Bad Ending

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( I decided to publish the bad end before the next chapter, just so you could all see how this story could have gone, hehe. This starts back when Entrapta was in the shower, so you all know. Also, WARNING: There is violence described in this chapter. If you are sensitive to it, just be warned. Well, enjoy!)

Entrapta sighed. She didn't know what she felt towards Hordak, it was all too confusing for her. She wasn't good at... this. Emotion handling and whatever. 

Her hands tugged through her hair but got stopped by the large knot she had been trying to detangle. She had gotten through the first knot, but this one was too stubborn to deal with right now. 

Shutting off the shower, Entrapta stepped out, grabbing a towel and drying off. After squeezing the water out of her hair she tied it into pigtails and grabbed her clothes. She decided to deal with the knot later. She needed to find Imp, he'd been gone too long. Maybe he was with Hordak...

Upon getting dressed, she stepped out of the small bathroom and stretched, walking towards the vent. "Imp?" She called out. "Record me and respond if you're there!" She added, pressing her ear to the ventilation system. 

"I'm not sure who you're referring too, but I'm here." A voice spoke, making Entrapta turn to face the voice. She saw Horde Prime standing there, regal as always. Quickly, she removed her head from the vent, standing up on her legs. "Oh, Hello there Horde Prime!" She spoke, trying to sound non-suspicious but failing immensely. 

"Yes, hello. Would you mind following me? I have someone who'd like to see you." Getting right to the point, Horde Prime glanced over the Etherian princess. She appeared to have just finished washing up, her hair still a bit damp. He noticed a large tangle of hair in one of her pigtails and felt disgust rise in him. He didn't like her to begin with, but was she just actively trying at this point? 

"Oh uh..." Entrapta mumbled, trying to figure out if that would be Imp or Hordak. Probably Hordak, hopefully Prime didn't know about Imp yet. "Yeah!" She finally responded, also figuring she didn't have a choice anyway. 

"Good." Was all the galactic leader spoke, turning around and walking away. Entrapta followed behind. Originally she stood and tried to maneuver on her hair, but stopped once she felt a painful tug on her left pigtail. Looking down, she saw the knot, twisting so tightly it was hard to walk on it. She reluctantly moved to her feet, following behind.

~- - - - -~

Entrapta felt her hair wrap around Horde Prime like a snake. She never used her hair to restrain a person before. Rouge robots sure, but not people. It felt odd. And her left pigtail still hurt.

When she came in this 'reconditioning room' as Hordak called it, she simply felt... odd. She was glad to see Hordak, of course, she was, but she was confused. He seemed... almost happier to see her than normal friends would be. She felt the same, actually, but she didn't know what that more was. She didn't want to figure it out. 

So... she didn't say anything. After they hugged and Hordak explained everything, she said she was glad to be friends with him and that... hurt him... She didn't know why. She didn't have time to figure it out anyway, because Prime interrupted. He started going on about how he expected more and laughed in between at Hordak's pitifulness.

She didn't like that at all. 

Even if she didn't know just how she felt about Hordak yet, she knew he was her friend, and friends don't let friends get picked on. 

So... she was where she was now. 

She stood by what looked like the control panel and had her hair wrapped around Prime's throat. She wasn't going to kill him, just make him pass out. Then figure out what to do with him after. She wasn't going to let him off the hook after he insulted Hordak. 

Entrapta felt his claws comb viciously through her hair, attempting to grab onto anything but it. 

She paid no mind to that, only working about the panel with her hands. Until she felt a painful tug on her left pigtail. 

She turned her head just enough to see the galactic overlord finally get a grip. It was on the knot she couldn't untangle. Entrapta attempted to move her hair away from him but was stopped. Prime's grip was firm, and it was clear he wasn't letting go. 

Horde Prime was much heavier than Hordak, she couldn't lift him much higher than he was, but he was strong enough to lift her.

The overlord tugged Entrapta backward by her pigtail, causing her to lose her grip on him as she stumbled. Once he landed on his feet, a malicious smile spread across his face, him regaining his threatening attitude faster than Entrapta thought. He pulled her toward him in a single motion, making her let out a painful yelp. 

She didn't have any time to register what he was going to do before he did it, so she couldn't fight back well. 

Horde Prime had used his other clawed hand to dig into her neck, holding it by its front. He squeezed it tight, blocking off her air passageway. 

Entrapta panicked, her right pigtail simply flailing about in a wild way, and her hands instinctively pulled at Prime's hand. She got nowhere, though, his grip was too strong. Entrapta felt tears well in her eyes as she struggled for any ounce of air, only breathy chokes and gasps leaving her throat. 

She only looked up, trying to find anything to grab onto with her hair and swing away, out of reach, but to no avail. She couldn't do anything, she couldn't, she couldn't. 

"Well, well, My assumption was correct, dear brother." Horde Prime's voice was filled way past the brim of pure joy, and his smile looked as if it'd rip his face in two. "Your precious Etherian princess is as weak as you are." 

In a display of strength and power, Horde Prime dug his clawed hand deeper into Entrapta's neck, pinpricking points of blood coming out soon after. 

Entrapta's hearing started to blur out after that, and she only caught bits and pieces of what Hordak was saying to her now. 


She lazily slid her eyes towards her friend and saw him in a blurred vision. 

He was crying. Tears spilled down Hordak's face in incessant lines, and his mouth would not stop moving. She could only assume he was pleading, begging, since she only caught small bits of what he was talking about. 

"Please-! ... Anything! I sw- ... Entrapta! ... ENTRAPTA!!" 

And then she saw and heard nothing. 

~- - - - -~

"Brothers! Please, welcome..."

She opened her eyes, seeing her new life. 

"Our new little sister." 

She heard clapping and smiled. looking about the room, she only saw perfection. Prime and her new brothers welcomed her with open arms. She was not different here, or weird. She was perfect.

Just like everything should be. 

(Well, that's the bad end! In the original draft, Entrapta would have been killed, but after season 5? Well, chipping seems worse. I hope you... eh probably not enjoyed, but you get what I mean. The epilogue chapter is still coming, so expect more soon! Bye for now, and tell me what you thought! Bye!)

Blurry Purple Memories (She-ra, an Entrapdak fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now