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A/N- would y'all be I tested in a q&a style thing for this fic? It will be me and the other author, @ms.horrorshow answering questions (not a character q&a, it's about the authors and the fic itself)

Here's the link if you're interested: 


Tw: manipulation, mentions of death

The helicopter landed on a building. Patton saw the streets below him, with people screaming everywhere, children crying, and rubble from the remains of apartments. He heard Logan shout, "Over there!"

Logan pointed at an apartment building that seemed to flash in and out of existence. No, that couldn't be right.

"Wait, do you guys see that too?" Patton pointed at the flashing building.

"Yeah. That's... that's really, really weird." Virgil replied.

"Well, that must be where Deceit is," Logan said.

"Yeah, we got that, Microsoft Nerd, but how do we get over there?" Roman shouted. Then, Patton mentally facepalmed himself.

Of course! He took a deep breath and concentrated all of his energy into his fingertips. A blue light shone below his feet.

"Guys, Patton can create portals! I forgot about that!" Virgil exclaimed. The portal shone brightly, displaying the inside of the flashing building.

"Everyone, jump in!" Patton shouted.

"I'll go first," Valerie volunteered.

One by one, they all jumped in, Roman nervously staying behind.

"Roman, it's fine! It's like jumping into a pool!" Patton said while trying to coax Roman into jumping into the portal. Virgil got impatient and pushed him in. Roman shouted and fell flat on his face.

"Oh my gosh! Roman, are you okay?!" Patton said, panicked.

Roman gave a thumbs up and Patton helped him up. The rest of the crew jumped in and Patton closed the portal. A foul odor filled the dark room.

"Roman, can you give us some light, please?" Thomas said.

Roman made a tiny flame appear in his left hand. His other hand was gripping tightly on his sword. The group stood in a circle, backs to each other and watching the room for movement.

There were boards sticking up from the floors and rubble everywhere. It looked as if no one had lived there in a while, but if someone did live there, it looked like they lived in a dumpster. Before anyone could speak, they all heard a floorboard creak. Patton jumped, but he didn't want to shout. He knew everyone was scared, him especially. Everyone froze.

"Did you hear that?" Roman asked, his voice quiet. "Not like I'm scared." He hastily added.

"Stop lying, you were scared to jump into a portal." Virgil said.

"Hey, it was a portal! I don't trust them. What if I got teleported to Mars or something?" Roman whined. Virgil rolled his eyes.

"Guys, we have to be alert. We need to focus." Logan said.

"Thanks Teach, anything else you want to say?" Roman responded sarcastically.

"You're a coward." Logan said, monotone.

Roman was about to reply before Thomas cut him off. "Guys, please. Quiet!" he shushed them. "There's someone coming. I can hear them walking." Patton listened, and sure enough, the floorboards creased with the weight of someone walking.

Patton saw a figure standing just outside of the light of Roman's flames. He silently tapped Thomas to let him know, but his hand hit empty air.

"T-Thomas?" Patton nervously whispered. There was no reply. "Roman?" Again, there was no answer. There was still light in the room, still a faint golden glow. But Roman wasn't there. Patton dared to take his eyes off the figure standing just outside the light, and saw that he was alone.

"Who- who are you?" Patton asked. He was terrified, but he didn't want to show it.

"Nobody of importance. Although it's nice to finally meet you, Patton Boneco. Correction: Spectrum. I've heard many good things about you. " He said.

"What did you do with Logan? Where are they?" Patton's voice shook with nervousness.

"You're shaking. Why don't you take a few deep breaths before I reveal myself?" The voice said with a tone of false concern.

"I-I'm not afraid of you."

"Lying? Really? You should know that lying will never fool me."

"Who are you?" Patton whispered, not bothering to try to look brave.

The figure walked toward the light. A face appeared, but the left side was covered in scales. His left eye glowed a bright yellow, resembling a snake's eye. Patton tried to contain his surprise but failed to do so.

"I'm sure you've heard many things about me." Deceit said, circling Patton like a predator does to its prey. Patton was terrified; he couldn't move, couldn't tear his eyes away from the snake-faced villain.

Deceit continued to circle around Patton. Patton tried to move but couldn't. Not because of fear, but because he physically couldn't move his body. It felt like he was being held tightly in Deceit's grip.

"What did you do to me?" Patton tried to fight it, to move his frozen limbs. He could only move his head.

"Don't even try struggling, Patton." He whispered into his ear. "You've abandoned Logan. He's looking for you, but you're not able to tell him that. You're with me now." Deceit laughed silently.

"No! No, that's not real! None of it's real; stop it!" Tears stung Patton's eyes.

"Oh yes, but how do you know if it is real? How will you escape me, Patton? How will you save yourself?" Deceit continued to make Patton doubt himself.

"Stop it! You're just a liar and a killer!" Patton shouted, still frozen to the spot.

Deceit laughed maniacally. Normally Patton loved the sound of laughter, but Deceit was laughing too much; he was crazy.

"Why yes, Patton." Deceit paused. "And you're gonna be my next victim." He said, as he held a knife to Patton's throat. He grinned again, and Patton lost all hope.

"Now, why don't you be a good Patton and be quiet for me."

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