Chapter Three

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Hordak had been having more headaches and migraines as of late. This would happen anytime he'd mention something wrong in Hord Prime's eyes. Well, when he thought something wrong. Like his own name, apparently.

This whole process was meant to enforce things Hord Prime liked, while he erased everything else. And usually, he'd start with erasing the most recent memories. But these were almost impossible right now. How were they all fueled with so much emotion? He just needs to grind it down. Give it time. So, instead, he started with everything from his brother getting on Etheria. The farthest back in his memories. Besides, of course, him serving Hord Prime. That would always be kept.

Hordak himself didn't even know why so many emotions swirled within these supposedly worthless memories.

Mostly the one with the purple blob in it. Although every memory with that purple blob caused something to spark, there was one memory that was extremely...emotional. He wasn't supposed to be feeling emotions, let alone one he couldn't even identify himself.

That memory, which he could only remember one sentence of, was exasperatingly colorful. There was one moment his mind kept going back to in that memory. That sentence. What did that mean? Why did they say that? He was meant to be thrown aside. He was nowhere near equal to Hord Prime.

But those colors...purple, of course, but then there were streaks of bright yellow, green, soft oranges and blues... it was as if it was purposefully trying to create a spectacle. Why, though? If that was confusing enough, why did that voice speak? Why did it matter so much to him?
Why can't he stop thinking of that stupid purple blob!?

It hurt to think about whoever- whatever that was. Because ever since the memories stopped showing that purple blob, it hurt even more. Why? He couldn't remember. Everything was just one big why now. He wanted, if anything, to forget faster. He was forgetting, right? He couldn't recall exactly. Forgetting what? Memories? Which ones? Hopefully that blob. No, if he was forgetting that blob he wouldn't remember it.

God. He hated this. He wanted to forget this, all of this, but then why was he subconsciously saving all of these memories? And why, out of every single why he could give, did his chest hurt?

This isn't normal. He didn't like it. But he somehow did.

He hated everything.

~- - - - -~

She hated him. She tried to hate him before, and couldn't, but now she was sure she did. He crushed that gem. He sent her to beast island. He was evil.

She hated him.

Right? Right. Definitely, no doubt. Right.

Why Hordak? She hated that name now. Definitely, positively hated it. Right. Hordak. He hurt her. Right. He was evil. Right. He never cared for her. ...Right... He, he, he...

"He has a!" Entrapta declared, not realizing she said it aloud. She was going to cry again if she thought about him for too long. So, she thought of him, but badly. Just, a type of badly that wouldn't make her cry again. She never liked crying. She didn't like being seen crying, so she'd pull on her mask, but then it got all foggy and gross and she'd pull it off to look even worse. "Hordak is gross." She muttered, a bit angrily now. This felt good, insulting him.

She was no longer in the vents, instead having walked far away from the scene of the crime. She kept walking, her hair dragging on the ground as if in an angry protest at... something. She crossed her arms for once and kept her mask on still. To be honest, though, she wasn't even really looking for Scorpia anymore. She was just subconsciously letting off steam. A lot of it.

The imp, during this, was still quiet, his tail just flipping from side to side as he questioned what Entrapta was doing. He never saw her act like this. And why was she mad at Hordak? For that gem? He thought she and Hordak were friends...

Entrapta, though, unlike the imp, was being too loud for safety."Hordak is no good at science! He can't even build a portal! He had to get help from someone outside the horde! And- and He has no fashion taste? Yeah, yeah! No one wears tunics anymore! Haha!" She triumphantly declared, one of her pigtails pointing high into the air as if it were a fist declaring victory. "He didn't even know how to combine first one's tech with his! He has weird...uh...ears! And...he's stupid because he hurts people. He's bad." Entrapta's hair lowered as her voice tone changed to something slightly sadder.

The imp gave a questioning look at her. Could she make up her mind? Maybe it would help if he poked on in.

"Entrapta's my friend." Scorpia's voice declared as the imp opened his mouth. Entrapta moves her head up slightly, letting the imp now she heard him. One of her pigtails raised slightly, as if in confusion of some sort. "So cool." Scorpia's voice echoed again, the imp smiling slightly as Entrapta looked forward. No protest.

So he kept repeating Scorpia, smiling as Entrapta walked more calmly now, as if reminded that she still had one person who cared about her. Even though the imp knew Hordak did. Probably. He didn't talk about her around him too much. Hordak knew imp would repeat anything.

The most Hordak did to indicate he felt something toward this strange likeable girl was when he'd just sit down and constantly tap on that purple gem, looking up at the vents in silence.

Soon though, imp stopped, just resting on Entrapta's head. "Thanks lil guy." She sounded,  looking up at him. But she and him had already been too loud.

Because as soon as she said that, a bright beam appeared around her, lifting her up into the air. Her and imp, actually.

"Whoops. Guess we were too loud huh?" She tried to chuckle, but she knew this was something serious.

Well, on the bright side, she'd get to see some cool new tech before she died.

Blurry Purple Memories (She-ra, an Entrapdak fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now