
287 24 30

Chicago, Illinois 


Patton grabbed a change of clothes from his room and went out in search of a bathroom, but not before pulling a shirt on. Patton noticed how Logan had been extremely fidgety around him. His face reddened thinking about it. Does he like me..? He thought. Do I like him...? No, No. I probably won't even see him again after this.

He pondered this on the way to find the showers, even though he had no idea where they were. The layout of the building was really quite simple, but Patton still hadn't been able to find his way around very quickly yet. The top floor was living quarters for agents that were visiting, or people like him, that were 'enlisted' to help. The top floor had bedrooms, bathrooms, and anything someone would need to stay there for a while. But there were a lot of hallways Patton continued to get lost in. After about twenty minutes of mindless wandering, he finally found the showers. Patton kept daydreaming about him and Logan. He internally groaned. Why did he keep fantasizing about something that would never happen? Why couldn't he get Logan out of his head?

It would be nice to have a relationship with someone like Logan, I mean, he seems like a genuinely nice guy. Smart too. Argh! Snap out of it Patton! You barely even know him! He facepalmed himself. Patton turned the shower on and tried not to think about Logan. He thought about how he missed Talyn, even if he had forgotten their events that he promised he would go too, and his home with the leaks in the ceiling.

He thought about how cool the base was. He also thought about how big his assigned room was. It was so much bigger than his house, it didn't leak... Patton turned the faucet off and dried himself off. Patton quickly put on his clothes, still wet. He wasn't watching where he was going and slipped on a puddle. Patton closed his eyes, bracing for his head to hit the wet tile floor.

But the impact never came.

Patton looked around and saw Logan standing there, arms extended.

"I- what?" He said, amazed.

It felt as if the air had hardened around him, like sitting on a chair.

"Patton, are you okay?" Logan asked, concerned.

"Er, yeah thanks, Logan."

Patton felt himself being lifted up and set on his feet. It was a weird feeling, but it was actually really cool! Patton got to witness Logan's powers for the first time, and it was amazing!

"Thanks, Logan!" Patton mentally hit himself. He was repeating things now! Patton tried not to blush or do anything that would embarrass him in front of Logan.

"H-how... I mean... W-why are you here? That sounded so rude. What I'm trying to say is... thank you. Again." Patton had thanked him no less than three times already, just in the last minute. Patton mentally cringed at himself.

"No problem, Patton. You should be more careful where you step." Logan said.

"Tha- right. I will." Patton caught himself before he could thank Logan again.

They stood in awkward silence for a moment before Patton quickly said, "Bye, Logan! I'll see you later, I guess."

He walked out before he embarrassed himself again. Patton really needed a cookie. Or maybe two.

Patton tried to find his way back to his room, but wound up wandering around the hallways for a while.

"Patton, what are you doing?"

Patton screamed before he saw who it was. "Oh jeez, Virgil! You scared me!"

"Yeah, I noticed." Virgil smirked. "So. You and Logan?"

"Wha- what about me and Logan?"

Virgil waved his arms. "Everything about you and Logan. You guys blushing around each other. What's up with that?"

"There's nothing 'up' with us. The only thing up is the sky!" Patton said, nervously.

"Ha. Very funny. Look how hard I'm laughing. But seriously, if I have to see you two being gay disasters, I'm going to puke rainbows."

"I'm not a-"

"Patton, please just ask him out already. It's as clear as day you two like each other!" Virgil sighed, tired of Patton's stubbornness.

"He wouldn't-"

Before Patton could finish his sentence, he was cut off by the loudspeakers turning on with a crackle.

"Attention all level five agents and above, please come to the aircraft hangers immediately," Valerie said over the speakers. "I repeat: all level five agents and above, please come to the aircraft hangers immediately."

"Oh shit, that's us. We should go." Virgil said.

"Hey, language!" Patton told him, but followed Virgil, who seemed to know where he was going.

They found the elevator and pressed the button marked 'hangers' and started to go down. Occasionally an agent or two would join them on the elevator, and they stood in awkward silence that was common on elevators.

The elevator dinged, and everyone stepped out into the aircraft hanger.

Mr. Sanders-Patton still called him that, not Thomas-jogged up to them and the agents and said, "Patton, Virgil, I'm glad you made it. We've been notified of an emergency. Deceit is in the area and is active. Right now. The others should be on their way right now. Speaking of which..." Thomas trailed off as Logan and Roman ran towards them.

"Is there a problem?" Logan asked, panting.

"Yes, nerdy Wolverine, why else would he have called us here? I thought you were the smart one." Roman rolled his eyes at Logan with a smirk. Patton thought it was really rude of Roman to say that, but Patton was afraid he would just embarrass himself if he tried to speak in front of Logan.

"As I was saying, Deceit is in the area. We have to be there before he vanishes again." Thomas said. 

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