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A/N- holy crap!! This is number 500-ish in Thomas Sanders out of over 5k stories!! Thank you all!!


Chicago, Illinois

TW: Blood, Mentions of death

Logan's prosthetic told him that there was no one there, no one standing just out of the circle of light Roman cast with his fire. But his other eye told him differently. The conflict in his head made him realize only one thing: he had to get away. He didn't see anyone else; one moment, they were all in a defensive circle (a common battle tactic, he remembered, especially for armies who were outnumbered), and the next, they were gone. The light from Roman's fire remained, but Roman himself was gone. Logan's palms became slick with sweat. Where had Patton gone?

Logan started walking away from the circle of light the small flame cast. He knew it could be dangerous, with holes in the ground- maybe everyone fell? But no, someone would have shouted out. Logan stepped out of the light, but it followed him, trailing behind him like a torch bearer. Logan heard floorboards creak behind him.

"Why do you run, Logan?" A voice said. He couldn't see who said that, but Logan wanted to know who was that was speaking to him. But Logan didn't reply. He tried to keep his wits about him and separate fiction from reality. What was real, what was fake?

"Logan, stay. I won't hurt you." The voice said again.

"Show yourself," Logan demanded.

"So bossy." The voice laughed. "But very well, if you insist."

He stepped into the illuminated circle of the room, and Logan instantly recognized him, even from the one blurry picture.

"Logan, so glad you came!" Deceit exclaimed in fake surprise. "Of course, we were expecting you."

"Where is everyone?" Logan shouted. "And who is 'We'?"

"Such a harsh tone." Deceit said as he put one hand gently on his chest. "Don't you think, Patton?"

Deceit stepped aside to reveal Patton frozen and kneeling behind him.

"He can't respond right now. He tried to lie to me. So I stopped him from lying." Deceit said, amused.

Logan couldn't show Deceit that he knew this was obviously fake. He said nothing. He kept a poker face on.

"You don't know anything about me except for the fact that I have powers," Logan yelled.

"Wrong. I pulled some strings to get more info about all of you. But enough of that." Deceit said with a bored expression.

Logan knew that this was fake, but he had a gut feeling Patton was in Deceit's clutches.

"This isn't real. I know it isn't." Logan said with confidence. As soon as he said those words, Patton's skin cracked, spider-webbing across his skin, and he shattered into thousands of pieces before his eyes.

"I knew you were smarter than that." Deceit said, smirking. "But how do you know if the real Patton is actually safe?" Deceit's voice bounced off the walls. A knife appeared in Deceit's hand. Deceit snapped and the real Patton spawned beside him. He put his arm around the real Patton's shoulders. The sight made Logan sick; a murderer with his arms around Patton.

"You know, taunting you with the real Patton is so much better than an illusion." Deceit said with a huge smile on his face. "I could hurt him! Maybe even kill him!"

Logan stood still, trying to show Deceit that this didn't bother him. Patton might have not been able to move his body, but his eyes showed the terror he was experiencing.

"Does this bother you even more Logan? It is the real Patton after all." Deceit said. Logan said nothing. He tried to control his anger by taking deep breaths.

"No? Nothing? Well, what if I did this?" Deceit said. What Logan saw next disgusted him. He watched as Deceit pulled out a knife and put it against Patton's throat. Patton shivered and tried not to move his head. Logan couldn't take it anymore. He lunged for Deceit. Deceit stepped to the side, expecting the reaction.

"I knew that would get to you." Deceit laughed.

Deceit and Patton disappeared in front of Logan. He looked around the dirty room, trying to find them. All he heard was laughter coming from every direction, echoing off the walls.

Before Logan could say anything, he felt as if he was falling through the rotted floorboards. He flailed his arms, trying to catch hold of something, anything to keep him from falling. He felt weightless, terrified- the feeling was all too familiar to him; no matter how many days passed, he would always remember that feeling of helplessness when he crashed his car and tumbled down the hill, breaking his bones and losing sight. He fell for what seemed like an eternity, only stopping when he hit a smooth concrete floor.

Patton was there again, only this time not himself.

Logan knew it wasn't real. But it looked so real- Patton's wound on his neck, gushing blood. His body lying on the cold concrete; the red bloomed around him, turning his normally light blue shirt brown. Logan clutched the sides of his head thinking somehow that would make the situation better.

"Keep struggling Logan. Your petty attempts at breaking free from my grasp is quite amusing." Deceit's voice said.

Keep struggling- that's what Deceit wanted him to do. Logan forced himself to relax as the scene changed again, from Patton's body to- Joan? No, Logan knew that Joan was at home, probably laying on the couch and watching Netflix. They weren't trapped in a glass coffin, screaming at Logan that it was his fault. No, that wasn't real.

Logan took a deep breath, trying to calm himself, trying to drown out Joan's screams. Suddenly, Logan had an idea- a crazy, insane idea, but it might work. He covered his right eye.

The prosthetic left eye blurred his vision, but he saw the edges of the room fade away, until Logan was left standing in the defensive circle he remembered. But everyone else had collapsed on the rotted wood planks, eyes closed.

The only person missing was Patton.

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