Twenty Nine

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TW: minor swearing

Idiots. All of them. They should have listened to me when I told them to. Now look at what happened. They should have listened to me, now Deceit is gone and everyone is in danger.

Logan stormed out of the meeting room, walking down the empty halls. He didn't have a destination in mind, only that he had to leave S.T.A.R. and clear his head, try to think of a plan to recapture him.

Logan saw red. Why didn't they listen to him? Were they so dense to think that Deceit wouldn't escape? Thank you! Thank you all for nothing, Logan thought to himself. He had left his home and his family to help them on a dangerous mission that could probably get him killed.

He stormed out of the doors into the street. Logan saw the skyline of Chicago silhouetted against the setting sun, the light reflecting off the mirrored buildings.

Think, think. If I were Deceit, where would I be, Logan asked himself.

Of course. Protected by the thousands of witnesses in the city. But where would people still be out- of course, one of the biggest tourist attractions in the city: Navy Pier.

He ran as fast as he could. People and buildings became a blur. All he was thinking about was capturing Deceit and bringing him back to base. The thought of that made Logan feel a little better. Then he stopped. What if he's disguised as a citizen? Logan thought. A voice in his head assured him that Deceit would see him and react. A superhero all alone? He wouldn't miss the chance! He smirked to himself. He continued to run and run. The scenery changed from the city with skyscrapers to something out of a little kid's dream. It must have been about an hour before Logan stopped running and looked at his surroundings instead of searching every face for one with half a snake's. About Logan knew it was unlikely he would ever find Deceit like that, running wildly through the city. His breath clouded in the cold air, and Logan realized how cold he was and that he forgot to bring a jacket.

Well, shit. It's not like I can go back for a coat.

Logan was lost in thought and didn't realize how uneven the ground was, and he lost his footing and fell, but before he hit the ground with a thud, he felt someone catch him.

"Are you alright?" They asked him.

"Yes, tha-" Logan stopped. He looked up at who caught him. A tall, fair skinned man that looked to be in his mid-twenties stared back at him, but his left pupil resembled something of a snake's eye.

"What is it, Logan? Cat got your tongue?" The stranger smirked. Logan's face immediately contorted into a glare. He balled his hands into fists. Logan wanted nothing more than to punch Deceit right in his grinning face, or maybe use his powers to 'accidentally' push him off a tall building. Though Logan was much taller than Deceit, Logan still felt fear for what the snake-faced man could do.

"You don't want to cause a scene here. I'm just an ordinary citizen, unlike you. What do you think the others would think? A superhero beating up a helpless person? Not to mention the scene it would cause, getting into a fight here, in such a public area. And if you do tell them, they won't believe you again." Deceit explained.

"Fine. I suppose you're right." Logan grunted.

"Why don't we sit down and talk, hm?" Deceit gestured with a gloved hand to a wooden bench. Logan reluctantly sat next to the reptilian-eyed heterochromatic psychopath that had stabbed Patton- oh, Patton. Logan wished he could go back and say how sorry he was for calling Patton a coward, for saying everything he did to him.

"So, Logan Discite." Deceit started. "I don't believe we've properly met yet." Logan didn't take his eyes off Deceit, especially since Logan knew Deceit could disappear at any minute.

"What else is there to know about me?" Logan growled.

"I'm sorry?" Deceit said.

"You said that you have information about us." Logan responded.

"Well, that doesn't mean I know everything about you. Just what I need to know about you to take you down." Deceit answered.

"What do you want to know?" Logan finally gave in.

"How's life at home? What do you do when you aren't tracking me down or fighting? Are you in a relationship?" Deceit asked.

"Life's alright, Rest or study, I'm not answering that." Logan responded.

"Awwww why not? Someone as good looking as you?" Deceit said. Logan glared back at Deceit. Deceit just put his gloved hands in the air as if to say 'just asking'.

"Stop with the small talk, just tell me what you want from me," Logan said.

"What makes you think I want anything from you? No, no, it's more like what I want from Thomas. You know, the one who's currently in distress about what happened. Especially about what you said to your, what are they? Former friends? I doubt they want anything to do with you now. Especially since you were so, so rude to them. If my information is correct, which it always is, you called your dear friend Patton a coward. And might I add, after he went through so much."

"Shut up! Just stop talking!" Logan shouted. He stood up from the bench. "You have no right to talk about them like that!"

But there was still the kernel of doubt in his mind- they were the first real group of friends Logan had. Of course there was Joan, but- it was actually kind of nice to have multiple people he could count on. Did he ruin that all by himself in less than ten minutes?

"Logan, Logan, Logan. You have no idea what you've done, do you?" Deceit laughed. "You ruined all chances of anyone helping you."

"What do you mean? I don't need help." Logan protested. Deceit shook his head.

"Oh, yes you do." Deceit said. "You're gonna need it." Logan felt a rag cover his mouth. Instinctively, he inhaled sharply through his nose out of shock. Stupid! Why did you do that?! Logan internally scolded himself. The sweet, sickly, scent pervaded his nose. He knew he had about a minute before he passed out. He struggled against the other person's grip as hard as he could. He could feel himself getting dizzier within the passing seconds.

Logan successfully got out of the person's grip, using his powers to throw his assailant off him. Logan tried to run, his vision blurring as he attempted to get away, but he tripped over his own feet and started to fall. He felt hands catch him before his head hit the ground.

Logan tried to shout out once more, tried to use his powers again to get away from Deceit, but his attempts were futile.

The last thing he heard before his world turned black was Deceit instructing his accomplice, "Make sure no one saw."

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