Life goes on

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Mateo P.O.V

I woke up in the soft fabrics of the bed. Damn, those beds were so comfortable. I slowly opened my eyes, and the sunlight invaded my vision. I slowly got used to it, and really looked at the guest room. It was spacious, clean, and modern. Then, I realized I was smelling Liam's tee-shirt, and that I probably slept like this all night. I prayed Liam didn't see me like this. Considering the colors in the cloudless sky, I deduced it was early. It was a beautiful sunrise by the way.
I got up and stared at the door.
"Should I stay or should I go" came in my mind as I hesitated to get out and wake up Liam, or stay and wait for him. I mostly didn't want to meet his rude brother or his parents right now. My hair was a mess, so I tried to fix things as much as I could and put them behind my ears. I finally decided to get out.
Of course, on my way to his bedroom, which was next door, I meet his brother who barged in the corridor. He stopped dead in his track when he saw me and looked straight in my direction.

"You're up early" he finally said with blandly.

I stayed still and silent. I sincerely didn't know what to say.

"Who are you ?" He asked.

"Hum one of Liam's ...friend, from school" I replied, hesitating on the word 'friend'.

"So you're one them" he replied with a hint of disgust.

I suddenly burst out laughing. I knew he was talking about social rank, because Liam already told me about his snob brother, but I didn't believe him as I always thought rich snobs were a cliché from movies. Apparently not though.

"Yes, I'm from the middle-class ouuuuuuuh" I teased, moving my fingers toward him.

"Watch out it's contagious" I added, still laughing about how dumb this guy was.

He was visibly shocked by my reaction. It was obvious on his face, and I enjoyed it a lot.

"Could you tell me what time is it please ?" I asked, wanting to be sure it wasn't too early to wake Liam up.


I rose my eyebrows and moved toward the stairs at the end of the corridor.

"What are you doing ?" He asked.

"Searching for a clock" I answered casually.

I heard him knock at Liam's door, and turned around to look at him. "Ok that's another way to do things," I told myself.

"Faggot, your friend is up"

"God, am I dreaming? Why do everyone around me is a homophobe these last few days ?! My sister, the football team, him, why ?!" I thought. The football team never said anything about my homosexuality before the party I kissed Nathan and had only been a homophobe about this specifically. Yesterday was the first real homophobic aggression from them.

"You have a problem with gays ?" I asked out loud, approaching him.

He seemed surprised I said 'gay' without whispering or something. 

"Because I'm gay, and the word 'faggot' is clearly insulting" I continued, looking straight in his eyes.

He didn't answer. I saw he tried to speak multiple times, but no sound came from him. After a moment of embarrassment, Liam suddenly opened his door, shirtless.

"Go away," he said to his brother with the coldest tone I had ever heard.

His brother walked away, and before I could even get inside his room, he spoke again.

"Tell me he didn't insult you or something"

"Don't worry, he didn't" I replied with a smile, trying discreetly to look at his perfect upper body.

Once inside, I immediately looked at my phone, and saw several texts, from my friends.

"I heard what happened, but fortunately, Liam was there. Thanks, him for me. Tell me you're alive as soon as you see this." from Jay.

"I can't believe it! I hope Liam stayed with you. I'm worried so answer as soon as you can. Those sons of a bitch are going to pay for this I swear" from Stella.

I replied to both of them that I was alive and that I stayed with Liam. Once I was done, I looked up and tried to hide my disappointment when I saw Liam fully dressed.

"Ok breakfast first, I'll drop you off at your place after alright ?"

"Fine by me" I answered.

I felt so good with him taking care of me. I followed him through his mansion to arrive in a kitchen.

"Pancakes ?" He asked.

"You cook ?" I asked back, a bit surprised.

"Yes, I'm not desperate" he teased with a smile.

"That's not what I meant! I mean, I thought you had someone to cook for you" I explained, feeling a bit stupid.

"We do, but I like to cook for myself from time to time"

And he didn't lie. He knew what he was doing because his pancakes were a masterpiece.

"My God, can you be more perfect ?" I blurted as I had mini orgasms with every bit.

He laughed, and we joked for a while. We soon climbed in his car.

"Thank you, for yesterday and today. I don't what I would have done without you" I admitted.

"Don't worry about it, I enjoyed spending time with you" he smirked.

Once at my place, I got out and came inside after saying goodbye.

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