told my boyfriend Nathan Scott and he'd said that he'd always protect me and I fell asleep in his arms. I knew I was safe because he'd put my safety above his own." She stated
"Tell me if it was hard for you to tell him?"
"It was. I didn't want to tell him or I couldn't find the words to tell him without breaking all over again. Also because I knew that we wouldn't be the same couple we once were." She sobbed
"What was Nathan's Scott's reaction to the event?"
"I'm not exactly sure. But I know he was sad and angry that this had happen to me but he was also strong when I couldn't be and he has been there for me. I think he'd just wish that all of it could go away because he hated to see me this hurt."
"Last question? What made you want to go back to your life?"
"My mom. She made me realize that I needed to live life and not live in fear. And that this would help with closure I guess. Also I was just tired of being scared and sad."
"Thank you, now will the next witness come to the stand." She asked and Brooke came to the stand.
"What is your relationship with the survivor?" She asked
"She is my classmate and best friend."
"Can you explain to me what happened before the event."
"Well I drove her and Peyton Scott to this party of some friends friend friend I knew was throwing and we got inside the house and Haley brought us drinks and we danced but Peyton and I went to go get some flat shoes since Peyton's feet were hurting in my car and the thing I know she was gone."
"Did you consume any alcohol?"
"No, I was driving all of us home and was going to be the sober one that night." Brooke replied
"Did you go look for Haley?"
"Yeah we looked everywhere but the bedrooms upstairs were locked so we thought people were doing it but we didn't think of Haley being in one of those rooms. Also Peyton was kind of drunk." She added
"How long was she gone for?" She asked
"Not exactly sure. Around an hour and a half to two hours."
"What was Haley's reaction?"
"She looked confused and sad and I knew something was wrong so I dropped off Peyton and drove Haley home."
"Did Haley talk to you about the situation right after it had happened."
"Not exactly. Like I said before I dropped Peyton off first but even then Haley didn't say a word. I asked if she wanted to talk about it but she just shook her head and I asked again after I was at her house."
"Was she alone that night at the house?"
"Her parents weren't home so I asked if I should stay the night. When we got inside that's when she told me what happened and she broke down crying. I've never seen Haley this upset in my life."
"How were you there to support your friend that night."
"Well for one. I stayed over and second of all I went with her to the police station and to the hospital to get the rape kit."
"What time was that around?"
"Around 1-2 am. It was late but it was better to do it as soon as possible."
"Did you tell anyone about what Haley had gone through?"
"I wanted to but she begged me not to because she wanted to tell them eventually but she wanted time to process it."
"Was there any particular person she didn't want to find out?"
"Yeah, her boyfriend, Nathan Scott."
"Do you know why?"
"She told me it was because she didn't want him to see her like this."
"Like what?"
"Broken I guess. I knew that Nathan was and is going to be the one that's going to help mend her heart but I believe that she didn't want to think that she was taking advantage of Nathan's love for her." She answered looking at Nathan. He smiled at that! Knowing that him being there had helped her tremendously. But he also felt his heart broke that he wasn't there when Haley felt the most hurt.
"Last question how did she react after the event had taken place?"
"She was broken, she isolated herself from everyone including me. The only person she'd talk to is Lucas Scott, since he had a key to her house. Lucas said she looked empty inside that every shred of happiness she'd every had. Had disappeared that night. I mean I don't blame her. This one of the most traumatic thing someone can experience. She wouldn't take anyone's calls and would stay in her room all day. We were all really worried about her."
"Thank you Brooke Davis. Take your seat and we would like to have the last witness.
It was a the nurse who helped her with her medical exam.
"Now did you find any drugs in her system?"
"Yes we found Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid which can be used as a date rape drug in her system along with alcohol. Which can cause memory loss and become weak!" She stated
" And is there any other medical evidence you can share?" She asked
"Yes, your honor. We also found traces of semen in her. And bruises on her wrists showing signs of force."
She said other stuff about medical things. Haley wasn't sure what they were talking about.
"Thank you, could the defendant show their case." She asked
They did, they had a two witnesses. Brian and another.
"Has the court reached a verdict?"
"We have your honor. We the jury find Brian Olson guilty of second degree rape." One person says.
Haley started crying, not because she was sad but because it was all over. The police took and he screamed
"You are going to pay for this. You fucking slut." He said as they forced him out of the court room.  She started crying at what he said. Haley went to hug Nathan. She kissed him on the lips which was something she hadn't been able to do till now. He could taste her tears but whipped them away and kissed her on the forehead.
"It's over. It's all over." He said hugging her as close as he possibly could. She was still sobbing!
"I love you." She expressed
"I love you too"
Haley then went to hug Brooke.
"Thank you so much for being here today! It means the world the to me." Haley stated
"Of course. Like I said I am always here for you no matter what!" Brooke replied! They both smiled.
They all went out to eat to celebrate. For the first time in a long time Haley was happy. They all were around one big table and no one would have thought that they'd just been in court.
Of course Haley ordered Macaroni and cheese.
"How are you doing?" Nathan asked while rubbing her back.
"Better. It feels like I can breathe again. I'm just happy you were there by my side. Knowing that made me feel safe." She said and leaned in to kiss him.
"I love you Haley James. Always and forever."
"I love you too!" She smiled
They ate their lunch and went back in the car.
"Haley and Nathan went back to his place to watch a movie.
"Which movie? How about a comedy because we need some laughter right now?"
"Sure, I mean I won't even be focusing on the movie." She flirted.
He then went to kiss her and pushed her down into the sofa and Haley screamed.
"Quiet down, you horny teenagers. I'm going to the grocery? Want anything?" Den asked
"Yeah could you get more Gatorade and Doritos." He asked and she nodded.
They watched the movie and Haley stayed for dinner and the night.
If you want to skip this chapter and want to know if he was found guilty, he was charged 20 years in prison, without parole. This was an intense chapter and I apologize for it being so long!

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