Welcome !

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Mateo P.O.V

"Well, let's get started shall we ?" I said after the incredible embarrassment I just lived.

"Yes of course" Liam politely responded.

We got out of the office into the still empty hallways.

"Well, Welcome to your new school! I'm here to explain to you how does everything works and help you if you need it. But before we start, yes, I was checking you out" I boldly affirmed.

I stopped and turned around to see him burst out laughing. His laugh was damn contagious and I couldn't help myself but laugh as well.

"And don't be modest, I'm sure you are used to it" I added, with pure honesty.

"I can't deny, people often look at me, and I could have guessed, but I didn't expect this," he said, still laughing.

"Expect what ?" I rose my eyebrows.

"That you would blurt it out right now" he replied with a smirk.

"Well, it must have been very embarrassing for you as well, so I apologize. But I think admitting it is much better than letting the awkwardness invade the discussion for the next thirty minutes"

"Ahah, well I think you're right! Assuming things makes it much harder to be embarrassed by them" he replied with his perfect smile.

"You see, we already have something in common, isn't that fantastic ?" I sarcastically said.

"Yeah, I think it's great" he seemed to be honest, which startled me.

I guided him through the school, explaining how classroom numbering worked, what equipment we had in the science building, where was the library. We finished the tour by going to the cafeteria. Hallways were now overcrowded, and every single student was staring at us as I explained things and stories.
The sun was rising by now, as we finished our tour in the schoolyard.

"Well, I tried to do it the fun way, which is probably a failure, but I hope you feel a good vibe from this school," I said as a conclusion.

"Well, actually, it was really fun"

"Oh, I almost forgot! The football team can reopen tryouts for you if you want. Honestly, they dream of it every day since the moment you were announced" I jocked, even if a part of it was true.

"And what if I don't ?" He said with a smirk.

"Well... nothing happens I suppose? Oh and also be careful. There are four types of people here. The nice's one, rare, but still, some of the students here are really nice. Those who can be attracted by men. They will all want to have sex with you. Gays included obviously. Those who will be extra nice with you, they want to climb the social ladder, and finally, those who will be extra rude with you, they're just jealous" I concluded.

He laughed again, apparently not used to be told things without sugar-coating it.

"And where would you put yourself ?" He asked, amused by the situation.

I didn't expect it but I sincerely thought about my answer for a few moments. I wasn't particularly nice, and I didn't give a damn about social elevation.

"The horny one's for sure" I finally admitted, which caused him to laugh again.

I loved making him laugh, it was so satisfying. Once he calmed down, he looked around, before adding.

"Hum who the guy right there who's staring at you ?"

It was my turn to laugh.

"He's not staring at me, he's certainly checking you out. Come on you look like a Greek god !"

"Well thank you, but he's staring at you, I'm sure"

I turned around to see him. Nathan. The jock I dated in secret last year. Well, it was a secret until one of his friends saw us kissing at a party. Nathan swore to everyone he was wasted that night. And he was the one who convinced me to go to that shitty party! So for the rest of the year, I had been the faggot abusing drunk people. I hoped karma would ruin his life, but he's still one of the popular kids ruling this place with his gorgeous face and perfect life.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked" Liam suddenly added, seeing the pain on my face.

"No no don't apologize it's ok. Let's say he's just one of my personal failures" I responded.

I walked him to his first period. A lot of football players were there and shot daggers at me.

"Well, don't worry, in a few hours, you'll be the next leader of this place. Everyone wants to befriend you. Enjoy your first period" I nicely added before walking to mine. I hadn't realized it, but it was really fun to be with him. "Well, now he's going to be popular, and will certainly never talk to me again," I thought sadly.

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