Chapter Eight

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Entrapta didn't like this. She didn't like her emotions. 

She didn't want to like Hordak, but she did. She didn't want to cry over him, but she did. She didn't want to see him again, hear him again...but she did. 

She was never this emotional back at home. Her real home. Back in Dryl. Even if it didn't have as much technology as the Fright Zone, and it was quite secluded, it was still her home. 

And she missed it, to tell the truth. She had never missed it when she was at the Fright Zone, but she hadn't cried there. Right now she just wanted to go back home to Dryl, working on robots and getting a supply of tiny food every second. The halls she'd get lost in, the paintings, the...everything, she guessed. 

But she couldn't go back there anymore. So she had to stay here. Maybe. Maybe not.

Gosh, she hated emotions. She was always good at pushing them down, or not really having them at all, but then there came Hordak.

Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid...was that the only word she could use to describe him?

Stupid, uh...bad, mean, ...why was it so hard to find a good insult for Hordak?

'Maybe because you still like him.' 
Entrapta was starting to wonder if she could somehow cut out that annoying part of her brain. No, seriously, she was. If she only had her surgical tools and more materials to study the anatomy of an Etherian brain. 

Probably a good thing she doesn't have those, though.

Either way, Entrapta decided to continue her search for a ventilation system. She made her way back to the bathroom, on her hair, and started searching the cabinets underneath the sink. Mostly just necessities, but there was no harm in looking.

Toothpaste- mint, by the way; a flimsy toothbrush, shampoo, conditioner, "SHRIEK!!", unscented lotion, a razer, "SHRIEK!!", a shriek...

A shriek? Sticking her head out from the cabinets, Entrapta glanced outside the bathroom to see none other than Imp. He seemed to be lightly hovering over something and glanced down at it. After a moment, he'd sit down there, then let out a shriek, and fly up again. Rinse and repeat. 

Entrapta's hair strands shut the cabinet doors as she made her way over to him, bending down to where he had been sitting moments ago. Taking off one of her gloves, she placed a hand over the seemingly smooth floor there, only to feel warm air moving up and out of it. "So this is where it was!" Entrapta noted, taking out her recorder which she anti-climatically had shut off once she finished her sentence on Hordak. 

Clicking it back on, she spoke to both it and Imp at the same time. "Entry number two of Horde Prime's ship. I've finally managed to find the ventilation system!" Entrapta waved her hand over the shaft a few more times as if double-checking, and got the same result. "It appears, so far, to be the only vent shaft in my new...chambers. Yes, that's an adequate description. Anywho, the vent shaft appears to be made out of the same material the floor of the room is, which made it blend in, only that it had small cut areas that let air flow through." Entrapta traced her finger over the vent, and despite her excitement from finding it, she frowned. 

"Sadly, it also appears to be too small for me to fit in..." She paused her recording, glancing around the room a bit as she collected her thoughts. Maybe she could somehow build a tiny robot out of the shower nozzle and send it through the vents. Yeah, she'd smell from lack of shower, but it could-

"Anywho..." Entrapta heard her own voice speak, making her glance at Imp. He looked as if he was urging her to continue, with his head tilted to the side and his tail shifting from side to side slowly as he perched upon Entrapta's head. 

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