The past

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Liam P.O.V

I felt so guilty when I saw him almost running from school at the end of this horrible day.
When I saw 'Rapist' on his locker, concern invaded me. And I was right. Even if he hid it, he was more hurt by this situation than he wanted to admit. Typical denial. I recognized the emotionless attitude he had all day.
I was the one who invited him and the one who promised to protect him at this party. He needed protection from those people and I was too late that night.
I was talking to myself, inhaling fresh air when someone interrupted me.

"I deserved that punch"

I turned around only to see that jerk, Nathan, with a nice wound on his bottom lips.

"Of course you deserve it you bastard, all of this is because of you" I scoffed.

He didn't answer.

"Why are you here ?" I harshly asked.

He scratched the back of his neck.

"Hum... well Mateo's friend hate me more than anything, and I was wondering if you could... help me ... to fix things with him," he asked shyly.

"Why me? I punched your face today"

"Well Mateo refuses to talk to me and his friends hate me even more. You're the only person who doesn't hate me that much around him"

"I hate you, maybe not as much as them, but still. I'm certainly not going to help you, I can't trust you. But you could maybe publicly come out of the closet, and explain that he didn't abuse you. That could maybe help him? What do you think ?" I sarcastically said.

I felt a wave of anger mixed with jealousy. Deep inside of me, a voice kept repeating "this guy seduced Mateo in the past, so he can do it again" and that disturbed me. He had Mateo's heart in his hand and he broke it, and this thought made me furious. I wasn't going to help him.

"You're a coward. You let the entire school bullied him just to save your reputation" was all I said as I started to walk toward my car.

I put my hands in my pockets and felt a piece of paper. It was the "Burger Time" bill I found in Mateo's jacket when I washed it after the party. I completely forgot about that Lucas guy. "Maybe I should make a move quickly before another son of a bitch take his heart and break it," I told myself.
I turned on the engine and drove back home. I was thinking about how I could hang out more with Mateo until I was back home.
I heard my mother calling for me in the kitchen, and smelled dinner in the corridors.

"Hello sweetie! Helena is here as well, she's having dinner with us, is that ok ?"

That bitch. She tried all my life to get me married to her. Helena was one of the rich snobs, just like my brother. She was the sexy daughter of one of my father's oldest associates.

"Liam! It's been a while !" Helena exclaimed with her unbearable piercing voice.

"Hi" I blandly responded.

I went to my bedroom and settled down on my bed. I wanted to text Mateo, or even call him, but couldn't. I didn't even ask his number! In the meantime, my mother was trying to keep me on the right path of heterosexuality. The positive point was that my brother came back to college. But between him or Helena, I sincerely didn't know which one was the best option.

"Liam dinner is ready !"

"Great, here we go again," I told myself. I came back into the kitchen and followed them into the living room.
We sat around the table, and my mother began to serve dinner.

"So Liam, I heard you changed school. How are you doing in your new one ?"

"Great" I kept my answers simple.

My mother gives me a "make an effort !" look, and I knew she was the one who organized this meeting.

"And you ?" I tried to sound more interested in our conversation.

I didn't even listen to her response. I ate as fast as I could and made up an excuse to get out of here.

"I don't feel well, I'm going out for a walk"

It wasn't a complete lie though.

"I'm coming with you !" Enthusiastically replied Helena.

"No, I like to be alone when I walk"

That was a lie, but I didn't care. I rushed to my car and drove to Mateo's house. I didn't really know why I came here, but when I arrived, I saw him dancing and singing through his bedroom window. It was just so cute. That's when I realized I needed to spend more time. I climbed out of the car and stayed there for a few minutes. But suddenly, his gaze fell on me, and he jumped to the side of his window. The next moment, his face reappeared, with embarrassment written all over his face. I smirked at how cute he was, but then realized what I just did was super creepy. "Shit, I need to leave !!" I thought, but before I could, I heard him open the front door.

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