Chapter Twelve (April Fools Edition)

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Finally, she would see Hordak again.

It seemed like such a long time ago now that they activated the portal. Well, Catra did, but whatever.

Now she would get to see Hordak. She'd get to go home, and who knows what would happen after that. They'd probably defeat Hord Prime of course, but what about after that? Now that she knew about this ship and it's technological advancements even farther than the Fright Zone, did she really want to go back to old tech?

She did stay in the Fright Zone at first mainly for its technology. So why not here? Hord Prime seemed alright enough..

But then there were her friends. Emily and Scorpia. She liked them, and they liked her, she couldn't just give up on them for some shiny new mainframes. But would they even mind where she met them? Maybe she could convince Hord Prime to let them stay here too!

And Hordak already seemed like he liked it here so... win-win! All she had to do was ask now.

Since Entrapta wasn't much for formalities, it seemed like no big deal to rise up on her hair behind the galactic leader and tap him on the shoulder. And since the galactic leader was usually greeted and treated with formality, he wasn't expecting that. 

In his surprise, Hord Prime turned around quickly, his two smaller eyes glaring in annoyance. He was just about to kill her, after all, so he wasn't in the mood to be questioned by her. He had to keep up the act, though, at least until they got to his brother. Feigning a smile, his main eyes focused on the princess, his next words hissing through clenched teeth. "Yes, princess Entrapta?" He asked, fixating his eyes on hers in an attempt to intimidate. 

Entrapta, if she even noticed the lie, shrugged it off and kept going on with her plan. Meeting Prime's eyes right back, but more cheerful, she put on a small smile before speaking. "Hey, so I have a question. More like a request, really, but still a question." She clasped her gloved hands together, moving into a sitting position mid-air. Hord Prime gave a slight nod for her to continue, still maintaining eye contact as his hands clenched behind his back. His smaller eyes still remained narrowed. 

"So since your technology here is absolutely fascinating, and super-advanced compared to Etheria, I was wondering if you'd let me stay here. You know, work on stuff, repair stuff, all that." Entrapta started, her eyes wandering the room around her as she spoke. Hord Prime opened his mouth to speak, but Entrapta continued before he could. "And I know you have clones, but just how efficient are they? I could also complete biological studies on a number of them, and if you've already done that, then at the very least could I collect that data? Oh, also, If that's a yes It would be great if we could pick up two more people from Etheria down there. Scorpia and Emily. Well, okay, Emily is a robot, but she has all the personality of a person! Now before you say no to that, I would like to inform you that Scorpia is actually a princess who can power Etheria and Emily won't cause trouble! In fact, she-"

"Entrapta, please calm down. My answer is yes." Prime chuckled a bit, slightly amused by her antics. She sure did talk a lot. The way her arms moved naturally when she talked were also worth noting, along with how her eyes sparkled on certain topics in her speech. No wonder His brother had an affinity for her.

Wait. No. No no no no no no no. He was lying to her, he was going to kill her, not analyze the way her smaller strands of hair would sometimes separate from the longer ones to show excitement. Or how deep her eyes were in color. He wasn't supposed to wonder how soft her hair must feel, or how smooth her skin was. Or why his face felt warm- Oh NO.

How could he have not seen it before? Not noticed that one small detail? If Hordak loved this woman, and HOrdak was a clone of him then-

Oh goodness. She met all his standards. Was he really going to let himself fall in love with this charming woman?

The answer was yes. But in a more... Hord Prime way. 

"Entrapta." He started, a genuine smile spread across his face as he bent down to one knee. "Will you rule the galaxy with me?" Suddenly a ring popped out of nowhere, a big purple gem fitted on top. "Of course! I only worked with Hordak to find you and win your love anyway!" The girl with lilac pigtails squealed, shrugging and smiling as a hair tendril grabbed the ring and fit it on her still gloved hand. Both of them then stood, smiling gleefully and holding hands. Even their hair entwined with one another underneath the blaring white ceiling lights. 

Facing each other, they looked deep into one another's eyes, and in a galaxy full of stars they leaned in for a- 


Gah I almost gagged writing that

Actually I did gag, cause that's a no for me dog.

Even if in some weird way it makes odd sense? But still no- bad, bad ship!

Anyway. The REAL Chapter Twelve will actually be here soon, and even though its been forever, thanks for sticking with me! So expect the real one soon! And tell me what you first thought of the terrible twist I put in here haha. Okay, bye! Stay safe and healthy!

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