Chapter Two

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Entrapta kept reminding herself that she snuck away from Bow to find Scorpia. She was only looking for Scorpia, someone she had always known was her friend. This why she was scouring around the semi ripped apart remains of the Fright Zone. There was no other person she was searching for. No other reason. That's what she told herself, and it worked, for now.

Of course, she couldn't look as deeply as she wanted, seeing that ships were everywhere, but she did her best while hiding. And so far, no luck.

She was wearing her signature mask over face currently as she snooped around. Normally she would have logged this, but the risk was higher than usual. She didn't know if Hord Prime had sent anyone down here yet. She wasn't going to risk that while she was in such an important mission.

She reminded herself of that, too, when she passed by Hordak's lab. The place looked way messier than it usually did, big containers and now unidentifiable pieces of technology lay scattered on the ground, wires and vent hatches open and dripping over the ceiling. A few of them sparked.

She really wanted to log this. What if she found something interesting? Or someone interesting? 'like Scorpia'  she reinforced.

So gently, she moved about the tattered lab, picking up and dropping things left and right. She made sure to be quiet, sneaky, and as unobtrusive as possible. Well, her thoughts weren't so quiet.

'Your in Hordak's lab again. But your not looking for Hordak. Your looking for Scorpia. Scorpia. S-C-O-R-P-I-A. Not H-O-R-D- ...Scorpia. Yeah, cause she'd totally be here. No, go look somewhere else. Why'd you even come here. You don't need to remember any hurt-'


That voice. That was- that was "Hordak?" Entrapta muttered, smiling in hope. She didn't want to smile, she wanted to feel cross at him, but she smiled anyway. But upon turning to the voices origin she found no sign of Hordak. She didn't see anything. Her smile faltered as quickly as it came, embarrassment filling her head.

'You were really looking forward to seeing him weren't you? He sent you to beast island. You don't need him.'

The inner voice pierced her thoughts again, making her feel almost guilty for the reaction she had. Luckily, though, her mask had been on, so even if Hordak was there, he wouldn't see her smile.

Smile. Hordak has a good smile. Mainly because of how rare it was. At least, when he was truly happy, not just being...evil.
Hordak was evil. He brought Hord Prime here. Hordak was only using you for the portal.

"Entrapta." The voice, HIS voice, spoke again. The same tone, the same pitch. Entrapta looked around the area again, thinking she was starting to hallucinate. Hallucinate voices? That should make for an interesting study. She could somehow link it to beast islands noise from before, maybe it followed her, maybe it-

This time a small scree sounded instead of a voice. "Oh." Entrapta looked down finally, seeing the all too familiar face of the small imp. It looked up at her, it's tail wagging in a cautious way, as if trying to figure out if it really was the right person here in front of him.

He hadn't seen her in awhile, and to be honest a part of him missed her. He looked up at her, and when she still didn't do anything, he latched onto her hair, climbing up it's long pigtail and up onto her head. It perched there, as he would do on Hordak so many times.

Entrapta glanced up at the small imp. As far as she knew, this guy couldn't form his own coherent sentences, instead having to use that of others. He was fascinating. Entrapta would have to study him further one day.
That wasn't today though.

"Hordak left you behind too, huh?" Entrapta spoke quietly, still unknowing if other guards were here. The imp cocked its head to the side, opening its mouth and reciting in Hordak's voice, "Hord Prime."

She raised a brow. "I know that." She mumbled, crossing her hair instead of her arms in response. The imp didn't respond, just sitting atop her head in comfort.

Entrapta sighed before undoing her hair and using it to lift her into the vents. It'll be safer up there. From whatever guards there may be to anything..anything else she didn't want to see.

~- - - - -~

Entrapta has been sneaking around for awhile now, going in and out of vents as she sneakily maneuvered her way through the fright zone. Part of her was still thrilled to be here. If this wasn't the apocalypse, she'd probably be picking up scattered pieces of tech and storing them for later. The other part was not very thrilled.

And the imp? While he was great company, he didn't help at all. The only think he kept saying was her name, if he even did speak. Most of the time it was Hordak's voice. But a few times she recognized it as Catra's or Scorpio's. Sometimes that's catch her off guard, making the imp repeat it again. Smart guy. Its as if he was performing his own experiments. Fascinating.

But that would have to wait.

Finding a new opening in the vents, she gently pulled herself down with her long hair. The imp stayed atop her head, just watching as its tail flicked.

"Scorpia?" Entrapta whispered, the imp repeating no less than a second later. Entrapta glanced around, seeing no sign of her friend. Taking a step forward, she was about to call her name again until she heard a 'crunch'.

Looking down, Entrapta just thought it was some old part or piece of the ceiling that had fallen down. Until she saw that it was Purple.

Purple, shiny, had a single word written on it in first ones language, and was currently shattered all over the ground.

That was...
She gave that to him... to Hordak..
And now it was all over the ground... did he do this? Did he...why would he..?

The imp didn't know how to respond. He wasn't there during this. Maybe Hordak did smash that gem...

And as Entraptas eyes started to water under the mask, that voice pierced her head again.

'I told you he was evil.'

Thanks for reading! I decided to make this chapter just about Entrapta, but expect more Hordak soon! Have a good day!

Blurry Purple Memories (She-ra, an Entrapdak fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now