Thirty Six

107 10 14

TW: blood, gore, mentions of death, Remus

Logan's hands shook with pain.

I am nothing. I deserve this. He thought. Logan didn't know if they were his own thoughts or Remus's that had been planted in his head. "It's fine. It isn't you, these thoughts you're thinking," Logan whispered to himself, even though he didn't quite believe his own words.

His hands were covered in bruises and his own blood. He started to scrape off the dried blood from his nails. The cold, dark room seemed to cave in on him. He had already accepted his death, but it never seemed to come.

Logan sat down in a corner, looking around the room. Logan had taken note of everything the first day he had been shoved into the closet-sized prison. The air was freezing, no doubt a deterrent against Roman. The room was coated in metal, and extremely strong magnets dotted the corners, probably to stop Patton from portaging in. Logan had tried to keep his mind clear of Patton for fear that Remus would twist his memories of him.

He had tried to reach for the door, but his bruised hand stopped just inches from the doorknob every time.

He didn't know where he was. Logan didn't know if anyone was outside or if he was a completely different country. He didn't know how much time had passed. Logan doubted if he will ever leave this hell on Earth. Everyday, Remus came in to inflict more pain on Logan. More cuts and bruises appeared every day. Logan slightly lifted up his shirt to reveal stitches where he was stabbed the first day he was there. He came to the conclusion that Remus took care of the wounds that could potentially kill him. He knew that Remus wanted to keep Logan alive as long as possible to get answers from him. Logan knew how harshly he treated his teammates, but he wanted their help. He heard the door open up and light spilled into the room.

"Hi, Logan! Did you get any sleep?" Remus sang. He had something in his hand. Logan just closed his eyes. "Awww, don't be like that! We have a whole day ahead of us!" Remus practically skipped to Logan. Logan felt his body sit up. He didn't try to struggle anymore, this was his life now.

"Now take this hammer." Remus instructed. Logan did as he was told. "Good boy."

"Smash your dominant hand." Remus grinned. Logan's eyes widened with shock. The hand with the hammer hovered above his left hand. It started to reel backwards as if its was ready to hit it. Logan couldn't move. He could do nothing to stop Remus. The hammer hit his hand with a loud crunch. Logan yelled out in pain. He knew that his hand was definitely broken. Logan already saw a bruise forming where he hit his hand. Remus just laughed.

"You're a monster." Logan heaved. Remus shrugged. He then looked at the hammer.

"You keep trying to escape, Logan. I'm so tired of having to stop you everytime you go near the door," Remus began. Logan felt his right hand grab the hammer again, but now over his foot. "Why don't we make sure you try not to escape? Permanently." The hammer started hitting Logan's right foot repeatedly. Logan wanted to stop. He wanted to get out of there. Over and over, the hammer pounded his foot. He heard loud snapping coming from his foot. He couldn't stop himself from crushing his bones, even as Logan cried through pain.

Remus just watched as he suffered.

His foot started to hurt like it never had before, not even in- not even when his car had tumbled down the hill with Logan inside it.

It started bleeding and his foot was swelling up, turning purple and black.

"That should do it. I broke all the bones in your foot so you can't escape. Well, you broke them, not exactly me." Logan glared at him.

"Where's Deceit?" He asked, gasping through signals of pain his nerves sent to his head.

"He's currently posing as you to fool the others. They're really gullible." Remus answered. "Patton found out though. Of course, I erased his memory before he could do anything."

"No- no, that's not possible-" Logan didn't want to believe it. Deceit, disguised as him? No, no!

"Well, Logan, it is possible. It's also apparently quite easy."

"Shut up! Just shut up! I swear if you hurt them-"

"Well, Deceit has been favoring Patton like you do."

"NO! You don't have the right to say his name! You two are murderers!" Logan screamed, his voice cracking. He tried to stand up and look Remus in the eyes, but forgot that his foot was injured and fell. Remus just laughed and started to close the door. Logan gasped in pain. He tried to scoot himself closer to the door to try to stop him, but it was too late. The door slammed in his face, and the realization struck through him. Deceit had won. There was nothing he could do. He positioned himself so that his back touched the door. I'm going to be here forever... he thought. He put his head in his arms and started sobbing. Deceit has everyone wrapped around his finger. Even if I could somehow escape, Deceit could accuse me of being him.

There was nothing Logan could do that would end well. He couldn't escape, not with his bruised, broken foot and hand, and he couldn't wait for someone to come looking for him. Nobody knew where he was, and even if they did, Deceit and Remus would always have the upper hand.

But the question remained of why Logan was being kept alive. Surely Deceit could have let Remus kill him already? Unless- that was it! Logan was useful to them somehow.

Of course! Logan had all the information about Thomas, STAR, and everyone's powers!

So the only bargaining chip Logan had was himself, he grimly realized.

That didn't do him much good, Logan realized as he cradled his broken hand, trying to ease the pain. The only way Logan could possibly get out of the situation was putting a knife to his own throat and bargaining with his life.

But if Logan found a way to do it, it would have to be soon.

Before Logan's usefulness ran out, and Deceit decided to kill him.

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