Family dinner

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Liam P.O.V

I watched Mateo walk as he decided to go home by foot. I couldn't help thinking about this morning. I was awake way before him and enjoyed so much having him in my arms. Of course, he jumped out of the bed when he saw us like that, but I would have preferred if he didn't.
I came back to the kitchen, ready to have some quality time with my dad.

"He seems very nice" commented my father when I sat next to him on the couch.

"Yeah, he is. What about you dad? How are you ?" I asked.

I swore I saw sadness in his eyes at that moment but didn't push it.

"I'm ok. Business is good, and my sons are alright, so everything is good. How are things with your brother ?"

"The usual. Since I changed school, we barely talk, and when we do, we argue" I admitted.

"Don't be too harsh with him. I'm personally convinced he had too much pressure as the first son, and he feels like he has to go to a good college, etc"

"But he knows it's not true. You would have respected him !" I exclaimed.

"Of course, and we talked about it multiple times, but I think he doesn't want to be seen as weak" my father explained.

We talked for a long time before I decided to do some sport. I went to our personal gym and started one of my sports programs. I was even more motivated than usual, considering that Mateo loved my body. I knew it because he was anything but subtle about it. What I enjoyed the most was being half-naked when he didn't expect it. I could see his eyes automatically going down my 8 pack abs.
I loved how sincere he was about everything, mentally and physically.
My brother suddenly barged into the gym, barely looking at me.
I spent an hour with him next to me before going out to shower.
The evening arrived very quickly, and I had a bad feeling about our family dinner.
When the time arrived, we were all in the car, heading to our usual family dinner restaurant.
A lot of memories came back to my mind. I was nostalgic about all the very good moments we lived in there. Good memories of me and my brother, when times were good.
We arrived, and soon, we were small talking.

"So Philip, how is college ?" Asked my father.

I noticed my mother seemed nervous.

"It's good. I'm learning so many things, and the people there are decent" my brother replied, looking at me while saying the word 'decent'.

I started to get irritated. I knew he was talking about Mateo since he's the only one from my school he met.

"Listen, both of you. I want this dinner to be about communication in our family. I know there's a lot of tensions between the two of you, and I want to make things right" my father explained.

We both stayed silent. I sincerely didn't know what to say.

"Well maybe you should start Liam" my mother suddenly said.

"Start about what ?" I replied, getting very angry, and anxious at the same time.

I knew where this was going, and the fact that she was forcing me to tell my father about it made me furious.

"You know what I'm talking about" she calmly said.

"Can I know ?" Asked my father, who was a bit lost.

"Yeah, talk about you Liam, I think you have something to say" added my brother.

Now I was way beyond furious.

"Excuse me ?! If I want to say something, I will. But if I don't, I would like you to respect my decision" I replied, talking to my mother and my brother.

"Look at you, you're such a coward! Changing school, hiding things. At the moment things get complicated, you run away like a child" my brother exclaimed.

"Fuck you! I didn't ask for your opinion, and I certainly don't want it! Maybe the day this family will be less despising, I will open up !" I started to scream. 

"There you go! Playing the victim again !" My brother shot back.

"Boys, stop it now !" My father exclaimed.

We both stopped, but we were both fuming.

"What's happening? Liam, I'm your father, you should be able to talk to me" he added.

I stayed silent, but I felt tears were coming.

"You have to know that Liam is... is not... is different" my mother finally whispered hesitantly.

"Stop it" I warned her.

"He's ... not only interested in wome-"

I hit the table so hard that the noise echoed in the whole restaurant.

"Seriously ?! This is what this dinner is about ?! I can't believe this !" I screamed.

"Liam-" started my mother.

"Shut up! First, stop being shy about saying the word 'gay'! Or 'lesbian', or all the others as a matter of fact! Second, I'm fucking normal! Liking guys is something fucking natural !" I yelled.

"Oh god, Liam! Do you have dignity ?! Stop screaming, you're embarrassing us! And being attracted by people like this Mateo guy is not normal !" My brother answered back.

"Say one more thing about Mateo, and I swear you'll spend the night in a hospital" I threatened him.

"So you like him" my mother affirmed.

"Fine! Since I can't have a private life, yes I fucking like him! And let's go into the details while we're at it! I want to kiss him, love him, and make love to him since the day we met. You really want the juicy details about it !? Because I can talk about how I masturbate thinking of him as well you know !" I completely lost it at that moment.

I stood up, and walked away, while the entire restaurant was staring at me. They all knew about my sexual life, but I couldn't care less.
I started to walk away from the restaurant when my brother caught up with me.

"Seriously Liam ?"

Before he could tell anything else, I punched him as hard as I could. I didn't miss the target and felt I broke his nose.

"Shut up. Do not come close to me ever again! And if you try to harm Mateo or anyone else close to him, I'll kill you" I affirmed.

I couldn't take it. I walked the whole way back home. Now, I needed to talk to Mateo, to confess my feelings to him. I needed him to be mine more than ever. I needed him.

Thanks for the people voting and commentating on my story. I really appreciate it! And it makes me very happy to see such positives comments!

Love from otters!

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