
265 20 14


Chicago, Illinois

TW: blood, mentions of death, death threats

Virgil opened his eyes with a start. He was floating. He saw stars and galaxies around him. Shooting stars passing in the distance. Virgil stood up, or attempted to. He was still floating. Time sped up and slowed down at the same time. It was quiet and peaceful. No sounds. It was as if the whole universe was on pause.

Stars from billions of lightyears away twinkled as if to say 'hello'.

Virgil felt... calm. He basked in weightlessness and the stars.

Until he realized this wasn't a dream. It was an illusion. And his friends were in danger. As soon as the realization struck him, he started falling. Falling for miles and miles. He could no longer see the stars. He could no longer see the beautiful galaxies. He felt weightless, his hoodie billowing out like a parachute but useless against slowing his seemingly endless fall.

He was plummeting back to Earth, away from the galaxies and stars. When his back hit the floor, he saw that he was back in the dirty building.

"Hello, Virgil." A voice echoed off the walls.

"Where are you? Show yourself, NOW." Virgil glared around the room, trying to find where the voice came from.

"That's not a very nice tone, Virgil."

"Stop it. Either show yourself or shut up!"

"You're just as bossy as Logan. Do you people have no chill?" The voice chuckled.

"I could be more chill if I could see your ugly face!"

"Ha! Already judging? I thought I knew you better than this, Virgil."

"Shut up! You don't know anything about me." Virgil shouted.

"You should know testing me isn't a good idea." The voice said, its humor wearing off.

"No, you're the one testing me! Stop the illusion, NOW." Virgil demanded.

"Oh , but I thought you would like it. Don't want to get angry like last time, do you?" Virgil could hear it smirking.

Virgil closed his eyes. Just breathe, He reminded himself. He dug his fingernails into his palms, trying to get out of the illusion.

"Hm, you're doing better than I expected. Maybe I should raise the stakes."

Virgil tried to ignore the voice, he tried so hard to ignore Deceit. But he was failing. His eyes opened, though he tried to keep them closed. What he saw terrified him. It wasn't the actual scene; Dr. Picani's office was as nice as always, stuffed animals on the shelves and Disney posters on the walls.

But Picani wasn't... him.

"So Virgil, how are you feeling today? Better than last time?" Picani's voice said, sickly sweet.

"You're not Picani. This is fake."

"Is it, Virgil? Or do you just not want to accept reality? You're weak, trying to keep yourself safe and happy. Well, guess what, Virgil. This is the truth. The cold, hard truth. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you will stop fighting me. Now, why don't you tell me how you are feeling? I'm trying to help you after all." The fake Picani smiled as he held up a notebook.

Virgil picked the inside of his hand, knowing that pain would stop the illusion, or at least make it weaker. He pinched himself while Picani kept asking him questions, prying. Virgil finally, finally watched as the edges of his vision started to blur, Picani's room starting to fade away.

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